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Chewy's Smooth Jazz Recommendation Korner


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How many of you are familiar, or patently aware of Basia Trzetrzelewska, aka "Basia". She is the 1st Pole to crack the American Top 40. I wouldn't go as far as calling her a musical genius, but she is just a slight step down from that// her principal fault is that she has men collaborators who have distorted her out put, eg. her albums suffer from poor production choices, 1st lp for epic, TIME AND TIDE m(1987), is a perfect example of this: the songs on the lp are all melodic, nice, rememberable songs, but poor drum machine programming tainted them upon arrival. This is not noticiable however in her breakthrough hit, the title track to the afformentioned TIME AND TIDE lp:

Production significantly improved for her 1989 followup, entitled LONDOW, WARSAW, NEW YORK

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How many of you have heard of the 80s fusion group Flim & The BB's. Are they considered contenders with comporable 80s fusion artists. I havent heard their cds in years and in fact ive completly forgotten what they sounds like, however they were the 1st jazz group to appear on cd format and their early lps are some of the 1st direct to digital lps on the market or something like that-- remember i told u guys about how i think all jazz should be in mono? well flim & bbs is a notable exception

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FATTBURGER should of been the most popular 80s jazz groups of all time. Their sax player Hollis Gentry III is one of the true greats of modern age west coast jazz, and any one who isn't hip to him doesn't really follow wcj or the progression of jazz music in general. Their 1984 debut ONE OF A KIND should be in any respectible collection of anyone who enjoys post 1968 jazz.


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all u guys gotta at least CHECK OUT the vic feldman, lets say, beacuse it is VIC FELDMAN. this is the same guy who did SEVEN STEPS TO HEAVEN. You have to respect the progression. Synthesizers got really better in the 80s which allowed these musicans this extended pallate. if synth had been that advanced in 1974 fusion would of progressed into your much hated "smooth jazz" sooner

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