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Posts posted by bertrand

  1. 33 minutes ago, Rooster_Ties said:

    OK, I finally got to spin the first disc yesterday, and I'm about 1/3rd of the way through the second disc now.

    Couple weeks ago, when I first heard about half the second disc, I had to have the volume WAY down (late night listening, with my wife in the other room).  I suppose I could have uploaded it into iTunes off my CD's, and then bothered to update iTunes on my phone -- but who has time for all that.

    ANYWAY, I have to say that at a louder volume finally, this all sounds pretty darn "reasonably good" -- and the performances are f'ing amazing.  Absolutely love all the Woody on disc 1 -- line after line after line of searing stuff -- not unlike Woody's four studio appearances with Andrew Hill for Blue Note (especially than insane Halloween night 1967 studio date that opens disc #3 of the BN Select, the one with Sam Rivers and Howard Johnson).

    Part of me is kind of "pick my jaw up off the floor" shocked that this even got released officially, and on physical media too (even CD!).  Who the hell is "Roy Brooks"?  Garnett too.  Hell, nobody on the entire date is a name that'll really "sell" ('cept maybe Woody, and even then).

    Plus, most of this thing is quite intense -- though maybe not as insanely so as I was experiencing trying hear it at super-low volume levels back before my trip to move my dad.

    Still, QUITE intense -- and shit like this don't often see the light of day through official channels.

    This was why I pushed Feldman to investigate Left Bank, despite his initial reluctance. At the time, I did not know partnering with Cory Weeds was an option. It has opened a lot of doors.

  2. 4 hours ago, bresna said:

    I imagine it's one of the producers associated with Impulse! Records. The last time I was in touch with someone at Impulse!, he was located in California. I thought LA, but maybe it was Beverly Hills.

    I was being somewhat facetious. I am thinking they mean Zev Feldman. I could be wrong. He is involved in this. He lives in LA. Beverly Hills is part of LA, right?

  3. 'A producer in Beverly Hills'. Scratching my head as to who it could possibly be.

    What other juicy stuff is on those reel to reels?

    The article finally corrects nonsense that keeps circulating: for a long time, Antibes was the only known live RECORDING of the full suite (not just some movements), but some have been claiming that Coltrane only PERFORMED it live once, a claim that could never actually be proven and now has been disproven.

    I have an article on Cal Massey that claims the full suite was played at one of his festivals in Brooklyn. Not an impossible claim, but confirmation is needed. A friend of mine is pretty sure he heard Coltrane play the entire suite in NYC. Why not? I am sure there are many gigs between 1965 and 1967 for which we have no set lists. He could have performed it dozens of times.



  4. All the later dates are available to download for free (legally, I assume) from my Public Library. I have not listened to them yet.

    I plan to get the date with Stitt unless someone says it is lackluster. Library does not have that one.

  5. You can listen right now!

    WPI’s Jazz History Database kicks off a hot listening session Thursday September 16 on Zoom 


    3pm to 5:30    Sunny Murray special (JHDB From the Lab session) 

    5:30 – 6:30     A musical sampling of 40’s R&B as the Chicago blues was taking shape. 

    6:30 – 8:00      Worcester Hot Club: The Birth of the Blues–Chicago Style (Rick Hendra host) 

    8:00 – 9:00      An aperitif of vintage and more recent Chicago style, urban blues 



    [more options below] 


    All Times are Eastern (EDT)  

    All are welcome to join any time.  







    3:00pm to 5:30           From the Lab (JHDB) 

    Sunny Murray (1937–2017) was the father of avant garde jazz drumming. A few days ahead of his birthday anniversary, we’ll consider Murray’s place in the music through the fraught, controversial, revealing (and rare!) case of his aborted 1968–69 LP project for Columbia Records.  Only here; only now. 


    5:30pm–6:30               an uninterrupted dinnertime listen: 

    A musical sampling of 40’s R&B as the Chicago blues was taking shape. 



    6:30pm–8:00               Worcester Hot Club 

    “The Birth of the Blues – Chicago Style” – the last session in our 5 part Zoom documentary on the blues, looking at the Chicago blues, old and new, and the transition from the Bluebird sound to the Chess sound; the role of Memphis and Sun Studio; and the battle between the sax and harmonica. 


    8:00–9:00                    An aperitif of vintage and more recent Chicago style, urban blues 



    Drop in any time, and pass the word to a friend. 


