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cheating site denied superbowl ad

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Speaking of Super Bowl ads or ads that run during sporting events, I have to say ever since I've had kids I'm more upset at some of the crap that gets advertised during the afternoon. Like horror movies. I don't really want my four year old seeing the preview of some sick horror movie, thank you very much. I think it's gotten a bit out of hand. After 9pm is one thing, but at 2 in the afternoon, I don't think those ads should be run.

Call me a curmudgeon.

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Jim, they're obviously advertising to teenagers. If you're seeing these spots while you watch your "stories" maybe its time to kick the soap habit and let the kids watch age-appropriate stuff where I'm sure Bloody Valentine's Day in 3-D won't make an unwelcome appearance. Just a thought.

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The rationalization about alcohol is rich:

"I find the rejection to be ridiculous given that a huge percentage of the NFL's marketing content is for products like alcohol, which they sell in their stadiums, promote on their air and clearly have in the magazine," Biderman said. "That's a product that literally kills tens of thousands of people each year.

Products "like" alcohol? What products? There's alcohol and then there's ... what? Wings at Hooters? He's trying to draw some sort of moral equivalence between alcohol (or chicken wings) and cheating? Why not compare cheating to cars, which also cause a lot of deaths each year? ... publicity stunt. I'm sure they realized the ad would be rejected and the plan all along was to use that rejection to create a buzz.

The statement about football fans being their target audience has to be more than a little insulting to millions of happily married football fans, too.

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Speaking of Super Bowl ads or ads that run during sporting events, I have to say ever since I've had kids I'm more upset at some of the crap that gets advertised during the afternoon. Like horror movies. I don't really want my four year old seeing the preview of some sick horror movie, thank you very much. I think it's gotten a bit out of hand. After 9pm is one thing, but at 2 in the afternoon, I don't think those ads should be run.

Call me a curmudgeon.

I had to get my 5 yr old to close his eyes a few times Sunday afternoon. Friday the 13th, even the Criminal Minds preview would have given him nightmares. I'm curmudgin' with you!

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Jim, they're obviously advertising to teenagers. If you're seeing these spots while you watch your "stories" maybe its time to kick the soap habit and let the kids watch age-appropriate stuff where I'm sure Bloody Valentine's Day in 3-D won't make an unwelcome appearance. Just a thought.

Who's talking about soap operas? I was talking about sporting events like football and basketball that air in the middle of the afternoon. I think I should be able to watch the game with my daughter without having to turn the channel briefly to avoid some nasty preview for Saw V or whatever.

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Speaking of Super Bowl ads or ads that run during sporting events, I have to say ever since I've had kids I'm more upset at some of the crap that gets advertised during the afternoon. Like horror movies. I don't really want my four year old seeing the preview of some sick horror movie, thank you very much. I think it's gotten a bit out of hand. After 9pm is one thing, but at 2 in the afternoon, I don't think those ads should be run.

Amen to that

Edited by bluesbro
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  • 2 weeks later...

I notice PITA has used the same tactic (submit an ad and have it rejected) to generate the same sort of buzz. And I suspect this is an intentional advertising tactic. Both these outfits submitted ads that they probably suspected might be rejected, and are now benefiting from the buzz created by the rejection itself. Cheap and effective. People want to see the rejected ad. Cheaper than paying for a Super Bowl spot, that's for sure.

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