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I have a Border's gift card from the holidays to spend and I'm on the fence on a couple of things to spend on. Where better to turn.

I'm kind of sitting right now between either:

Ray Brown - Walk On


Freddie Hubbard - Open Sesame & Tina Brooks - True Blue

I generally like hard bop session releases the best, which certainly tips me towards the latter, but I'm into Ray Brown in a big way right now. Does anyone know this set? It's a 2 CD Telarc release, which I assume is a compilation, but I don't actually know that. I'm also into Sam Jones right now, who plays on both of the session CDs. Those 2 releases are actually the same band, which is why I paired them up.

Thoughts? Does anyone know these recordings?

Thanks in advance.


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Alright done. The Blue Note sessions are what I tend to like anyway. The Ray Brown is more of a tool to me than a side to side listenning experience, which is what I prefer. iTunes is a good method for downloading a single track when I need it. Headed to Borders at lunch with gift card and coupon in hand.

Thanks for the feedback and admonitions via PM. You told me what I already knew.


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I took everyone's advice and the CD's arrived last night.

I'm listenning to Open Sesame right now and am feeling very hip. This is a really nice session. I think I may like it better than some of Freddie's later ones. Everything is good about it; tunes, arranging, solos, Sam Jones's fat, warm, thumpy tone and time feel. Mmmmmm. This one is going to get played a lot.

I listenned to True Blue last night in the car, which is not the best way to experience something for the first time, but I couldn't wait to spin it up. But at first blush, great band, great blowing session, like Brook's playing and the others, but nothing stood out about it compositionally. I had played Up Tights' Creek before, but even it didn't really ring any bells. I may feel differently next time around, but I may have to catalogue it is a "great blowing session CD", which is not a slight exactly.

Thanks for the recommendations, everyone. I'll enjoy them both.


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I like the Brooks a lot, but quite a few have the same "Blowing Session" criticism of it that you do. Then again, there are many, many titles in the BN catalog fitting that description to a tee. Still, it's one of those recordings that, if not a 'clarion call,' still signifies that period of post-bop jazz as good or better than many, strictly because of the caliber of playing and tightness of the band. It's been some time since I pulled it out - and it's probably still in a moving box - but I'm now primed to revisit it with some detail. Thanks for the reminder!

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