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Feech La Manna Strikes Again!!!

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Some jackasses broke into my equipment yard lastnight and stole a truck from me.

They drove the damn thing though the fence.

They ripped some electronics out of a couple of others and attempted to hot wire another. My damn security system really let me down. Apparently the rain caused a malfunction and dis-engaged some of the zones. It finally triggered when they tried to get in to the building. Now we'll see of the investment I made in the cameras will pay off.

All this after a serious accident with a truck and brush chipper flipping over two weeks ago, and me in the middle of trying to get picked up by a new insurance carrier. I'm screwed.

SONS OF BITCHES!!!! :angry::angry::angry:

Now I feel better. B)

Edited by catesta
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Sorry to hear about this! The people who did this are sorry as well! :angry:

Hey, ever thought of getting some "kill" switches for the vehicles? Of course, won't stop inside jobs,(Could this be one?) but we had them on a couple of cars back in the 80's, and no one ever thought to check out the lighter, which is where ours were! :)

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You're only liable if the injury occurs outsise your proerty. If the fences are high enough and the dogs put up before the area's open, nobody gets hurt unledd they're where they have no business being.

But yeah - if you do dogsm you gotta have them under control at all times, no room for carelessness.

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The inside job thing is always your first thought.

I've never had a vehicle stolen, it's always been just the equipment, so this time it's really odd.

We have a system that records the cameras right on to the computer, but we had a power outage so the dedicated computer on the office was off.

Now I have to wait until Tuesday for the backup file to be sent from another location.

I used to have dogs in the yard up until a couple of years ago.

We had a kennel but the dogs belonged to a service. It's a pain in the ass using a service, mainly for the reason the dogs will go after me as well, so I had limited access to the business during off hours. He used to switch the dogs every couple of weeks. I had them all at one time or another, Pit Bulls, Dobermans, German Shephards, Rotts.

We released the dogs through in the evening using a rope tied to the gate of the kennel, and the guy would pen them up in the morning, but he didn't like to work Sundays. :rolleyes:

My insurance company hated the fact I had the dogs. Believe it or not you are exposed to some liability especially if there is a fatality involved. The service I used had an incident with the Pit Bull team killing a guy trying to escape from a fenced pottery company yard he broke in to. They let him in, but he never got out, the dogs pulled him back off the fence and he bled to death. What saved the shop owner and the dog service was a camera showing the that the dogs left him alone after he fell to the ground.

Part of the problem with owning my own dogs is with so many people coming and going, it's been my past experience that the dogs eventually get used to the employees, so if it's an inside job you are indeed screwed. You've got to lay out some real cash to get quality trained pups to keep that from happening.

The security system has sensor beams around the perimeter, in the past it has done the job, dogs would set the beams off, but I may be forced to have to consider them again.

I've got a security guy working right now on replacing the lines that keep getting wet.

We'll see.

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I heard that. B)

I'm still waiting for the fence company to show up. I guess they don't know the meaning of a fucking emergency! :angry:

I'd really hate to have to spend the night here, the sound of the office boom box really sucks. ;)

Edited by catesta
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I wondered about the Karma before posting in this thread and lo and behold my car got broken into last nite! :angry:

A few Hondas in the neighborhood were the recipients. Nothing taken and I'd like to think they were scared off when my wife got dropped of late from a meeting. Certainly only out for the car as my neighborhood is filled with lots of nicer ones but the '94 Accord is the quick turnaround for parts I guess. Didn't notice til this AM when my girls wondered what I had done to my window.

Thing is, the buggers used the kids' Super Bowl Champion New England Patriots throw blanket that they hefted out of the front seat of my wifes van to muffle the hit and protect their arms while crashing in my window! So that's what I get for secretly wanting it to be a Cheifs / Packers match-up. :wacko:

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Someone recently stole my wife's purse and get this... a diaper bag out of our car. It was not locked because it was in our garage. I forgot to close the garage door I guess.

The thing is, there was cash on the console, and much more valuable things in the garage but they took the purse which only had some loose change floating around in the bottom and my wife's credit cards and driver's license.

They also left the interior light in the car on which ran down the battery.

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