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Everything posted by thedwork

  1. good to see you here milestones! yeah, keith mentioned to me that you guys were checking out my rhythm chart. there's a few things i'd like to tweek ('fix') on that one but i just don't have the time. i wrote it back in '93 and i'd do some stuff differently now. i'm really happy you guys are playing though! there's some nice stuff in there. i remember being real happy w/ the sax soli.
  2. just found/bought this (richie beirach's Hubris) today for $5: it's the german (green, right?) pressing and doesn't have that japanese thingie on the side. have no idea if this vinyl is out of print or not so if anyone here knows that i'd be interested. i'm a huge beirach fan and have two of his other solo piano recordings, his duo record w/ conrad herwig, and the quintet recording he made w/ herwig's group. excited to spin this when my turntable arrives (tomorrow ).
  3. bumped for interest. still lots of good, affordable stuff.
  4. i hear you. but don't come up on the evening of feb. 18th, 'cuz that's when i wish i was living down in your neighborhood. three of my favorite musicians in the world are playing in a tiny cafe (i did an interview w/ one of them there) in preparation for a record date later this month: REBECCA MARTIN Featuring Bill McHenry (Tenor Saxophone) Larry Grenadier (Acoustic Bass) Twas the night before our record date... Thursday, February 18th, 2010 7:00pm Gabriels Café 50 John Street Kingston, NY 845/338-7161 be there! and then tell me about it
  5. thanks free for all. they did a very good job on my piece and put in a lot of work. it's not the kinda chart you can get a good take on in the first read through - unless you're the Vanguard Orchestra or something. i'll drop him a line and see if he'd wanna check out the thread and say hello here at the forum. good suggestion you've got a PM...
  6. shameless promotion of a friend's band which has just put out a new recording (w/ one track by myself: "Renee"): you can hear clips (and purchase) here: Big Soul Ensemble Live At The Lark Tavern it says it's 'experimental' in the write up, but i myself wouldn't call it that. it certainly isn't the ICP. but there's some real nice stuff on there and the fact that Keith has organized a consistent monthly big band gig (3 years strong now!) w/ good players who show up and people who come out to hang is way cool. shout out to Mr. Pray!
  7. TT with a built-in preamp, I would go to the Audio forum. I don't know the answer. Six bones is about right for that Bley. Nice date. Happy hunting! thanks clifford. looks like i'm gonna just go for it and buy what a work buddy recommended for my needs: an audio-technica. it's got the built-in preamp, but t also has a usb out so i wll be able to burn vinyl onto discs in my stand alone tascam cd burner for back-up or if wanna give something to my friends. and it's not too expensive. we'll see...
  8. alright - here goes: Disc 1: track 1 - no idea who or what tune. not usually my cuppatea but sounds real good. love the guitar - lonnie johnson maybe? track 2 - i'd guess joe henderson for tenor but couldn't name any one else or the tune. nice enough feel but the track isn't doing much for me. left hand of the piano player is pretty anoying to me during his solo and he's got all the requisite herbie/mccoy/chick influences but not much else. guitarist has nice technique and sound but like the pianist sounds like e's studied plenty (martino) but just isn't doing anything for me. still perfectly good music of course. also, anyone else think this sounds like henderson during the solo but while he played the head his tone changed to being kinda unlike henderson? interesting. track 3 - pretty sure this is night and day. feels a bit on the cutesie side but nice. sounds like a classical player who is dabbling in jazz. no idea who really. charlie byrd? track 4 - sorry for the negativity but this sounds like none of these players wanted to be at this session. also, i personally don't like the bridge of the tune. sounds cheesy and forced to me. they sound tired, unexcited, and frankly bored to be playing music. nice tone on the tenor player but it sounds like he's sleepwalking through the tune. overall a channel changer. no idea who or what. track 5 - nice group sound on this one and i enjoy the vibe. sounds like these guys hang. and i like the writing. nice fat tone from everyone here and the bass is kinda punchy but still warm and full. don't know the tune or the players but i'm guessing it's from the jeremy pelt, nicholas payton, tim warfield crowd. favorite track so far. it's got energy but coulda used a bit more atitude. track 6 - very nice. so relaxed. i love the bassist and drummer's