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Another Idol season


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At this point, I think it would be a crime if Melinda doesn't win. I think she's the very best pure singer they've ever had. Hopefully being the dreaded first position won't keep her fans from voting for her.

I've never really felt that Haley's talents are nearly enough and I think that Simon has it right - she'd be well served to keep showing off her legs as much as possible. Sorry Lon, but I don't think she's necessarily gone just yet - I think the bald dude is.

If anyone is good enough to take it from Melinda its Jordin, who has just blossomed into a poised performer. She's got a great future ahead of her, and might even be better suited to being the pop star that the winner is supposed to be than Melinda is. In a different era, Melinda would probably be a broadway star before she'd be a pop star.

But I just love hearing her sing.

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It's tough to get into this season because ultimately, I don't really care about and can't really get excited about any of them.

I think Melinda is hands-down the best pure singer and I think the "judges" are struggling to find fault to temper her looking like a run away winner and that's why I think she was unfairly criticized this week. She had the perfect come-back for Simon's comments though. I like Jordin a lot as well. She sparkles and shines and has a great talent. Lakisha is a good vocal talent but I don't think she has much to contribute to the idol package outside of vocals which can be uneven. I don't think Haley did that badly this week and she got slammed pretty brutally. She is very attractive and what Simon had to say was probably true, but it was pretty harsh. Sanjaya actually wasn't that bad this week. Phil creeps me out and he's consistently uneven. I'm liking Chris "Timberlake" less and less or is it that I'm disliking him more and more. I think it's the latter. Blake is.... well to borrow from Paula's depth and insightfulness, Blake is Blake.

My guess at bottom three-Haley, Nos-Phil-atu, and Lakisha. If not Lakisha, then Chris. Sanjaya of course should already be gone but he seems to have good backing and this was probably his best performance so he'll get by another week.

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The host Ryan Seacrest has also gotten his name on the Hollywood walk of fame....

Just want to note that the stars on the walk of fame are purchased by the stars themselves. It's not some honor bestowed upon them by the city. Sort of takes the luster off it, doesn't it?

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I don't think Haley did that badly this week and she got slammed pretty brutally. She is very attractive and what Simon had to say was probably true, but it was pretty harsh.

I guess I was just disappointed she didn't choose a better song and offer a better performance.

She is attractive, I'll agree. I'll not forget this dress for a while!


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I wonder if Haley is even going to wear clothes next week....she's REALLY trying to stay in there, and it looks a little desperate each time she comes out wearing such skimpy outfits. After Simon's comments this last night, perhaps pride would just make her wear a parka next week.

Melinda, although the best singer by far...I wonder if she'll ultimately be taken out by the voting public. I think Jordan is the darkhorse and just might win the whole thing when nobody's looking. I'm afraid Melinda appears too old fashioned, she's gotta avoid that. It's a contemporary vibe the winner has to have to some degree, and looking like Ella Fitzgerald ain't gonna do it on American Idol.

Sanjaya was actually good for the first time ever this week. Besame Mucho suited his mellow voice well. I will say this...that guy does have a personality and is smart as a fox. Like Randy said "Dude, you're the smartest contestant we've ever had." (and I don't think he was talking about IQ) :g

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Well, to be fair to both Sanjaya and Hailey (who both did okay this week) - what are they gonna do? For weeks now, Simon and the others have been slamming them, either implying or outright saying that they're outmatched and don't have the skills to win the competition. I agree - Melinda, Lakisha, and Jordin are much better singers - but that doesn't mean that Sanjaya and Hailey are simply gonna quit. They obviously have their fans - for whatever reasons - and are playing to their strengths. Every year there's a Sanjaya or a Hailey to spark some life in what could easily be a boring competition... especially if everyone has already declared Melinda the winner.

My prediction: a Jordin-Blake final, with Jordin for the win.

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The host Ryan Seacrest has also gotten his name on the Hollywood walk of fame....

Just want to note that the stars on the walk of fame are purchased by the stars themselves. It's not some honor bestowed upon them by the city. Sort of takes the luster off it, doesn't it?

Ahhh. Thanks for the information. :)

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The girl with the legs got booted and the bald guy with the eyes has to be next.

...guess she'll either be appearing at Disneyworld or in Playboy next year....or I guess she'll be making guest appearances on Larry King along with "Bucky"....ugg, the life of an ex-idol cut before the final 2.

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Well Dan, I wish you had been right. . . we still have Phil.

Phil...I think he plays into all that "baby" stuff and "my wife" stuff, and it saves him every week. Notice, he mentions something about his family after EVERY performance.... He's no dummy.

it has worked at least one week longer than Haley's "check out my legs" :wub: bit.


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  • 3 weeks later...

OK, first of all - nobody commented about that ridiculous grave-robbing "duet" by Elvis and Celine Dion? On a scale of Nat & Natalie Cole (pretty bad) to Pops & Kenny G (horrifying) I thought it ranked pretty damn close to the latter side of the scale. :bad::bad:

I will say though that the technical achievement was impressive - how the hell did they create the shot over Elvis' shoulder with Elvis out of focus and Celine in focus? :blink:

And now - this week is The "Music" of Jon Bon Jovi????

First of all - didn't he just write one song and they just change the lyrics??


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Man, the music was pretty sucky this week. . . Bon Jovi, yeah right.

Melinda did the best. I fear for Jordin since two are going home tonight. I don't want her to leave! If I were casting people off the island it would be Chris and Phil. But. . . I would doubt they both go.

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I feared the same thing as you jazzbo, I hope Jordin doesn't go home this week. Her Bon Jovi song choice was not good for her at all and her delivery was pretty rough. Hers was probably the worst performance last night. She was pretty strong last week so I hope that pulls her through.

My guesses for elimination tonight are Chris and Lakisha though I'd like to see creepy Phil go.

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I feared the same thing as you jazzbo, I hope Jordin doesn't go home this week. Her Bon Jovi song choice was not good for her at all and her delivery was pretty rough. Hers was probably the worst performance last night. She was pretty strong last week so I hope that pulls her through.

My guesses for elimination tonight are Chris and Lakisha though I'd like to see creepy Phil go.

how could she have sung thru those awful guitar sounds? band let her down

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Man, the music was pretty sucky this week. . . Bon Jovi, yeah right.

Melinda did the best. I fear for Jordin since two are going home tonight. I don't want her to leave! If I were casting people off the island it would be Chris and Phil. But. . . I would doubt they both go.

Melinda's performance proves once and for all she could sing the Phone Book and make it sound great. I mean, she made a damn convincing performance out of "Have A Nice Day" which has got to be the worst "song" every written.

I thought Blake Lewis' arrangement and performance showed a real talent imho. That kid should be a producer if nothing else.

Lakesha sounded great. Jordan and Phil were the worst for me.... Although I don't think Jordan will go, she actually might win this competition if she poisons Melinda's cheerios. I think the 2 voted off fantasy island this week will be Phil and Chris....or maybe Lakesha and Chris since there's no justice in a world containing Teflon Phil (I think he's evil incarnate).

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I agree that Blake has talent, and imagination. . . . But I just get this vibe off him. . . I don't "like" him at all. Both he and Melinda have this cultivated persona. . . I just happen to like Melinda!

And I love Jordin! She's got charisma in spades.

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I agree that Blake has talent, and imagination. . . . But I just get this vibe off him. . . I don't "like" him at all.

He has a very Phil Collins-ey thing happening for me which translates to a lot of lightweight, pop ugggg. But every once in a while he does something that makes me think twice. Last night was one of those times.

Can we just go ahead and give Melinda first place....I mean does it really matter who comes in second at this point?

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