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Worst Stage Presence....EVER


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Okay, thanks. I never paid any attention to the Beach Boys, so I don't know them individually. Certainly not on a first name basis. :unsure:

Well, that's a pity. Brian was brilliant in his heyday. A terrific writer, arranger, and producer, and if the stories of his early life are to be believed, a bit of a musical prodigy. If you've never listened to "Pet Sounds," check it out. "Sgt. Pepper" was recorded as a direct reaction to it (of course, hearing "Sgt. Pepper" is what sent Brian off the rails and killed "Smile").

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Okay, thanks. I never paid any attention to the Beach Boys, so I don't know them individually. Certainly not on a first name basis. :unsure:

Well, that's a pity. Brian was brilliant in his heyday. A terrific writer, arranger, and producer, and if the stories of his early life are to be believed, a bit of a musical prodigy. If you've never listened to "Pet Sounds," check it out. "Sgt. Pepper" was recorded as a direct reaction to it (of course, hearing "Sgt. Pepper" is what sent Brian off the rails and killed "Smile").

Well, in the mid-'60s I was already on the air doing a 6-day-a-week jazz show, so my listening time was pretty much devoted to Pres and Duke and Trane and Shepp and Bickert and Miles and Waller, and always Armstrong, and...

The little I heard of the Beach Boys was pretty much callow songs dedicated to cars and surf and blondes. And harmonically they sounded like junior versions of the Four Freshmen, so that wasn't new to my ears.

Nowadays, I'm too much of an old dog to learn old tricks... :rolleyes:

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