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K2 CDs for Trade (Edit: All Gone)


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I have a few K2 CDs I'm eager to trade for other K2s. All of my CDs up for trade listed below are new, unopened, and factory-sealed. They are the 20-bit K2 remasters with the plastic slipcover outside the jewel case. I'm willing to trade any of these for any new or like-new copies of the CDs on my "want" list; they must be the K2 editions, with the slipcover included, in new or like-new (excellent) condition. I'm open to doing one-for-one, two-for-two, and so on.





(Haves/wants updated on October 10, 2006.)

I'm a newbie here, but you can check my Amazon.com Marketplace seller page to look at my feedback. :)

Edited by mscrutchin
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First post is to sell, not discuss music.

First post is to sell/trade $3 Concord close outs.

Just thought that was funny. :cool:

I'm not selling. I'm trading.

I've been a lurker at Organissimo for a couple of months now (I found this board via the Steve Hoffman forums), but I haven't jumped into any discussions because I'm a jazz newbie and don't have much to contribute right now. The knowledge and insight that most of you regulars dish out is impressive and intimidating -- really, what's a know-nothing like me gonna contribute that'll be worthwhile? I'll start jumping into conversations once I know more about jazz and have something interesting to say.

And, yeah, I did get these from the Concord sale, which has jump-started my jazz collection like nothing else. I accidentally ordered two copies of a few of the CDs listed above (shopping-cart glitch or browser bug I don't know) and Concorde couldn't change it when I called them the next morning, so I figured I'd offer them up for trade, along with a couple of CDs I don't think I'll dig after all. As for the ones on my want list: I tried to order Portrait in Jazz and Waltz for Debby from Concord long after I placed my first big sale order, but they seem to be out of stock (they were marked CANCELED on my receipt). So I'm trading if anyone's interested; if not, cool.

But, anyway, I'm glad that I could amuse you, Chuck. :D

Edited by mscrutchin
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Did I do something wrong? Or do all newbies get LOL'ed at? I'm confused and embarrassed. :unsure:

That's just Chuck- don't worry :g

Chuck mellows out a bit after he gives you the initial rip. I went through the same thing with him when I first started in. And in the future, you can tell your grandchildren about the time that you got trashed by a legendary jazz producer!

Edited by felser
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Wait a minute ... Chuck's a producer?

From AMG: Chuck Nessa was an important force in documenting many of the early AACM sessions. He started the Nessa label in 1967 and soon recorded Roscoe Mitchell and Lester Bowie about the time that the Art Ensemble of Chicago was being formed. In addition, Nessa was involved as a producer in most of Delmark's more important free jazz dates of the era. Although the Nessa label was primarily avant-garde-oriented, with sets by Bobby Bradford, Hal Smith, Charles Tyler and Fred Anderson, among others, it also included sessions by such tenor saxophonists as Ben Webster, Warne Marsh, Lucky Thompson and Von Freeman. The Nessa label has been mostly inactive since the late '70s, but Chuck Nessa was involved in a 1993 Art Ensemble of Chicago box set.

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