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Everything posted by Coda

  1. John Lindberg Ensemble - The Catbird Sings
  2. Disc 1. with Larry Gales on Bass and Sherman Ferguson on Drums
  3. I didn't see any sample photos in the link, could you point me to it? I wanted to see if it was different from the other Blue Note book released in 2015
  4. Junior Mance is one of my favorite piano accompanists. He's in failing health but seems happy and has a good support network. I'm not familiar with this recording, will check it out, thanks JS. after this one:
  5. I've not seen this image of Miles before today. It was in this article from Bill King: https://www.fyimusicnews.ca/articles/2019/05/08/miles-davis-birth-cool
  6. The Human Touch: Human/Nature Winner. It’s no exaggeration to say that André Bauma, the head caretaker at the Senkwekwe Center for orphaned gorillas in Virunga National Park, risks his life daily for the animals in his care. In recent decades, more than 170 rangers have been killed in the park, and the Senkwekwe Center has been overrun by rebels on multiple occasions. Even in these moments, Bauma has never abandoned the center’s gorillas. "Gorilla caretakers with those gorilla orphans? We are the same family," he says. "They know we are their mums." # James Gifford / BigPicture Photography Competition
  7. Happy Friday! This is the Balcombe viaduct on the main railway line from London to Brighton, completed in 1842.
  8. Thanks Kevin, looks like you saved me $$$. This sounds so pedestrian.
  9. I checked. I have Amazon Music streaming service. After clicking on medjuck's link I see that I can stream the music now from this service. The other choices show pre-order status.
  10. He's scheduled to come back to Scullers on May 18th with Esperanza and Bob Hurst. I haven't listened to him since his release Bit**** back in 2011. He looks thinner now. Keyboards???
  11. I'm not back in college, just pretending. This book is packed with examples, formulas, how-to's, etc. I am trying to predict how much a customer is willing to pay for a product in the future. The book is thick, the print is small, and the only pictures are of spreadsheets.
  12. Hi all, work has been kicking me hard lately, leaving little time for music. It's early and no one is in the office so I'm taking advantage by listening to this:
  13. I was at Scullers on Friday. Wayne Escoffery with Rashaan Carter-bass, David Kikoski-piano and Kush Abadey-drums. The band was in top form, playing was spectacular. I wish they played longer but it seems just over an hour is the new norm for a live show.
  14. San Francisco and the Bay Bridge, seen from the hills above Oakland.
  15. Herbie Hancock with daughter Jessica Jackie Robinson and Lionel Hampton
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