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LF - Joe Lovano "Tenor Time" (Something Else)

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I have a friend who has a nice Japanese-only Joe Lovano CD which was called "Tenor Time".


It's on the Something Else label, which is an EMI subsidiary there. It's a very nice quartet date where Joe sticks to straight tenor sax throughout. Junko Onishi is on piano. Rodney Whitaker and Al Foster round out the rhythm section.

I have been looking for a legit copy of this for a long time with no luck. Hirsohi has tried locating it without sucess. Does anyone know where I can get a reasonably-priced copy of this CD? I think there's a used copy on amazon.co.jp, but it appears to be 6,000 Yen, which works out to $55 and then there's likely another $10 to get it shipped... and that's if I'm reading their website right since I don't read Japanese. Just a bit more than I'd like to pay but if it's all there is, I'll have to think about it.

Any help would be appreciated.



Edited by Kevin Bresnahan
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Kevin and relyles, could either or both of you report back on this one when you get copies for yourselves?? I'd be interested to read your reviews of it.


1. Walkin' (Carpenter)

2. Why Don't I (Rollins)

3. Bye Bye Blackbird (Henderson/Dixon)

4. Paradox (Rollins)

5. Ruby My Dear (Monk)

6. Invitation (Kaper)

7. Budo (Powell)

8. Like Sonny (Coltrane)

9. Dewey Said (Lovano)

Joe Lovano - Tenor Saxophone

Junko Onishi - Piano

Rodney Whitaker - Bass

Al Foster - Drums

Produced by Michael Cuscuna and Joe Lovano

Recorded September 29, 1996

This project was Michael Cuscuna’s idea for Toshiba/EMI, which is part of Blue Note in Japan.

It was the first time I played the straight tenor exclusively. It’s a unique instrument, with a different feeling than the regular tenor saxophone. In fact, it has a different attitude and personality that comes through the music as well.

Because the bell of the horn is directed downward, the sound comes out of the horn differently, using the floor to fill the room with the tone of the horn.

The idea was to do some famous music, some classics, and that’s how the repetoire came together. I chose the material and we did one of my originals, Dewey Said, which dedicated to both Dewey Redman and Miles Dewey Davis.

Junko is a very soulful, swinging player and we had an instant rapport.

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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I'm just interested to see if you get it at all.

I've never heard of this vendor.

Me too.

Rooster, I have heard the recording before. It is basically an all standards recording. My memory is that it is a solid recording, if not essential.

Edited by relyles
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Rooster, I have heard the recording before. It is basically an all standards recording. My memory is that it is a solid recording, if not essential.


I have heard this session many times. If you dig Joe playing standards, it's well worth picking up. I dig Joe playing standards, so I will pick it up! :)

FWIW, I am listening to Joe's upcoming "Joyous Encounter" these days. I found a promo at a local store. It's another session of "Joe playing standards". It got me thinking about "Tenor Time" again. I hope this comes in.


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I found this listing via a google search tenor time.  I have no experience ordering from them in the past.

I don't know anything about the vendor, but the obi in the image indicates it's Taiwansese (rather than Japanese). Maybe it was also released in Taiwan.

I believe it was. The home page for the site states that it specializes in recordings released in Taiwan.

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This is slightly off-topic, but can someone please tell me why anyone would bother playing a "straight" tenor? I think Joe played it on the Sinatra session, perhaps on the Trio Fascination sets, and obviously on this one, but he seems to have gone back to his regular tenor lately When I saw Joe live 5 years ago (one of the 2 or 3 greatest live jazz concerts I've ever attended), he played the regular tenor exclusively (no other horns at all, actually). To me, the straight horn looks like an awkward instrument, with the microphones down around the player's knees. I didn't notice any real difference in the sound of the horns, so I guess I'm back to my original question? Why would someone play the "straight" tenor?

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Well, it's beginning to look bleak for my sunmusic order. The order status is still showing as "pending" and the "Tenor Time" CD is now listed as "Out Of Print". Will it show? Did I get the last copy or did relyles? :)

I may still be "in the hunt" for this...


Come to think of it, I never did get any sort of confirmation from sunmusic regarding my order, only paypal and every time I try to sign in to check the status of my order it says that I have an invalid email or password. Suspicious.

