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Posts posted by Pim

  1. Hoping for that vinyl reissue of Alkebu Lan now. Pure Pleasure did quite a lot of great reissues in recent years. Hoping they won’t duplicate them and start with what PP left on the vaults. I hope they do cd reissues also for the non vinyl buyers. 

    anyway the title of this digital release implies an extensive reissue program.

  2. 15 hours ago, jazzcorner said:

    Yes agree to your reflections.  Living in a small town with no record shop I used the Internet the last 15 years and inform myself from Discogs.

    My collection is catalogued  in my PARADOX database. But if you have - as mentioned- different recordlabels,coverart, LP-/or CD-number for reissues, the content is the only way to be on the right track.

    Have also a  great part of titles from my collection  in a track Index with playing time to find out are the tracks originals or abridged versions. Pacific Jazz for example  had often different versions of the same track to name just one example  for these problens.

    We collectors have to live with the situation as you say. 😬


    Now this is really a great album.

    Have the 'Inner City' version



    Definitely. Such a strong band with Joanne Brackeen, NHOP and the great Billy Hart. 

  3. 39 minutes ago, mjazzg said:

    Pim you can have my ticket. If you leave now you should make it 😃

    It took me some years to really get Parker but once I did I'm all in no matter who he plays with.

    I've not seen him live since before Covid and was particularly looking forward to doing so in this trio again

    Getting my car keys now…. 🤪

    Yeah I just recently bought some of his more well known works like Conic Sections, 50th Birthday Concert, 2x3 =5 and von Schlippenbachs Monks Casino. I always like it when there’s something new to explore again when you’re taste just adjusted to something you knew but didn’t like before and now finally clicks. 

    Now spinning a Black Saint treasure:


  4. On 1/9/2025 at 8:45 PM, jazzbo said:

    I used to say I was glad I lived now in Ohio where there were no wild fires or tornados.

    Then two years ago I was awakened by a tornado going through my neighborhood. We got lucky, no damage. Another neighbor we are close to (in both senses of the word) got lucky because a tree fell inches from hitting her garage. Other neighbors suffered damage.


    I always thought Ohio was pretty much up the Tornado Alley but those things are (fortunately) a rare thing over there then as I learn from jazzbo now.

    All my best wishes for everybody there in the LA area. It looks horrible.

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