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Everything posted by ValerieB

  1. Carol Lawrence minus Robert Goulet!!
  2. Rita Moreno who is still doing her thing!
  3. Even though what she eventually became was/is almost caraciture-like, you have to have the raw material with which to work. I seriously doubt all the plastic surgery , tucks, suctions and enhancements in the world could have turned Janet Reno into a sex symbol. i get your point but what i see mostly reflecting a "sex symbol" in most cases is a blonde with T&A!!
  4. and what about my guess of Mitzi Gaynor? (i know i'm right though!) LOL
  5. Mitzi Gaynor. i saw pictures of her taken not that long ago and she was still attractive!
  6. Kenneth Cole often has very interesting, meaningful and clever print ads and this is his latest: "Those Against Same-Sex Marriage Aren't Thinking Straight (Or Are They?)"
  7. btw, as some of you may have noticed, this thread has veered off the subject quite a bit. i just checked out post #1 to confirm my thought.
  8. that wasn't related to his post though!
  9. Miles was definitely one of those folks i mentioned above who appeared to be clearly bi-sexual (but also a misogynist)!!
  10. i feel the need to add to my first post and say that i don't even think the term "bi-sexual" would necessarily apply to the folks i mentioned. back in the day (50's, 60's, 70's), some of these guys used to participate in what they called "freaking off parties" or "orgies" with women and other men. cocaine and alcohol were usually present as well. within that context, i don't think these guys would have considered themselves even "bi-sexual" let alone "gay". and just to further clarify, i was not present at any of these parties but i heard about them and knew people who were there. and Chris has always had his own agenda on this topic and been very consistent.
  11. i would think that re: any living musician, we would only be writing about those who are already "out"! i doubt quite sincerely that Oscar, Count, Dizzy, Duke and Miles would be termed "gay". perhaps "bi-sexual" would be more appropriate, if true.
  12. thanks, Bertrand, for sharing your knowledge. always appreciate it.
  13. i adore Wayne but i wasn't really familiar with this group of his. sounded like they were trying to be a continuation of Weather Report. was it a short-lived group?
  14. Bobby is scheduled to perform at the Monterey Jazz Festival in September, which i am very much looking forward to.
  15. i actually meant to say Phyllis Newman and not Phyllis Kirk!!
  16. Penny Marshall. definitely not! are we to believe that this is an updated photo of Paula? it looks like an old picture of Phyllis Kirk!
  17. Diane Keaton would kill you for that! LOL Paula Prentiss is the one before, i believe.
  18. i never knew Fontella Bass but that's interesting that she was married to Bowie!
  19. that beautiful woman is Fontella Bass. didn't she do some acting as well as singing?
  20. Ruta Lee. i think she still continues to do the dress and makeup, etc. but it doesn't come off like it used to. some people just don't want to change with the times.
  21. wow, another legend passes. so glad he lived to a pretty ripe old age.
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