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Everything posted by RDK

  1. Buddi Satan, meet Beelzebub. I'd like to see *that* Battle of the Bands...
  2. Enough of this cheesecake. Back to, uh, jazz...
  3. It's like the old joke about what a chair would look like if our knees bent the other way. Or something like that.
  4. Jousting and pin-up girls all on one album cover...
  5. Oh if only her hand was actually on the other chick's ass...
  6. My, that guy's got very attractive vocal chords...
  7. I don't think I wanna know what she's lookin' at...
  8. I'm too lazy to check if this was posted previously, but I just stumbled across this one on another site... I can't think of any words to do it justice...
  9. There's a review of this on AMG... http://www.allmusic.com/cg/amg.dll?p=amg&u...l=A4zmyxdkb4olg
  10. Six takes of Willie Nelson to start off disc 1? I dunno about that. I think I would have prefered this as a 3 or 4 disc set without all the severe repetition.
  11. It's gonna be hard to not pick up the PC set even though I have most of the material already. The Patton is a must-have, though there doesn't appear to be any "theme" to this set... I'm already falling behind. I still need the Randy Weston box. Guess what I'll be getting for Christmas this year?
  12. Let me put this as delicately as possible. Perhaps this lovely young lady has a personality that is the total opposite of her appearance, one that resembles a bad case of PMS that never ends. In that case, his wanting to spend 44 days in a box by himself is totally understandable. I dunno. I'd simply dump her and shack up with another supermodel girlfriend. But that's just me. If my wife would let me of course...
  13. I've been getting some of those 5-disc Past Perfect "Hall of Fame" box sets from Zwe-whatever in Germany and they've been very nice... and only $5 each!
  14. Back when Napster was around I downloaded a fair amount of stuff, but even there jazz was virtually non-existent (especially the rare and/or oop stuff I was looking for. I've never been able to get Kaaza or any other peer-to-peer groups to even work - and there seems to be even less jazz on them. I can say this: the stuff that I did find (and the music that I'm now downloading - legally - from emusic) has caused me to buy more CDs than ever before. The "problem" with being exposed to new artists is that, if you like what you hear, you want to buy more music by those artists. I think that many of us who like and collect jazz have a hard time understanding the issues that the RIAA has with the general public regarding llegal downloading. Let's face it, the few dozen (even hundreds) who might d/l a Miles Davis album is a drop in the bucket to the hundreds of thousand who might d/l the latest Britney Spears or Radiohead CD.
  15. Did Chuck just use a smilie? Excuse me while I ask the Devil to borrow some ice...
  16. Don't get me wrong: I think what Kevin did was pretty shitty. I didn't really wanna single anyone out with my comment above, but since by keeping it overly broad I seem to have targeted more of you than I intended, I probably should add that I was primarily criticizing Brad's line - "I'm sure we can get by without his "I was talking to Michael the other day and he told me...." name dropping stuff" - which I thought was uncalled for. Otherwise I do understand the current animosity towards Kevin's "salt the earth" style of departure...
  17. Considering this is his girlfriend, why the guy wants to spend 44 days in a box by himself is beyond me...
  18. Okay. I don't agree with Kevin's decision to delete his threads, but this sudden ganging up on him is pretty pathetic. No one (except Chris) seemed to take exception with Kevin's relationship with Cuscuna (the "name dropping stuff") when we were all the beneficiaries of the advance info. Now, though, the criticism seems like sour grapes...
  19. I count an even 50. No upgrades and this doesn't include the most recent batches. I also have about a dozen JRVGs. I would have bought all the Herbie Hancocks, but I already have them on the box set...
  20. So which of the new Conns have those "bonus" live Miles Davis tracks?
  21. I actually like the new red cover. Oh hell, i'm really to lazy to care one way or the other...
  22. I'll say once again that it's always a bad idea to let someone delete a thread they've started. This sort of thing happened all the time on the ol' Blue Note board and it's really disrespectful to all the other contributers to that thread. I understand why it might be a handy option on the buy/sell forum - Jim, can you adjust the settings so that we can delete just those threads in that forum? - but otherwise I don't see the big deal in just posting that an item has been sold. Frankly, I'm really surprised that Kevin did this. It doesn't seem like him...
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