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Susannah York RIP

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Just announced that Susannah York has passed away at the age of 72.

Susannah York - BBC

Beautiful, down to earth lady - and a very good mother to her kids by all accounts. RIP, a very sad loss. :(

Sad news. I will always remember her in "The Killing of Sister George" with Beryl Reid. Ironically coincidental given that the producers of 'The Archers' (*) have just killed off one of their star characters. RIP Susannah.

(*)Longest running radio soap in the world, broadcast on BBC Radio 4

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There's a moving scene in 'The Battle Of Britain' where she encounters a pilot who is very badly facially burned due to crash injuries. The actor playing this, Bill Foxley, was playing this for real and had actually undergone experimental facial plastic surgery and lost an eye in the Battle - a truly heroic figure. Incredibly, he lived a very full life and died only about a week before Susannah York as it turned out - which is a sort of strange coincidence.

Edited by sidewinder
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York was best known to me (and probably to a lot of people born between, say, 1969 and 1979) as Superman's Kryptonian mother in the Christopher Reeve "Superman" movies. She had a pretty small part in the first movie, but Brando's refusal to do sequels meant that she got a much bigger part in "Superman II."

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