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Posts posted by Eric

  1. Couple of points above ... I agree, Clapton has tried to help popularize his (and my) heros. I also think "overhyped" and "overworshiped" are right on ... not his fault for sure.

    Anyway, I have used this album to "convert" a number of my previously uninitiated friends to what blues guitar is all about ... damn near perfect record:

  2. Freddie King

    Albert King

    Otis Rush

    Magic Sam

    Albert Collins

    all of 'em Gods ... IMHO, I don't think Clapton compares to these guys at all. Consider all the horseshit he has put out over the years ... tasteless horseshit. On the other hand, with the possible exception of a few Freddie King records, everything these guys did was great. Burning, tastful and damn soulful. Sorry for ranting and I know nobody was asserting that Clapton was better, but I just get a little tired of the Claption is God stuff, much of which comes from the mouths of my friends. Clapton was/is competent pop artist and a decent blues copycat, but is incredibly overrated as a blues guitarist.


  3. Think I am the lone voter for Born to Be Blue. I love the Green/Ike Quebec combination. I remember snagging this to celebrate my passing the CPA exam, way back in 1985 or so. Anyway, all his other stuff is great of course, but this one really sounds soulful and sophisticated to me.

    To each his own of course, but I am not a huge, huge fan of Idle Moments or Street of Dreams (or Solid for that matter) -- at least relative to other GG albums. I mean, there is super playing on all of them and the tunes are excellent. But, I really like his trio/quartet stuff. The more Grant the better, I guess.


  4. Hey Spon,

    Glad to see another KC board member - that's at least four of us - the ubiquitous Rooster Ties, Free for All, myself and you. We should get together some time.

    Anyway, thanks for the tip. I am OK on FM - even got KANU in Lawrence with pretty clear reception.


  5. I just bought an NAD 422 tuner. My FM reception here in Kansas City seems to be pretty good, but AM reception just sucks. I am using the antenna supplied by NAD but was wondering if a better antenna might help. Any thoughts/suggestions?


    PS - I listen to AM for basketball/football games.

  6. Conn Series, maybe you have a point about the Chiefs being a year away. I think the Chiefs fans have attached a sense of urgency to this year, as there is some uncertainty around whether Vermeil is going to retire. But aside from that, we could definitely shore up the defense off season and our offensive guys are all in their prime.

    I do think New England and Indy would make one hell of an AFC championship game though ...


  7. Hey this is GB, Eric's kid. I agree. The Chiefs need more defensive help than TO needs a supsension! The offense isn't bad; they just shouldn't have to play catch up all the friggin' time! Ha, Ha. Now that I got that out of my system... :lol: I think that drafting Larry Johnson was a big mistake. He's screwed for assaulting his girlfriend and WHO NEEDS A RUNNING BACK LESS THAN THE CHIEFS???? They got Priest Holmes. Well g'bye.

  8. FFA, KC resident here also ... sadly, I concur 100%. That first half, along with the Denver game, were very painful/comical to watch. Plus people have figured out how to stop Dante Hall. Maybe playing the underdog will do them some good. Or maybe Big 12 basketball will be here before we know it ;)


  9. Found a nice used copy of a Gary Bartz lp (although the name presently escapes me) over the weekend. Anyway, I notice that while the vinyl is an excellent shape, the bottom seam is pretty well split. Well, whatever, it was only $6.

    So, I get it home and pull out the clear Scotch packing tape to go about fixing that split seam. Got it finished and then went to pull out the vinyl and and discovered ...

    I had just taped closed a gatefold lp :rolleyes:

    After my 5 year old daughter asked me "why did you say dammit, Dad?", I found a carpet knife and reversed the problem.

    Surely, I am not the only idiot out here ....


  10. Good (but unfortunate for me) call on the Chiefs. Looks like all of our defensive weaknesses were exposed for the world to view. That is not particularly fixable in the final three games. On the plus side, Trent green continues to play his butt off. Best Chiefs QB since Dawson, IMHO.


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