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"American Pie" on FX Last Night

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I happened upon the FX channel's rebroadcast of "American Pie" last night and I was absolutely stunned at what I saw and heard. First came a scene where one girl said to the other "yup, he's got a dick-he's a guy" and I'm thinking, did I really just hear that?

So I kept watching, including the bathroom experience of the dork character who doesn't like public bathrooms, right up to the unforgettable scene when Allison Harrigan says, "One time, at band camp, I stuck a flute up my pussy!". And that's exactly what she said.

What the hell happened to Standards and Practices? FX may be cable, but its not a premium channel. Its not HBO or Cinemax. Its part of many basic or "basic +" cable packages.

Now, I of course realize that Standards and Practices on Network television has evolved (or should we say devolved?) over the last ten years or so. There are things that are said and shown that would never have been seen or shown in the past. But what the fuck?

Nice to know there are still some limits, though. I called a friend of mine and he stayed up for the 11 pm rebroadcast and tells me that Shannon Elizabeth didn't get naked in the earlier scene with the guy who molests the apple pie later on.

Did anyone else see this new low in broadcasting? What do you think?

Edited by Dan Gould
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It may be that words like "dick" and "pussy" slip under the S&P radar, since they have other meanings. It's perfectly ok to say "Dick Nixon" or "Pussy Cat" (or even "Pussy Galore", if you happen to be watching a Bond flick) on network TV. I've noticed that over the years "bitch" and "bastard" have become acceptable, as has "ass" (although "asshole" still gets bleeped). "Shit" and "fuck" remain no-nos, however.

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Every once in a while you hear the word "shit" on broadcast TV. Not very often, but I know I heard it two or three times in that big "9-11" documentary on CBS, about the one fire-station that responded to the tragedies in NYC. I know I've heard it a time or two in other contexts, even dramatic (on broadcast TV). I know this was many years ago, but wasn't there some verbal line crossed in the very last episode of M*A*S*H??

Maybe the difference is that those were all dramatic contexts, and "American Pie" was comedy - which is kind of a different thing, so maybe different standards apply. And, don't forget, FX isn't broadcast TV either.

Heck, I remember being in high-school (mid-80's), or maybe my early, early college years (late 80's) - and there was some zany "Benny Hill"-type comedy show on a non-Network affiliated station, back in St. Louis (channel 11, if any of you lived there back then). It was only on after 11pm, and usually once per episode, there'd be a very, very quick flash of a topless woman, in some comedy sketch. I can't remember who's show it was, but his first name was "John", and he had a round face. I think it was on this show the "Super Dave Osborn" character first appeared. Anyway, this was broadcast TV, I'm 100% for sure, cuz I was at my folks house, still, at the time - and they've never had cable TV (and still don't to this day).

Now whether this (the dialog in "American Pie") is atypical for the FX cable network station, or not atypical - is entirely the question. But it wouldn't suprise me at all to hear the dialog described above on a station that was part some sort of "extended cable" package, meaning everything you'd get without getting the "premium" chanels.


Now, is this a good thing, or bad thing - is entirely a different question. Bad taste is everywhere, so I'm not much suprised by anything these days. Heck, in some ways, I'm just as offended by some of the semi-"squeaky clean" shows on during primetime (standard sitcom fare) that show the absolute most gender-stereotypical roles and behavior imaginable. But then that's just me, and America (apparently) seems to eat this stuff up.

My wife and I not only didn't have cable for most of the last 8 months (just got re-hooked about a month ago), but the TV upstairs (where we do most of our viewing) only got VHF stations, which (in Kansas City), limited us only to ABC, CBS, and FOX. During those 6 months, I (still only occasionally) saw more "prime time" TV than I ever have in years. In particular, I saw more CBS stuff than ever - which is a network I almost never watch. "Everybody Loves Raymond" always had three or four jokes/gags per show that caused my jaw to drop. Not because it was offensive in any traditional way, but because of the way it depicted stereotypes about gender, and age, and the like. Can't think of a good example right off, but it was like every episode, as I recall - at least from the few episodes I saw.

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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