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Everything posted by randissimo

  1. That's right... I gotta get a burn of that from you...
  2. First time I worked with Winston I was nervous as hell because I'd been told by Mach and others that he was really hard on drummers.. I was told he asked during the radio interview whether the drummer was black or white? and can he play?? It was for a WGVU Jazz Nite and after we played the first set Winston turned around and looked at me and said, "Like the way you play,, we gonna get along just fine".. Winston could be a grump onstage. We were playing a fast blues and Winston barks over to me to "no jazz,, just play the back beat !! " ... But he had a sweet side too.. Played a gig with him after visiting a nephew in the hospital suffering from a severe asthma attack.. Told Winston about it and he said I'm going to pray for him.. He then disappeared behind the bandshell and actually prayed for my nephew! Another time we were playing a family reunion in Ludington for a black family and there was a woman there in a wheel chair. Winson announced on the mic that he was going to dedicate the next song to a very beautiful woman and announced her name (he had found out her name before the set) and started singing "You Are Too Beautiful" and that woman cried like a baby and had us all in tears..
  3. I actually like the Hornsby recordings with Jack.. Rather refreshing...
  4. Had a chance to work a number of times with Winston.. He was one of a kind... RIP
  5. Jack DeJohnette is my man! Absolutely my favorite drummer! Part of the reason he is so deep on the drums is because he also plays piano very well and has a great sense of composition.. I'm going to attend two shows in April Jack is doing with Chick Corea and Bobby McFerrin.. Jack has been playing Sonors since the early 70's...
  6. No problem Jim.. My other sister has a serious struggle with cigarette addiction and has been trying to quit. But any kind of stress and she's smoking again..
  7. This sister has never smoked a cigarette in her life..
  8. My twin sister is very ill in the hospital with AMI and has already had two emergency surgeries.. Are there any doctors or members knowledgeable on this particular disease?
  9. WHOOPS... I gotta try and remember to look at the dates on these posts..
  10. Might also contact Phil Marsh.. ppmarsh1@comcast.net Phil has been writing arrangements and is still very interested in getting together a guitar ensemble.. Carlos Melendez.. tkjazz335@hotmail.com Carlos is directing the jazz band at Alma College and may have some charts and ideas. He is also still very interested in the guitar ensemble idea.
  11. Try emailing Vic & Corey. I'm sure they could help vic_juris@comcast.net, corey@themusicschool.us, corey@coreychristiansen.com;
  12. randissimo

    bassoon jazz

    One of the most outstanding jazz bassoonists out there is Paul Hanson. He plays both tenor as well as bassoon. I used to work occasionally with him in the Bay Area in the mid-late 80's.. I first heard him with Peter Applebaum's fantastic band the "Hieroglyphics Ensemble"... Didn't hear much from Paul until he surfaced in a concert video a few years ago with Bela Fleck... If you haven't heard him check him out!
  13. I sent Lewis an email last week with a link to this thread and got this nice reply.. Randy - Thanks for your nice email message! I had a great time in Grand Rapids, and hope to come back to perform there in the near future! Will take a look at the posted thread when I get a minute. Take care and best wishes. Thanks again! Sincerely, L. Nash
  14. I get nervous when I'm not playin' ... The month of February especially makes me nervous!
  15. Sounds like a nice place to be... It's very cold, wet, and the economy is miserable where I am..
  16. http://gizmodo.com/348628/marijuana-vendin...-business-in-la
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