    More Zoom connections: 

    Ben Young is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 


    Topic: JHDB From the Lab session 

    Time: This is a recurring meeting; we meet here every Thursday afternoon 


    Join Zoom Meeting 



    Meeting ID: 974 9547 6280 

    One tap mobile 

    +16468769923,,97495476280# US (New York) 

    +13017158592,,97495476280# US (Washington DC) 


    Dial by your location 

            +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) 

            +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) 

            +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

            +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 

            +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 

            +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 

    Meeting ID: 974 9547 6280 

    Find your local number: https://wpi.zoom.us/u/acoQBMFqTR 


    Join by SIP 



    Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (Amsterdam Netherlands) (Germany) (Australia Sydney) (Australia Melbourne) (Canada Toronto) (Canada Vancouver) (Japan Tokyo) (Japan Osaka) 

    Meeting ID: 974 9547 6280 


    Join by Skype for Business 





    The Jazz History Database is a function of Worcester Polytechnic Institute in central Massachusetts. JHDB gathers and presents archival material relating to Jazz history, with special emphasis on the local and regional characteristics of the music.  


    Thursday’s Jazz Potpourri is a weekly zoom session that unites the efforts of the JHDB, the Worcester Hot Club, Crossing Tones, and several independent researchers, collectors and enthusiasts. Follow on facebook for further updates.  



    Ben Young
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    [Message clipped]  View entire message
  6. WPI’s Jazz History Database kicks off a hot listening session Thursday September 9 on Zoom 


    3pm                 An extended meditation on the life of Phil Schaap (1951–2021) 

    5:30pm            Hot music from 78s played by Charles Iselin and/or others 

    6:30pm            Ras Moshe on Sam Rivers’s early 70s orchestra music 

    8:00pm            Sunny Murray sounds (Crossing Tones Power Hour, David Beal host) 





    [more options below] 


    All Times are Eastern (EDT)  

    All are welcome to join any time.  






    From the Lab (JHDB) 


    3:00pm to ....           Historian, teacher and broadcaster Phil Schaap died earlier this week.  Respectful apologies for the abruptness of that announcement to those who are just now hearing this news. During this Thursday’s session we’ll consider Phil’s deep Jazz work on the planet. While listening to some of the timeless recordings that he helped us to hear better, we’ll collectively reflect on Phil’s influence on the study of Jazz as an art form, the lessons of his teaching, and his indelible mark on friends, colleagues, students and generations of listeners.  


    All are invited to fold in your observations and reminiscences with those of our several hosts, who have all studied in the Schaap school in one fashion or another. 


    This extraordinary session of Thursday’s Jazz Potpourri is expected to blend in some or all of the following in an organic way: 


    5:30pm                        78 session with Charles Iselin and co. 


    6:30pm to 8                Ras Moshe presents some rare ensemble music written and led by multi-instrumentalist Sam Rivers (1923–2011)  


    8pm to 9                     David Beal guides us through a sampling of music from drummer Sunny Murray’s Untouchable Factor, out of the Kazunori Sugiyama collection.  



    Drop in any time, and pass the word to a friend. 




    More Zoom connections: 

    Ben Young is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. 


    Topic: JHDB From the Lab session 

    Time: This is a recurring meeting; we meet here every Thursday afternoon 


    Join Zoom Meeting 



    Meeting ID: 974 9547 6280 

    One tap mobile 

    +16468769923,,97495476280# US (New York) 

    +13017158592,,97495476280# US (Washington DC) 


    Dial by your location 

            +1 646 876 9923 US (New York) 

            +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) 

            +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) 

            +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) 

            +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) 

            +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) 

    Meeting ID: 974 9547 6280 

    Find your local number: https://wpi.zoom.us/u/acoQBMFqTR 


    Join by SIP 



    Join by H.323 (US West) (US East) (Amsterdam Netherlands) (Germany) (Australia Sydney) (Australia Melbourne) (Canada Toronto) (Canada Vancouver) (Japan Tokyo) (Japan Osaka) 

    Meeting ID: 974 9547 6280 


    Join by Skype for Business 





    The Jazz History Database is a function of Worcester Polytechnic Institute in central Massachusetts. JHDB gathers and presents archival material relating to Jazz history, with special emphasis on the local and regional characteristics of the music.  


    Thursday’s Jazz Potpourri is a weekly zoom session that unites the efforts of the JHDB, the Worcester Hot Club, Crossing Tones, and several independent researchers, collectors and enthusiasts. Follow on facebook for further updates.  



    Ben Young
    Worcester Polytechnic Institute

    [Message clipped]  View entire message
  7. 46 minutes ago, MomsMobley said:

    Schaap has some brilliant acolytes; Charles Iselin is one, Matthew "Fat Cat" Riviera, who's in his mid-twenties, is another. Without personal knowledge, I'm certain Phil's archives will be carefully attended to.



    Charles Iselin is part of the weekly Worcester Hot Club/Jazz History Database Zoom meetings Every Thursday. I will see what I can find out. There are several Herbie Nichols acetates floating around. Time to gather them all...

  8. 42 minutes ago, Dan Gould said:

    I've had good contact with both the assistant and Sid Gribbetz the long-term jazz host. I think we can prevent a great loss of jazz history. Can't say the same for Chris A.'s stuff.

    He had a Herbie Nichols acetate, maybe even two. I was going to ask him about it but he got sick...

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