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cds fo sale

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prices include first class shipping in plastic sleeves:

Dexter Gordon: Dexter's Mood. Various recordings, 1945-47, including Savoy and with Wardell Gray. Cool and Blue. $8

Duke Ellington. Carnegie Hall, November 1, 1948. 2 Cds, contains, according to the cover, the only recorded Duke performance of Lush Life. Don't ask me. Vintage Jazz Classics. $12.

Buck Clayton. Olympia Concert 1961. Live in France with Emmett Berry, Dicky Wells, Earl Warren, Buddy Tate, Sir Charles Thompson, Oliver Jackson. $7.

Cliff Jackson, 1930-1945. Chronological Classics. $5.

Bill Challis and his Orch. 1936. with Artie Shaw, Jack Jenney Frank Signorelli. Circle. $6.

Eric Dolphy. Music Matador. Le Jazz/Charly. $6.

Benny Carter. Symphony in Riffs. ASV. $6.

George Benson. Live at Casa Caribe, vlume 3. With Duvivier, Mickey Tucker. $8.

Benny Goodman Volume II: Clarinet A La King. Columbia. $6.

Benny Goodman Volume III: All the Cats Join In. Columbia. $6.

Venuti and Lang. Jazz Portraits. (decent Euro issue). $6.

Don Byas. Live at Ronnie Scott's: Autumn Leaves. Release on Ronnie Scott's Jazz House. With Stan Tracey $6.

Lorez Alexandria. The Great. Impulse. $10.

Chris McGregor's Brotherhood of the Breath: Brotherhood. Fledg'ling. $11.

prefer paypal: alowe@maine.rr.com. Email me at same

Edited by AllenLowe
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if someone buys the Dexter, I will throw in a Dave Schildkraut cd at no charge.

I'm doing this because though everybody professes to love Dexter, I have yet to sell a single one of his cds...

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ :cool:

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thanks -

here's what's left:

Dexter Gordon: Dexter's Mood. Various recordings, 1945-47, including Savoy and with Wardell Gray. Cool and Blue. $8

Cliff Jackson, 1930-1945. Chronological Classics. $5.

Bill Challis and his Orch. 1936. with Artie Shaw, Jack Jenney Frank Signorelli. Circle. $6.

Eric Dolphy. Music Matador. Le Jazz/Charly. $6.

Benny Carter. Symphony in Riffs. ASV. $6.

George Benson. Live at Casa Caribe, vlume 3. With Duvivier, Mickey Tucker. $8.

Lorez Alexandria. The Great. Impulse. $10.

prefer paypal: alowe@maine.rr.com. Email me at same

Edited by AllenLowe
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I'm doing this because though everybody professes to love Dexter, I have yet to sell a single one of his cds...

hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm........ :cool:

But...but...you did sell at least two Dexter sides. To me! I got a couple of the Black Lion CD's from you.

I already have the one listed here. (And I have a feeling that whole "eternal life" thing is probably overrated.)

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didn't mean to insult all the nice people who bought Dexter CDs from me - and do stay tuned for my Dexter Gordon marathon, which I plan to begin by the end of the week -

John, will have to look at the Alexandria when I get home tonight to see which edition it is -

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actually, I think my offer is theologically sound. I had a dream last night in which Berigan came to me and said:

"Allen you are the chosen one. Weizen and I view your posts as holy. Go forth unto the mighty Organissimo boards and spread the word of eternal life through the purchase of used compact discs. Ye shall be baptized through the Rovian philosophy of personal profit and Republican economics, the supply side of life. Ye shall be the Berigan-Weizian messenger of paypal righteousness, accounting deviance, and empty promises."

and when I woke up, my bedside box of Trojans was gone, someone had drooled on my pillow, and my urine sample was missing from the refrigerator. If those aren't signs of a visit from a Republican/Berigan/Weizian god, I don't know what is.

make of this what you will, but I was very shaken by the experience. And even more so, now that I've found out that Larry Kart had the SAME exact dream last month -

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