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Big Wheel

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Everything posted by Big Wheel

  1. "...narrowing the capabilities of the piano." Huh? Bebop/bop requires the ability to improvise on the fly as well as provide accompaniment for those who are doing so. By its very nature this sort of playing demands full and complete control of the keyboard. Mentally, but not physically. Even in comparison with playing Cherokee at breakneck speed in B major, an average Beethoven sonata places far more demands on both hands (especially the left). Are we really going to try and claim that comping behind yourself with the left hand maximizes the capability of the instrument as much as a Bach 3-part invention? None of this is to denigrate the abilities of Horace Parlan, whose playing I very much enjoy. Nor the great bebop pianists, many of whom had plenty of technique to spare. But to anyone who has spent more than a little time with the instrument it's pretty clear that bebop piano is pretty minimalist compared to other styles.
  2. Please cite a single legal case where the RIAA or any record label sued consumers for legal purchases of gray market/parallel imports goods at mass-market retailers, as opposed to piracy via filesharing. It's not even clear that it's illegal to sell parallel imports of intellectual property goods, let alone buy them. In Costco v. Omega, did Omega go after everyone who bought a European-market Omega watch at an American Costco?
  3. Only if you apply that special filter that makes it impossible for americans to view the link... if you actually buy these things from yurp, I guess you'd be doing the illegal thing. If you buy them from US vendors, I guess they'd cut you some slack since you acted in good belief... in short: no links allowed, no matter how you turn it. Who is this "they" you speak of? What next, are we going to ban all links to breweries in the "What are you drinking right now" thread? Heavens to Betsy, somewhere an Iranian, Afghan, or Kuwaiti might click it and that would be <gasp> ILLEGAL! To say nothing of what the Indonesian authorities think of "Sexiest album covers"....
  4. This. What is the outcome that this rule is attempting to prevent? We're supposed to believe that Sony isn't bringing its legal muscle to bear against Amazon.com, a $30 billion corporation, but it's going to start sending Jim Alfredson mean C&D letters if one of us links to the product's page? I can see how trading/sharing boots introduces a level of legal liability into the mix that Jim might not be comfortable with, but merely linking to reputable retailers should not be proactively monitored and edited. How do the moderators know what is legally kosher and what isn't? Is there an Organissimo Board General Counsel that is advising them on these matters? And if the idea is simply that it's immoral for board members to buy gray market records and we want to prevent them from doing so...then we probably need to ban talking about gray market records, period. Because discussing bootlegs probably leads to a lot more sales than linking to them. FWIW, I have never bought a bootleg, outside of a session or two that Sue Mingus whines about but is too inept to ever release. But this rule and the overall level of interference from moderators is getting out of hand.
  5. What is that noise at 11:10 of Autumn Leaves? It sounds to me like Eddie Harris's amp is picking up CB or police band radio...
  6. One week later, we learn what was basically obvious from the beginning: that celebrities have gatekeepers who do not tell them about every single request they deal with. http://www.chow.com/food-news/77531/the-high-tech-smearing-of-ina-garten/
  7. If anyone else in SF was thinking of getting a great deal on music at the closing Post/Powell or Westfield Mall stores....you probably shouldn't bother. I went to the former a few days back and got John Abercrombie's Gateway at 50% off, then made a mental note of some pricier items that I wanted to come back for once the discounts went to 60%. Went back today and found that they had indeed gone to 60% off, but the entire music stock was gone except for like 4 Christmas CDs (including one from drummer Matt Wilson, which they had like 100 copies of(!)). The Westfield store appears to be a few days behind and is still at the 50% level. There were still some CDs there but selection is very grim. On the bright side, nobody took a Sharpie to my Abercrombie CD... My suspicion is that they are hiring the same kind of liquidation firm to run this thing as other chains use for these sales, and in this case they are not giving consumers great discounts on most stuff. Instead they are sending anything that isn't grossly overstocked around to other surviving stores rather than discount it past half off. Or maybe cutting deals with local used bookstores who buy up stuff in bulk. Pretty disappointing when I think about the haul I ended up with when Tower shut down - a couple dozen discs at 90% off!
  8. In other words, being honest instead of trying to put on a fake persona. This column doubles as good advice for how to be a douchebag.
  9. How complete are the sessions in that box? Are there tracks left out, or do you get everything that was recorded? (And are there any good Cole discographies online that make it easier to piece together this info myself?)
  10. Do not hold your breath. My guess is that you will not see anything come out of the kitchen for at least another year. This has been in development for at least 5 years by now. (You can approximate some of the functionality now with Google Docs, but as a real commercial product this doesn't exist yet.) $1000/year for a terabyte is way too expensive for average users with lots of data, but once competition (and bigger hard drives in datacenters) leads to declining prices things will eventually become reasonable. And of course if all you want is a place to back up your dissertation or important documents you probably don't need more than the free 5GB now.
  11. "Feet Music" it is...thanks Frank! Sounds like Ornette is playing tenor on the track, maybe that's why I thought Dewey was on the record. In case anyone cares why I wanted to know about this tune, a DJ who used to have a late-night avant show in Miami (Steve Malagodi) used this as his theme song during the breaks. Hadn't heard the tune in years.
  12. Can anyone ID this Ornette blues head for me? I think it's on one of the records with Dewey, but a quick check of the Blue Note records on Amazon didn't turn it up, so maybe it's on a post-BN album? I may not have the correct key, but here's what I'm hearing in my head. Absent any access to notation software I tried to space out the notes according to where I'm hearing them. Closer together are eighth notes, farther apart are quarter notes (edit: on my screen at least this isn't working - the board appears to be disregarding extra spaces between letters): G F D B G D | F G Bb B | G F D B G D | F G Bb B | second phrase is similar, except it first outlines C7 instead of G7: G E C Bb G C | E G A Bb | G F D B G D | F G Bb B | third phrase is completely different: (quarter note rest) D D F A G | (quarter note rest) G G Bb D1 C1 |
  13. ...from the 4 prefectures closest to the plant. NOT from all of Japan.
