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I want to make something perfectly clear...

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Leeway has sent you this email from http://www.organissimo.org/forum/index.php.

I have not received the 2 CDs I purchased from you. I now realize the reason I haven't is because you never sent them. I really don't take well to being ripped off- and lied to.

It's stupid of you to pull such a cheap rip-off. I've checked with others at Org and found out you've pulled this crap before. Now I see you've "bid adieu" from the board. You have a history of this. I hope you have no plans to return to Org, as I shall make a point of "reminding" you whenever you try to buy or sell something that I am owed two CDs or a refund of my money-- that is, if you aren't banned first.

You seem a brazen sort but I am determined to receive restitution. I want a refund of my money within the next few days or I shall file complaints with Canadian and US Postal authorities and PayPal. Oh yeah, don't bother with any of your cheap crook "rages" and temper tantrums. They wont impress me.


Please note that Organissimo Jazz Forums - The place to discuss the band, jazz, and more! has no control over the

contents of this message.



The Organissimo Jazz Forums - The place to discuss the band, jazz, and more! team.


THIS IS A LOAD OF CRAP!! Who the hell on this board has the nerve to say that I don't send CD's?!?!?! Granted, I may take longer than some but I have never cheated anyone out of what they bought/traded with me. Those cds were sent on 9/9/04 and 9/8/04 along with the rest of the discs that other people bought in the last lot. I've never ducked anyone on this board — NO ONE!!! I don't understand this email. All past communications between us were straight forward and non-malicious. Then all of a sudden...this! Am I missing something!?!?!

Just to let all know, I'm HERE (!) if anyone has any questions regarding this matter or others.

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Honestly, I'm baffled. If all he wanted was a refund, we could've certainly worked something of that sorts out in the event that the discs didn't arrive. I just don't understand what I ever did to this man to get him this upset. It's somewhat upsetting to me as well (and I know people will say I should get thicker skin) as no one wants to be made to feel like a criminal.

I've been called just about everything in the book, but this is the first time I've been made to feel like this. All I know is I can't sleep a wink. :(

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I just wanted to add that because of a Canadian Customs slowdown, packages are getting held up at the border and taking twice as long as usual to arrive. I know it's affecting packages coming from the US to Canada, and perhaps also packages going from Canada to the US. More patience than usual is required these days.

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I've had successful transactions, both selling and buying with Al.

I've also had recent experience that packages from Canada to the USA, and vice versa, take longer than they ever have had before. War on terror my guess. And that is nothing compared to the last package I sent to Agustin in Spain! Three months or so to get there, and that was airmail!

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I must also add that I have never missed any cd purchased from Undergroundagent, though I have made countless purchases and exchanges with him.

He may be a little slow to mail things off--and even there, he most often mails things on time--but I don't believe he would ever try to hold back purchased cds.

Undergroundagent is trustworthy on these issues, as far as I'm concerned...

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I think it is very nice that UA is hanging his dirty laundry out to dry.

In truth, John,

it's important to air this stuff publicly. We've got trading reputations on the line here.

If anyone ripped me off on an item offered in the "Offering/Looking for" section, I would blast them publicly on the forum as well. Similarly, if someone were to accuse me of ripping them off, I would wish to defend myself publicly as well.

It's the correct thing to do. We use an "honors" system here...

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If anyone ripped me off on an item offered in the "Offering/Looking for" section, I would blast them publicly on the forum as well. Similarly, if someone were to accuse me of ripping them off, I would wish to defend myself publicly as well.

I want to point out that I did not "blast" UA in a public forum. My comments were made to him in an e-mail to him personally. HE has chosen to make them public. I suppose he figures the best defense is a good offense. Now that he has chosen to air his dirty laundry, I'll let the facts speak for themselves. The bottom line is that I paid him the same day I bought the CDs, 9/1/04. To date, I have not received them. Apparently I am not alone in this type of situation:

Big Wheel:

Well, I just want everybody to know that you never sent MY cds EITHER.

I have been told there are others as well. Whether they are willing to bother with further dealings with UA is another matter. I have no proof that UA mailed them, and , of course, proving a negative is tough to do. I suppose UA counts on that. A bonafide seller would make every effort to check with postal authorities, produce receipts, offer to resolve the situation, etc. That has not happened in this case.

I too have bought from hundreds of sellers by mail, Internet, and Org, etc. These have been positive transactions on both sides. I've had a bad vibe about this one for the last couple of weeks. What a waste of time and effort it has been dealing with UA.

Maybe some have done well with him in the past, but, then again, you might end up in my situation as well. Do you really want to be bothered in this way? :angry:

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Well, I just want everybody to know that you never sent MY cds EITHER.

On the other hand, I never bought any from you.... :lol:


Well, Big Wheel is a damn lucky fellow then :P

But I have been advised PRIVATELY that I am not the first person to go through this with UA. Since I do not reelase private messages without the others consent, I will hold off for now.

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How do you account for the others that have received their discs from the same shipment?!?!?

I stated to all in my post that I would be sending everything together. Who in their right mind is going to make separate trips to the post office when they're selling over 60 CDs on the board??!?! That's absurd!!! I work two jobs and just can't. That's the reason why I made it clear I'd be sending all as one.

Moreover, I did make this issue on the board because you threatened me. There was no call for that and such accusations are slanderous. I have every right to make this known in public when you're threatening to call "authorities" about such matters. If you wanted a refund, something certainly could have been worked out. But taunting me for no reason is not the best way to approach this issue.

Normally, I'd be more than happy to deal with this is private (ask Parkertown, jacknife, doubleM), but this has crossed the line. You attacked my character and credibility and I don't take kindly to that.

You have no proof, and there is absolutely no reason to question my character when I have done nothing to prove that I am what you say I am. I deserve an apology for this. NO MORE NO LESS!

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And how are you bothered!?!?!

YOU NEVER EVEN ASKED FOR A REFUND!!! The first time I heard about this was when you sent that malicious email. Let's get this straight...I never refused to compensate you because you never asked until you made all these false accusations.

P.S. I posted the email on tha board because I don't want my customers feeling as though I've alienated them. Sure, I've decided to move on from the board. That said, I stand by my products and if there was ever a problem with them, they shouldn't feel as though they can't contact me.

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