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AP: 5 million US households have no TV

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Here's an interesting article about American households that do not have a television. The networks and advertisers want to reach them through their iPads, but I suspect that many don't want to watch what the networks are offering.


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I was going to start a thread on what I'm about to post, but it hardly seemed worth it and this seems as good a place as any to post this:

I have a bundle of phone, internet and cable with Comcast. Lots of channels and Xfinity on demand, but no premium movie channels. Each year right around this time my bill goes up because the one-year promotional offer I signed up for the previous year expires. So I just call and tell them I'm considering canceling my Comcast and -- bingo! -- the person on the other end of the phone forages around and finds me a better deal for the same services.

Has never failed to work. Call me a cheap son of a gun, but this year I got $40 knocked off my monthly bill!

Sorry if this derails things (I doubt it will), but for anyone who thinks they're paying too much for bundled cable/internet/phone service, just call 'em up, lob a little threat to cancel, and voila!

Edited by papsrus
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I use a television but it functions primarily as a large computer monitor, my mac mini is the primary component. Most of my watching is done via streaming these days; Netflix, Hulu, Amazon and direct from network websites. I split my internet bill with my roommates and I pay for Netflix streaming...cost is less than $20 per month. I get free broadcast HD channels with a rabbit ear antenna but I almost never watch things that way, I usually wait until the next day and watch on Hulu where there are less frequent and shorter commercial breaks.

Haven't had cable TV in years and don't miss it at all.

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