vibe. bassist kinda reminded me of scott lafaro. maybe it's him and motian w/ a ianist i haven't checked out much yet? 2nd track in a row i've really liked. something about this makes me think it was recorded in the late 50s/early 60s? track 7 - skylark. sheesh - i finally knew a tune for sure. beautiful ensemble effort. only guess for players would be harry carney? don't know who these guys are but they're all killing. great take. track 8 - alrighty then! don't really like the introductory theme, but the blowing is nice. don't know who or what. tenor player is monstrous and the whole band sounds very engaged. i think my favorite member on this cut is the drummer. he's really got that thing where he plays time without really playing time. this sounds closer to present day than, say, the 60s. i'm thinking this was recorded in the 90s? track 9 - ahhhh... nice. guitar player sounds like someone who listened to t-bone. illinois jacquet toward the end there? track 10 - loving this straight vocal interpretation. don't know who or what. also dig the band's arrangement. tasty guitar solo. track 11 - not enjoying this much. though it sounds like it very well may be mccoy now. yeah, i'll guess mccoy in one of his 'bigger band' albums. the guitarist is reminding me of the guy earlier on track #2, but even more martino-like. maybe this really is pat. well - now that i'm through the piano solo i'm retracting my mccoy guess. don't know. anyone else experience some oddly mixed kick drum toward the end there? meh. track 12 - ahhh... another respite. don't know who or what. nice. Disc 2: track 1 - billie's bounce. don't like the "out" harmonization of the melody. feels gimmiky and trite to my ear. that's a mean left hand there though. pretty aggressive playing here. certainly not detecting much in the way of blues though. that's a lotta notes there man. not enjoying. don't now. wouldn't wanna listen to this again. track 2 - conrad herwig! gotta be, right? he's the man. assuming the alto is snidero. nice track but nothing special... except herwig track 3 - nardis. nice and relaxed solo piano. ah - a vamp to open it up w/ the band. cool. all still rather subdued. i like it. alright, now it's starting to open up a bit, and done. don't know who these guys are, assuming it's the piano player's date. 'tsalright. track 4 - don't know who or what. kinda cool cross between new agey and pop jazz. guitar playing solos is a bit noodley for me but sounds ok. i love that low indian sounding string instrument that keeps hitting that fundamental. wouldn't seek out this record to buy but cool... track 5 - like it a lot but don't know the singer. sweets and edison and teddy edwards? great guitar player here too but couldn't guess. track 6 - this is some sly/clever shit! killer. whoa... no idea who or what. sounds like a really spirited 2nd read-through. there's still that feeling of surprise and freshness in the playing. man the drummer and bassist are really killing it! track 7 - no guess. maybe duke robillard? eh. track 8 - well this is quite a nice stately melody. very strong in the pocket bop/hard bop playing. not doing anything for me. no guess. track 9 - loving this already only 30 seconds into the track. sounds like maria schneider meets blade's fellowship but is probably neither. ok - now we're getting more into the 'big bandy' vibe (maybe it is schneider?). since it reminded me a bit of schneider there a bit, maybe it's kimbrough playing this fine piano solo? very nice sax solo here too. really digging the writing on this tune. whoa! the ending of that sax solo was beautifully put together and probably not so easy to pull off. what is this!?!@#$%^&* ok - these hits during the drum solo: i will most likely be buying this when i find out what it is. fantastic. track 10 - i'm getting sentimental over you. pretty masterful solo piano work here. nice dropping of some blues in there too. that moment at 5:55 - 6:00 is priceless. the recording sound/playing makes me think this isn't too far back in time. who are the current/recent past solo piano masters that could play something this great? it's not jarrett. it's not mehldau. it's not kevin hays. it's not richie beirach. kenny barron? track 11 - this is fun! great playing and singing. energy to burn. great. that scat coming out of the bass solo is beautiful. sounds like maybe influenced by hendricks but it's definitely not him. no guess. track 12 - leroy jenkins? nice electric piano - that lick at 3:42 (and again kinda at 4:59) makes me think of Miles. this drummer reminds me of dejohnette. really like this track. everything about it. track 13 - you're like a radio program producer w/ your pacing. way cool. no guess on this one but it's a great closer. paul desmond? thanks DrJ!
