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Big Wheel

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Everything posted by Big Wheel

  1. Hey Michael, apologies for taking a couple days off from looking at the musician's forum. Thanks for looking at this so quickly!
  2. Of course - I didn't mean to imply that there were a bunch of Stone Age types dropping dead of heart disease at 20 because they were eating lots of raw gazelle fat. Just that appealing to Stone Age notions of nutrition as "not bad for you because, after all, we exist today" is a shifting of the burden of proof that makes no sense. Our whole notion of "bad for you" is predicated on a lifespan that most of those people could barely dream of.
  3. Uh... "If modern sewer systems are so great for public health, why did mankind endure for 100,000 years without them?" "If guaranteed health care is such a good idea, why did the human race manage to do well enough to get to AD 1900 without it?" "If sleeping exposed in near-freezing temperatures with substandard clothing is such a dumb idea, how did enough Cro-Magnons manage to do it that we're here today?" While I think a lot of nutritional panicking about this food or that is probably overblown if not outright wrong, there is not a contradiction between saying "this food is bad for you if you want a reasonably long life" and "people could eat this food without it wiping out all of humanity." A species only has to live to reproductive age (i.e., 15 years old for us) for it to not go extinct. Prehistoric people had much shorter lifespans, and it's not a huge stretch to think that at least some of that was caused by poor nutrition.
  4. The combo that I'm in at the moment wants to do this tune, so I learned it off the record (Blakey's Meet you At The Jazz Corner of the World). Can anyone double-check that I have the changes right? Form AABA A sections: D-7 | % | % | % | G-7 (C7b9) | B-7b5 Bb7 A- Ab7 | G-6* A7alt | D-7 Bridge: A-7b5 | D7alt | G-7 | % | B-7b5 | E7 alt | F-7 Bb7 | Em7b5 A7alt Bar 6 in the A sections is giving me the most trouble by far. Jymie Merritt is walking down half steps starting from B natural almost every time and the progression I came up with seems to make the most sense logically, but I'm still unsure (and a little surprised that the harmony is really changing every quarter note in this bar). *This G-6 is of course basically the same thing as E-7b5, making this just a ii-V7-I to the tonic, but I notated it this way because the bass is constantly playing a G here rather than an E.
  5. Made this: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/18/magazine/18food-t.html (the first recipe, linguine with green garlic clam sauce) Drank this: http://www.cellartracker.com/wine.asp?iWine=884526 I think I've probably had much better (the wine might be a bit past its prime and also looked like it was on its way to being corked) but fine enough for home cooking.
  6. I know I'm nitpicking here, but this dessert wine is not technically a sherry - it's a Pedro Ximenez made near Cordoba. Although the grapes used and winemaking process may be very similar to sweet sherries in this case, by law, "sherry" can only be made in Sanlucar de Barrameda, El Puerto de Santa Maria, or Jerez de la Frontera, which are 200 km away from this winery. Thank you very much. I didn't know that. I'll show my daughter this next time she visits. Still bloody lovely, though. MG The easiest way to tell what is and isn't a sherry is: if the label says "D.O. Jerez-Xeres-Sherry" (or D.O. Manzanilla Sanlúcar de Barrameda for certain very dry wines made in that town), then it's a sherry. If it doesn't say that, it ain't.
  7. Yeah, I don't think that's a good idea anyway for what you're trying to do. Remember, if you bought the stock during trading hours (advisable) the actual purchase price is not necessarily going to be the closing price - I guess by definition it has to be between the high and the low, but you have no good way of knowing your order's exact cost just from looking at these general stats. If you are purchasing the stocks through any discount broker worth a damn, they should be storing all this basis information automatically and noting it on your 1099-B when you sell. Fidelity is excellent about this - I highly recommend them for centralizing your investment activity so you aren't chasing down tons of info and forms at tax time. They consolidate everything (every piece of every 1099-INT, 1099-B, 1099-DIV, etc.) and send it together so you can do your 1040.
  8. In what world are these kinds of offers unlimited? Even the LivingSocial amazon deal was limit 2 or 3 I think. If your username/password/payment info is saved in your account it takes about 20 seconds to complete an order.
  9. I know I'm nitpicking here, but this dessert wine is not technically a sherry - it's a Pedro Ximenez made near Cordoba. Although the grapes used and winemaking process may be very similar to sweet sherries in this case, by law, "sherry" can only be made in Sanlucar de Barrameda, El Puerto de Santa Maria, or Jerez de la Frontera, which are 200 km away from this winery.
  10. No worries, thanks for checking. Too bad no Floyd except Pulse (which I've head is awful) on there.
  11. Odd, I don't pay for Spotify, I'm using the free version. Circling back on this before I email Spotify support. Are you sure that you aren't seeing Animals in Spotify only because you've previously ripped the album locally and Spotify has automatically imported it? Or maybe remembered seeing Animals in some other music service? Because this is what Spotify's current help content reads: http://www.spotify.com/us/help/faq/content/
  12. And I thought the time I saw an older dude in Boston smoking a pipe while riding a bike was awesome. This wins the Internet.
  13. Certain morons over here have implemented all of this too Really, all of it? Cite one single case of a female UK teacher hugging an 8-year-old boy and subsequently getting fired for sexual abuse. No need to compare to, oh I don't know, actual documented cases of teachers boning their students. While we're at it with the whole "let's pretend shit never happened back in the days before we got old enough to fart out dust", let's add: 1957: Johnny goes to church by himself, hangs out with priests, performs altar boy rites, nothing whatsoever happens. God looks down and smiles. 2012: Same thing, duh!
