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king ubu

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About king ubu

  • Birthday 04/18/1979

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    Zurich, Switzerland

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  1. Just in case, over here in yurp, a.it has the set for 20€ Looking forward a lot to having these concerts in their entirety and in good sound, with good presentation.
  2. Got mine a few days ago ... with two discs five and no disc six - hope the replacement will arrive soon.
  3. Looks like you're right ... tracklisting for disc 4 via Discogs - #4-10 look like that bonus material: Dalet 4-1 Midbar 4-2 Mahlah 4-3 Zenan 4-4 Paran (rehearsal) 4-5 Mikreh (Alternate Take) 4-6 Hafla'ah (insert) 4-7 Shebuah (insert) 4-8 Tiferet (rehearsal) 4-9 Avelut (false start / take 1) 4-10 Avelut (take 2) But the bonus release I meant is this, which is a double disc set, mostly consisting of alternate takes, it seems (I only spot-checked): https://www.discogs.com/de/master/1567371-Masada-Sanhedrin-1994-1997-Unreleased-Studio-Recordings Seems there is no overlap, the new material (wonder what "insert" means) actually new, but the "Sanhedrin" set not part of the box?
  4. How can it contain 10 discs, all 10 albums in their original constellation, plus an hour or rare (note: not previously unreleased – there was a separate bonus release too if I remember correctly?) additional music?
  5. Very nice photo @Chuck Nessa! I've got that shirt, too... And a few more bought via Bandcamp (two different Strata Records, Analogue Africa, Pi, Out of Your Head Records, Kassa Overall, Alan Braufman – usually you have to act fast if S or M sizes won't do for you). With the increasing temperatures in summer and the lack of a/c at the place I work, these have become my usual attire at work.
  6. Just had a bout with the grim reaper myself ... and the news of Schweizer's passing really had me weep. I've heard her at least a dozen times, mostly solo and duo (Favre, Moholo, Baron included), saw her at many, many concerts (a rare trait among musicians!) and 20+ years ago spent a couple of hours at her kitchen table, discussing her work and Swiss/European free music as part of an Intakt portrait a friend and myself produced for a small local radio. Fondest memories!
  7. Just read about a 11 CD V-Disc set being scheduled for ca. fall... anybody know more?
  8. Very sad indeed - heard from Niko elsewhere. Thanks a lot for sharing those two photos @ghost of miles
  9. Thanks - too bad though! Obviously Childs might still be playing - what I meant to express: some bits are not exactly with the line-up provided for the entire set.
  10. Waiting for my (CD) copy to crawl here ... I wonder, does the physical set have line-ups for the final tracks that are not w/Childs (there's a sax at some place, too)?
  11. Sad to hear. Enjoyed the recent "Never a Dull Moment" set a lot.
  12. I had my bill from Fedex (ca. 35€) in the mailbox today, about 2 weeks after delivery of the box ... as usual. Also I hate that Mosaic are using Fedex, as they have no delivery options other than you have to be home (which luckily I was on that day ... but I've had a few ridiculous Fedex deliveries in the past year - they're basically operating without any of the usual service option, no depositing when I'm not there, no pick-up other than about 5 points in the entire country, all around airports or freight hubs ... no option if you don't drive, and even then that would be a hassle). So far only played through semi-attentively the first two discs from the middle block (Rosenkrantz plus a bit of live material) - and loved what I heard.
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