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What do U wear in a weather like this?Mostly sunny


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A good pair of gloves is a must. I find my hands get cold faster than any other part of my body. Sometimes I leave my gloves in the car and getting into a cold car and having to touch a freezing cold steering wheel is not the most pleasant thing in the world.

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layers. wear lots of layers. I know of one record store in the area, which didn't have much of a selection the last time I checked. I believe there is either a Borders or a Barnes and Noble in the area, too. The only restaurants we have ever tried there are Indian and Thai, both of which were good. We are planning on eating at the Thai restaurant before the Dave Holland show on the 31st. Too bad you'll be there a week early!

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Look for any BullMoose Records up in NH. I bet Kevin Bres knows the deals and where to find them. But they are all around the SE corner of the state.

It's supposed to be another single digit weekend up here (I'm just down the coast). Time to spring for some silk long underwares. It's up to around 30 right now but the moistness makes it all moot. Up in ski country it'll be quite nasty.

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Look for any BullMoose Records up in NH. I bet Kevin Bres knows the deals and where to find them. But they are all around the SE corner of the state.

That figures. Most of the population is in the SE corner of the state.

Don't go without gloves. A good coat. Maybe a sweater or sweatshirt for under the coat. Maybe even a scarf. I used to scoff at scarfs, but then started getting colds. Believe me, in wintertime New England there's nothing wrong with a scarf.

You might even want to dress like this gent: :ph34r:

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Hey, you’ll be in my neighborhood! I live about 10 min. from Hanover!

Sad news, there are no really worthwhile record stores in the area. (At least none I haven’t been through thoroughly!) There is a Borders as well as a Best Buy, a Coconuts, and an independent CD store nearby in Lebanon. There is a store in Lebanon that sells vinyl, but since I don’t have a turntable I have no idea how their selection is.

What type of food and what price range are you interested in? Let me know and I’ll send some recommendations. Jazz-wize you came the wrong weekend. Last Friday there was a double bill of the Brad Melhdau Trio and Bill Frizell’s Trio. And, as John B said, the weekend of the 31st Dave Holland is in town.

Are you visiting friends or just a quick winter vacation? Either way have a good one. (And if you’d like to grab a drink, let me know!)

Latest forcast for Saturday: partly cloudy, High 11, low -1.

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