  9. am i too late to get in on it w/ downloads?
  10. just sarting to get back into vinyl after about... oh... 20 years away i found this in what seems to me to be very good condition at a cool vinyl store in my neighborhood for $6: pretty excited for the music, but also wondering if this is maybe a "great find" by the standards of collectors here on the board. i have no idea. i just figured it was a real good find for me personally/musically. also wondering if anyone has a quick suggestion for an inexpensive turntable w/ a built-in preamp? maybe there's another thread i should go to for that? cheers...
  11. looks like garrett's right hoots. i tried and couldn't find an "unlock code" for your model. good luck.
  12. hey jlhoots. what brand and model dvd player do you have? i converted my cheap memorex dvd player into a "universal region" disc player w/ the press of a few buttons on my remote. literally took me 30 seconds. i found the 'code' online.
  13. PM sent on the weiskopf, blake, holman, and sipiagin. "holds" updated.
  14. Ha ha - that happened YEARS ago with the gutless management endorsement of a select few trolls and bullies. AMEN Bro. I took a one-way ticket out of there years ago. I didn't need to - I was booted off me too J.A.W. but w/ me it was more of an: "I quit." "You can't quit. You're fired!" scenario. the issues over there (and most forums i would assume, but there maybe more so?) could be picked over ad nauseum but certainly aren't worth the time here. plus, i assume the OP was serious and that, of course, sucks.
  15. added about 20 titles last night. OP is updated w/ those and stuff that sold. guys that bought the 1st few things should be getting their music today or tomorrow. south wales may be a bit longer
  16. nice thread and very cool post above. i may buy that dvd. i have an instructional cd/booklet from abercrombie that i didn't see on the discography from the OP. it's titled John Abercrombie's Concepts - Developing Improvisational Ideas. he plays/talks through sample chords and scales and then plays through tunes using the samples he's given. the booklet has the tunes wrtten out in lead seet format and has all the scales/modes written out that he talks/plays through. it's fairly basic stuff but it's abercrombie so it's useful, interesting, and fun. i think i may have gotten this from him when he came to give a master class and performance where i was working/studying, but it was quite a while ago and it's a bit hazy. anyone else have this thing?
  17. django was definitely the man. i'm going to see an anniversary/tribute/celebration concert next week w/ frank vignola's group. looking forward to it.
  18. my paypal seems to be a go. so i'm down w/ regular checks or this paypal thing. or if you live in albany, swing by and save shipping PMs sent to riverrat and magnificent goldberg. some details added to OP and a couple titles added...
  19. hey riverrat. Oregon is on hold & i'll PM you about details when i get home from work later. thanx.
  20. yo seeline! thanks for letting me know your experience with paypal. that's good to hear. i'm so used to dealing w/ checks and the issues involved (physically going to the bank, waiting for them to 'clear,' etc...) that i don't give it a 2nd thought or get annoyed by it. maybe after i get the paypal thing going and use it for a while it'll give me another thing to be annoyed with? hope all is well w/ you seeline. cheers...
  21. hey guys. i just started the process of setting up a paypal account. since i don't have an online banking passcode i couldn't set it up 'instantly.' i have to check for tiny deposits in my bank account over the next 2-3 days and then go back into my paypal account to confirm the deposit amounts. seems pretty cool. if anyone wants to send a check, feel free to let me know. but it's cool that i'm catching up to the 21st century and am setting up this paypal thing! i guess i shoulda done it a while back. i will PM people and mark certain items on 'hold' until i get my shit straight. i'll bump the thread when my account is a go. hopefully it'll just stay up glad there's interest. it is a lot of good stuff for reasonable money.
