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Everything posted by ValerieB

  1. wow, and i never even thought of her. she was a bonafide beauty! i think she's still attractive.
  2. i don't know what happened to my guess of Monica Vitti?!?
  3. no, you can still have fun 'cause i recognized her without the nametag!
  4. Diane McBain? i kind of cheated and read the nametag as best i could! LOL
  5. Hint: Born in 1941, I believe she was a contract player for Warner Bros. television in the early 60s. face is familiar. all i can think of Virginia Mayo but i don't think it's her.
  6. yes, he's using oxygen all the time now. he's still got his chops though. aside from his health problems, he was dealt a very heavy blow recently with the passing of Eddie Marshall. Dumb question of the day: who is/was Eddie Marshall? you need to do your homework, Big Al!! happy researching!
  7. someone who has obviously lived quite a life!!
  8. you must still be fairly young if you don't know that a lot can happen to your health in 10 years!
  9. yes, he's using oxygen all the time now. he's still got his chops though. aside from his health problems, he was dealt a very heavy blow recently with the passing of Eddie Marshall.
  10. ValerieB

    Louie Shapiro

    sorry to hear of Mr. Shapiro's passing although this video is my first knowledge of him. i enjoyed it thoroughly. R.I.P., Mr. Shapiro. so glad you had your love of music.
  11. well, goody-goody for you!! guess you'll live to 102!! LOL
  12. looks somewhat like Lauren Bacall but i don't think it is.
  13. i'm glad to say that i saw Bobby at Monterey last month and he seemed to be holding his own. he played with Joey D and they made beautiful music together.
  14. Happy Birthday wishes to you, Marcello. thanks for all the "jazz goodies" you provide!
  15. reading his obit in the NYT left me with my mouth hanging. so much about his life i didn't know. i encourage everyone to read it.
  16. i am so, so sad to hear this news. of course, not unexpected, but extremely sad nonetheless. much too brilliant and good to leave so soon. he did, however, survive much longer than most with that type of cancer. i'm sure he sacrificed a great deal of quality to his life as a result. may he be at peace, especially knowing that he contributed so much to this world, especially in his charitable giving. my sincere condolences to his friends and family.
  17. no, don't think i was a big tv-watcher even back then. A hint: she has been on the cover of hundreds of magazines! Total shot in the dark...Claudia Schiffer? by jove, i think you've got it!
  18. i guess he was married to her, right?
  19. beautiful pictures. the one with his son makes me real sad.
  20. I love Dave Holland! For his talent and the person I have experienced him to be. I sincerely wish him all the best and nothing but good health. He is a treasure!
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