  14. Those dirty, dirty, politically correct ACLU hippies. I mean, all we're saying is that you should learn English to graduate; it's not like some schools forbid kids from speaking Spanish at all or something. Why, that would imply that our nation's schools are run by a bunch of backward disciplinarian twats who invent bullshit strawmen to justify their own racism! Oh wait.
  15. Interesting question. Three things jump out at me about this data: 1) The data comes from different data sources (Commodity Systems, Inc. vs. Interactive Data) 2) Yahoo notes an "adjusted" close which takes into account splits and dividends. 3) While not the same, the data shares similar contours. Both quotes show a stock that closed significantly higher than its opening price, a low 5-6 cents below the opening price, and a high about 20 cents above the closing price. In fact if you look at the ratio of close price: opening price you'll see that both sets of data give almost exactly the same value (1.0346). I think you'll probably find the same thing if you examine other ratios among these prices. Put all three together and my hunch is that one of the sources (not sure which) has done some more "adjusting" and isn't telling you exactly why without a dig through their FAQ or help forums. Maybe Yahoo has also adjusted all the old prices for inflation or something so people can make more accurate comparisons of trends, not sure. I checked Fidelity's data and theirs is very close to the USA Today data (it's identical, except the opening price is 27.13 instead of 27.12). This guy seems to have had similar questions and researched it quite a bit: http://larkbirdsong.com/researchnewsletter042008.html
  16. It's on there, but the opening and closing "Pigs On The Wing" aren't available to stream. They have most of the Floyd albums, missing some of the late 60s/early 70s releases. Thanks, I'll check again when I get home. I've noticed that spotify's db/servers can be wonky sometimes...or maybe I just searched for one of the unavailable tracks. Nope, still nada. Are you paying for Spotify Premium? All I can see when I do a search is the tracks below. The PF artist page only shows DSOTM and Pulse as available. So either there's a bug (maybe whatever Spotify datacenter serves Northern California has some albums missing), or Spotify restricts some tracks from being played by some users (those who are only using the free version or maybe those who have played X number of hours for free already).
  17. It's on there, but the opening and closing "Pigs On The Wing" aren't available to stream. They have most of the Floyd albums, missing some of the late 60s/early 70s releases. Thanks, I'll check again when I get home. I've noticed that spotify's db/servers can be wonky sometimes...or maybe I just searched for one of the unavailable tracks.
  18. Have you tried Spotify yet? It's free and you can listen to all the Pink Floyd albums...plus just about anything else you're in the mood for. Can you? I did a search yesterday and didn't find Animals, only an electronic tribute to it.
  19. I just got my first one of these ads on this thread, so my best last guess is that these are being keyword-targeted. Which means we actually can influence what appears with what we talk about on the board. Are you seeing these more in some threads than others? Because if my hunch is right, they're probably all over the "Sexiest Album Covers" thread (which I rarely look at). With little other text in the thread to go on, the ad system sees "sexiest album" and figures everyone in it is horny and looking for sexy singles.
  20. I am not up on the ins and outs of the ad targeting system, but I think these days being logged into the same Google account may serve the same function as cookies. So if you use Gmail or Google calendar or Google Apps/Docs on your work machine and ever log in with the same Google account on your home machine, that could do it. Seriously, try clearing the cookies and logging out of all Google accounts and see if you still get them. Alternatively, maybe the dating ads really are frequently showing to most US board members and I'm the exception because Google's algorithm has figured out that they make more money off serving me other ads that I've already clicked.
  21. If you have been clicking the ads at all, it's likely causing you to see more ads for the same site. Google thinks you must be clicking because you're interested and is retargeting more and more ads at you. Clear your cookies (if you don't want to clear all of them, at least your Google/Doubleclick cookies). I think there might be a way for Jim to nuke dating ads altogether but I'm not familiar with the exact options available. This looks like a place to start: http://support.google.com/adsense/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=164131
  22. I'm ruining my own joke by explaining it, but I guess the references were a little too obscure so it wasn't very good anyway. Three popular methods of Youtube trolling are to comment as follows: On any video with poor image quality: "which pixel is the [subject of video]? On any sports-related video whatsoever: "LeBron traveled" On any video at all featuring a woman, especially a woman doing something angrily: "Why, that's a strange looking kitchen"
  23. In the parlance of Youtube commenters everywhere: which pixel is the girl? (Also, it goes without saying that LeBron traveled in that strange looking kitchen)
  24. With a little patience and some coffee filters, you could make a very similar product at home for half the price. Even without a still, you can make some pretty cool stuff just by infusing anything into inexpensive vodka. I have been tweaking my infused gins lately...experimenting with adding rosemary and other stuff to the juniper/coriander infusion. And I just cracked open the nocino I made two summers ago (it's best when aged for a year to mellow out). Turned out delicious.
  25. I mentioned this in the John Carisi thread briefly...the SF CJM has an exhibit on this very topic: http://www.thecjm.org/index.php?option=com_ccevents&scope=exbt&task=detail&oid=51 . It's not particularly thoughtful IMO but I did enjoy being introduced to the Johnny Hartman calypso/Yiddish mashup of "That Old Black Magic" from Unforgettable.
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