  22. (all reasonable offers considered...) hey all. i've been throwing away jewel cases and keeping my cds in "case logic" cases for about 15 years now, so i don't have the "backer cards" for any of these cds. but i of course kept the liner notes when there were any. some of these were 'advance' copies and are marked as such on the disc. unless otherwise noted, all cds will come in a new 'slim' case w/ original liner notes (the first few may get regular size jewel cases). all of these cds play fine w/ no skips. there may be marks but no serious scratches, and most are very clean. check or paypal is fine - prefer check. Add $2 for shipping in the U.S. for 1st cd, and 25 cents for each after that in your order. But: Any purchase over $20 in the U.S. gets free shipping! Over $30, free shipping anywhere! hope these interest y'all: JAZZ : Billy Childs Ensemble (w/ Brian Blade, Scott Colley, Larry Koonse) – Lyric (Jazz Chamber Music Volume 1) (no liner notes) $6 Brad Mehldau Trio (2 CDs) - Brad Mehldau Trio Live $6 Ben Allison – Cowboy Justice $3 David Hazeltine Quartet Featuring Slide Hampton – 4 Flights Up $3 (No Liner Notes) David Hazeltine/Joe Locke Quartet – Mutual Admiration Society $3 (No Liner Notes) John Scofield – That's What I Say: The Music Of Ray Charles $5 John Scofield – Bump $5 John Scofield/Joe Lovano/Dave Holland/Al Foster (Scolohofo) – Oh! $5 John Scofield Trio – Live: En Route $5 John Abercrombie Trio - Speak Of The Devil $5 Joshua Redman – Back East (no liner notes) $3 Joshua Redman Quartet – Passage Of Time $3 Dave Holland Quintet - Prime Directive $4 Directions In Music W/ Hancock, Brecker, Hargrove Celebrating Miles And Coltrane - Live At Massey all $4 Joel Harrison – So Long 2nd Street (no liner notes - but song listing, info, and nice pic of Joel cut from what looks like the digipak can be sent along) $3 Kenny Garrett – Happy People (no liner notes) $2 Greg Gisbert Sextet (W/ Chris Potter and Steve Wilson) – On Second Thought $4 Nicholas Payton – Payton's Place $4 Joe Zawinul And The WDR Big Band (2 CDs) – Brown Street $4 E.S.T. - Tuesday Wonderland $3 GRP All-Star Big Band (Gary Burton, Arturo Sandoval, John Patitucci, Chuck Findley, Russell Ferrante, etc...) - Live! $3 Frank Sinatra – Sinatra Reprise: The Very Good Years (from the reprise collection) $3 Scott Henderson (2 CDs) – Live! (no liner notes) $5 Jon Jarvis Trio – Hear No Evil (no liner notes) $2 Sean Jones – Kaleidoscope $3 Manu Katche – Playground $3 Ben Monder/Chris Gestrin/Dylan van der Schyff – The Distance $3 Rob Levit Trio – Uncertain Path (no liner notes) $2 Andy Parsons/Ben Monder/John Patitucci/Gene Lewin – Flip! $3 Kate McGarry – The Target (no liner notes) $3 John Coltrane – Coltrane For Lovers $3 Herb Alpert's Tijuana Brass – Whipped Cream And Other Delights 40th Anniversary Edition w/ Bonus Tracks $2 Linda Ronstadt W/ Nelson Riddle And His Orchestra – For Sentimental Reasons $3 Tahna Running – Live (no liner notes) $2 Samo Salamon Trio (digipak) – Live! $2 Stolen Moments: Red Hot + Cool (2 CDs Featuring Don Cherry, Branford Marsalis, The Roots, Digable Planets, Joshua Redman, The Pharcyde, ets...) $4 Frank Vignola And Joe Ascione: The Frank And Joe Show – 66 2/3 $3 Collections: Harold Arlen: Centennial Celebration 100 (2 CDs) – performances by Ernestine Anderson, Ray Brown, Dizzy Gillespie, Miles Davis, Wes Montgomery, Art Tatum, Sarah Vaughn, etc... $4 Grace Of My Heart Soundtrack (this cd has a few gems) – Includes performances by Elvis Costello And Shawn Colvin $4 Who Loves You? - Tribute To Jaco Pastorious - Featuring Joey Calderazzo, Randy Brecker, John Patitucci, Mike tern, Mark Egan, James Genus, Bob Mntzer, Steve Cardenas, Don Alias, Peter Erskine, Steve Gadd, etc...) $3 Blues Ronnie Earl And The Broadcasters – Still River $4 Eddie “Cleanhead” Vinson/Otis Spann – Bosses Of The Blues Volume II (Joe Pass is in Vinson's band on this one) $3 Pop/Rock/Funk/Folk...: Breakestra – Dusk Till Dawn $3 Lucy Kaplansky – Over The Hills (w/ Duke Levine!) $3 Harper Simon - Harper Simon (Paul Simon's son w/ Paul on a track and Petra Haden on another - digipak) $3 Patrick Watson – Close To Paradise (no liner notes) $2 Simone White - Yakiimo (digipak) $3 Classical: Yo-Yo Ma/Wu Man/Silk Road Ensemble (music from Bloch, Harrison, Sharav, and Prokofiev) – Traditions And Transformations, Sounds Of Silk Road Chicago, Chicago Symphony Orchestra $4 (very good music on this! i got two copies somehow...) John Williams - Schindler's List Original Motion Picture Score Featuring Itzhak Perlman $3 DVDs: Peter Bernstein Trio Live At Smoke (Killin'...) - $10 Element Of Crime (Lars von Trier/Criterion Edition Includes Bjorkman's 1997, 52-minute documentary on Trier. Very interesting...) - $10 Why Has Bodhi-Dharma Left For The East (Philosophical Buddhist Koan Drama. Considered a classic) - $2 Books: Such Sweet Thunder: 49 Pieces On Jazz: Whitney Balliett -$5 (Original Hardcover 1966 Bobbs-Merrill 1st Printing. This book has seen better days. Ex-Library copy w/ the usual marking. Pages clean. Dust Jacket in plastic cover is in good condition. But the book I'd say is in fair/poor condition. Missing a few pages [pg 53-54; and pg 279-282]. However, this title/edition seems to be not-overly-common? Maybe a collector would be interested...) Nineteenth-Century Music: Carl Dahlhaus - $13 (Paperback. Commonly considered to be one of the best surveys of the period. Very Good condition. Pages clean, spine is tight, cover slightly bowed...) The Jazz Ear: Ben Ratliff - $4 (Hardcover W/ Dust Jacket. Like New. Added a dollar to price 'cuz shipping books is more than cds...) Rockers, Jazzbos, And Visionaries: Bill Milkowski - $2.50 (Hardcover. No DJ. Like New.) NPR Curious Listener's Guide To Jazz: Loren Schoenberg - $1.50 (Paperback. Fine condition.) Other: Get one of these free w/ every two cds purchased from above (but add 25 cents for shipping). By themselves priced accordingly: The Present (mainly creative improvised electronics) – World I See $2 Mia Doi Todd (With Andres Renteria/kinda new agey improvised drones/relaxing) (digipak) - Morning Music $2 Handel – Concerti Grossi Op. 3/Sonata a 5 (Academy Of Ancient Music/Richrd Egarr) $2 Bruce Springsteen – Magic (no liner notes) $2 Wooden Wand (digipak) - Hard Knox $2 Wooden Wand – James And The Quiet $2 Yacht – See Mystery Lights (no liner notes) $2 Pronto (from Wilco's Mikael Jorgensen) – All Is Golden $2 Damien Rice – O (I think there's computer/video content added onto this one as well. I'll check if anyone is interested... $2 (no liner notes) King Wilkie – Low Country Suite $2 (no liner notes) Donna Hughes – Gaining Wisdom (produced by Tony Rice) (no liner notes) $2
  23. yeah. i hear that. my opinion is that none of the guys in The Doors were very good players. all kinda lame in my opinion. but Morrison had a real nice, deep and rich quality to his voice, wrote some good tunes, and sure had enough attitude and imagination to make a rock and roll band lift off. no Morrison, no Doors. even with all the same songs. but that's stating the obvious. as far as the Phil Collins thing goes - he was a great drummer. there's really no debate there if you know his playing history back through the 70s w/ Brand X and both of the Genesis bands (Gabriel and post-Gabriel). tons of excellent music there. and Norm posted this amazing vid of Bonham (for my money, the greatest rock drummer of all-time): damn. anybody else notice that he starts off his solo by quoting Max Roach's "The Drum Also Waltzes"? he's a fucking bad ass. i bought a vinyl Zeppelin bootleg from around that same year back in the early 80s. i remember very clearly Bonham's solo from that bootleg also quoting/referencing "The Drum Also Waltzes" but much more extensively. i've since lost that bootleg. every time i think of that i kick myself in the ass. oh well...
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