  14. I transcribed the title track in high school. The interesting part is the bridge, during which, IIRC, Hill is playing a G flat and D flat with his left hand, but a G, C, and F in his right (before he takes the voicing up a half step). Not exactly a typical harmony.
  15. That sounds grim all right. Is that midnight Eastern time? It just completed. They are telling people within 30km of Fukushima I to stay indoors. The radiation readings they are taking now are significantly higher than before, but there's no info on what radiation levels in the surrounding areas are like.
  16. Listening to the announcement going right now on NHK. Apparently there *are* problems now with reactor 4 - while no fuel rods were in it at the earthquake, it still contained hot spent fuel and is currently on fire.
  17. Wrong and outdated to boot. Fukushima I has six reactors, not 3. Reactors 4, 5, and 6 were undergoing repairs at the time of the earthquake and thus have no heat problems. All of the reported trouble has been with 1, 2, and 3. The second explosion, in reactor 3, was yesterday, not today. There has now been a third explosion in reactor 2. Information right now is sketchy but does not sound encouraging.
  18. Shirtless, leather pants-clad guy plays the alto intro to George Michael's "Careless Whisper" all over suburban Southern California:
  19. Full article here. Part of the problem for me is getting a handle on some of the terms being thrown around. And part of that is due to the sketchy reporting, frankly. What exactly is a partial meltdown? For that matter, what do people mean when they say "meltdown?" From what I can decipher, the situations at these nuclear plants mainly concern failing cooling systems rather than runaway reactors melting down. The reactors themselves are shut down, I think, and the problem is cooling off the damaged innards without releasing too much radiation. The WashPost has a fairly clear article on it all here. That's right. The fission reaction was trip stopped automatically at the first shock. The diesel pump and the secondary back up system for pumping the reactor cooling water both failed causing a build up of steam pressure that increased beyond the safety limits of the ceramic containment shielding. The No1 reactor has been cooled using sea water, rendering in an expensive heap of scrap. The situation at reactor2 looks very similar. My understanding is that No.1 was scheduled to be decommissioned anyway on March 26, so not a huge loss there. There is lots of iffy information flying around on Fukushima at the moment - while not without its flaws (like not mentioning that the No.3 reactor contains plutonium as well as uranium), I thought this was one of the most thorough explanations: https://morgsatlarge.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/why-i-am-not-worried-about-japans-nuclear-reactors/ Not a big loss? Surely you jest? We're facing wartime scale disruptions,massive panic buying, rolling power cuts and more than half, at best, of all trains and subways cancelled!! That's a good point. I still wouldn't want to be the guy explaining to the public that desperate times require running 40-year-old reactors past their intended lifespan, though...
  20. And to think all this time I thought "Who Needs The Peace Corps?" might have been referring to Harold Ousley...
  21. Full article here. Part of the problem for me is getting a handle on some of the terms being thrown around. And part of that is due to the sketchy reporting, frankly. What exactly is a partial meltdown? For that matter, what do people mean when they say "meltdown?" From what I can decipher, the situations at these nuclear plants mainly concern failing cooling systems rather than runaway reactors melting down. The reactors themselves are shut down, I think, and the problem is cooling off the damaged innards without releasing too much radiation. The WashPost has a fairly clear article on it all here. That's right. The fission reaction was trip stopped automatically at the first shock. The diesel pump and the secondary back up system for pumping the reactor cooling water both failed causing a build up of steam pressure that increased beyond the safety limits of the ceramic containment shielding. The No1 reactor has been cooled using sea water, rendering in an expensive heap of scrap. The situation at reactor2 looks very similar. My understanding is that No.1 was scheduled to be decommissioned anyway on March 26, so not a huge loss there. There is lots of iffy information flying around on Fukushima at the moment - while not without its flaws (like not mentioning that the No.3 reactor contains plutonium as well as uranium), I thought this was one of the most thorough explanations: https://morgsatlarge.wordpress.com/2011/03/13/why-i-am-not-worried-about-japans-nuclear-reactors/
  22. BBC is saying a 7.9, USGS says an 8.9 which is truly huge. That wired/wireless Internet is robust enough for you guys to post is an encouraging sign at least. Hope everyone is OK. Edit - it sounds like 7.9 was what USGS originally reported, and then revised to 8.9. If that number holds it will have been the 7th largest earthquake ever recorded.
  23. They are likely going to adjust this soon. On ESPN they just mentioned how low Bosh's production in the paint has been compared to Toronto and Bosh recognizes that he needs to roll to the basket more. As for me, I'd just be satisfied if they stopped letting LeBron chuck terribly chosen 3s, especially at the ends of games. The guy may be able to drive to the basket like nobody before or since, but I personally would rather put the ball in one of the point guards' or Miller's hands if I really needed 3 points.
  24. I think Jim might have tweaked the skin a little bit today so it looks a little different. Also, if you are on your iPhone I'm guessing the skin appears a little different and shows you that link to get the app. On Android and my PC the mobile version looks like this at the bottom left: Whereas the regular version looks like this:
  25. What's a "mobile skin"? Is it what you get if you go through a browser? Yes. You can check it out by doing the following: 1. Navigate to the forum through your phone's browser. 2. Locate the "version" dialog box at the bottom left of the page. If it says "IP.Board", change it to "IP.Board Mobile".
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