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RIP Soul 73


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I guess it's Seoul 73 now!

Even with the advent of automated programming this was the last radio station in the area that played pre-hip-hop Black Music of all kinds AS Black Music, with all programming (music, news, commujnity affairs, advertisements, even) aimed at the Black Community. Some might ask what difference that makes, but as a long-time listener, I can tell you that it makes a HUGE difference as far as putting things into a factual socio-musical context as opposed to a re-creative/re-constructive one.

And besides, you'd never hear Marvin Sease on the radio anyplace else. Not in these parts. Not that you'd really WANT to, but still...

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I'd been a listener since 1974 or so. Of course, back then a lot of the songs they played in 2012 were brand new. :g

But yeah, when I played regularly on the local chitlin' circuit, you really saw first-hand how community-rooted that station was. It's not really funny, but in a way it is...legendary local DJ Cousin Linnie used to have the afternoon drive-time slot, and he had a thing called Round Up The Posse, which was where if you got jacked or something while he was on the air, you could call it in right there and he'd put out the word. Supposedly it was quite effective, with one tale being told of a car thief actually abandoning the car just a few blocks from where he had stolen if because he had the car radio on and Linnie came on with Round Up The Posse and people started pointing to the car as it was driving by them. No idea how true that story really is, but no matter, it's true in essence.

And that's just one angle.

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