Edited by relyles
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Above: The straight baritone saxophone to low A (the only one of its kind) next to

a standard baritone saxophone, also to low A.

Below: Straight Eb baritone, straight Bb tenor, Bb soprano, C soprano, and Bb Soprillo (piccolo)



that soprillo hurts my ears from only looking at it!

and what, bari without A? the A is *at least* half of the fun about the bari!!!

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I received an email this morning from the seller stating that the item was unavailable. The seller then promptly refunded my paypal account (upon request) for the payment I sent. So although this particular purchase did not work out, the seller's conduct seemed to be above board.

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On the subject of low-A and low-B-flat baritones, actually, the low-B-flat is in particular demand because jazz ensemble (and indeed music for horns as opposed to strings) is written in flat keys, so the possibility of a ringing, resonant, lowest B-flat (concert D-flat) is much more appealing than the same note played on a low-A baritone. This information courtesy of Danny Bank.

And, yes, if you're playing with a soul/funk band with electric guitars, having the low-A baritone is more useful. Horses for courses.


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On the subject of low-A and low-B-flat baritones, actually, the low-B-flat is in particular demand because jazz ensemble (and indeed music for horns as opposed to strings) is written in flat keys, so the possibility of a ringing, resonant, lowest B-flat (concert D-flat) is much more appealing than the same note played on a low-A baritone. This information courtesy of Danny Bank.

And, yes, if you're playing with a soul/funk band with electric guitars, having the low-A baritone is more useful. Horses for courses.


Good point! I never played bari in strictly jazz settings, so I wasn't giving this a thought, Mike.

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I'd place 2 orders (with both 2 cd's) with them and one is already shipped (with the Lovano in question, sorry Kevin) and the other order is refunded because of non availability. So far so good but still the status of the shippied order has a dash in the status field so maybe they've shipped your's already as well Kevin. You should mail them and ask I guess.

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Well, it's beginning to look like Sun Music isn't the best when it comes to customer service. I E-mailed them Monday to ask what was the status of my order. They replied that they haven't received payment. I forwarded the E-mail I got from BidPay telling them that payment was made. Since then, nothing.

I wish they would just cancel the order so I can move on.


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Sorry to hear this Kevin. I on the other hand received the 2 CD's I'd order with them so nothing but positive vibes from my side. Listened to the Lovano once and it's indeed a nice session although the intonation of the straight tenor leaves something to desire at some spots.

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Well, if anyone wants an update, here it is.

I did get myself a copy. I never thought to ask the co-producer, Michael Cuscuna, if he could get me a copy. It turns out he had an extra so I now have it.

As for Sun Music, boy, was this a mistake! No response from them in over a week. Even worse, I created a BidPay account to pay for my CDs and now that Sun Music won't respond, I've been trying to put a stop payment on it to no avail. They haven't replied to any E-mails. Quite frankly, their "customer service", which is some automated web page, sucks. There is no way to talk to a real person.


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Well, if anyone wants an update, here it is.

I did get myself a copy. I never thought to ask the co-producer, Michael Cuscuna, if he could get me a copy. It turns out he had an extra so I now have it.

As for Sun Music, boy, was this a mistake! No response from them in over a week. Even worse, I created a BidPay account to pay for my CDs and now that Sun Music won't respond, I've been trying to put a stop payment on it to no avail. They haven't replied to any E-mails. Quite frankly, their "customer service", which is some automated web page, sucks. There is no way to talk to a real person.


Name dropper. Smilies to follow.

How can the rest of us peons get a copy??

B-) :ph34r::blink:

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Name dropper. Smilies to follow.

How can the rest of us peons get a copy??

B-) :ph34r::blink:

Well, you're screwed!


Seriously, I did ask Michael what's the scoop on this date and he said Blue Note had no interest in picking it up. He didn't know if the Japanese would print more. The copy I got from him looks like it got stepped on but, hey, at least I got it.

BTW, I finally talked to a real person at BidPay today. I tried a trick... I called the auotmated number and hit # about 20 times until it finally transferred me to a real, warm-bodied mammal. I now have a stop-payment request into Sun Music. Luckily, they haven't cashed the check yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.


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