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Posts posted by Clunky

  1. Of the duos , the only one i know is the Sommer one which i recall liking (not played it in a while). I recently picked up the FMP reissue of Santana  (rec. 1968) with Favre and Kowald. Very enjoyable set with a clear debt to Cecil Taylor.

  2. A couple of new discs just arrived from Holland.

    First up..... Guus Janssen/ Win Jansesen------Home Made Music----(geestroden)


    I've admired Guus J for nearly two decades since seeing him perform. Here his playful side is well illustrated. JS Bach like melodies and other eccentricities pepper this entertaining release. What's not to like when a disc starts with Herbie Nichol's House Party Starting. The other disc is as yet unopened new release from the ICP - de hondemepper (ICP 062)

  3. 4 hours ago, sidewinder said:

    Yes - it has been for sale on Bandcamp.

    I had my suspicions on source as the John Thurlow book mentioned that the tapes were believed destroyed. This LP sounds to be from a master though - impeccable sound. Good news !

    Cadillac have done a great job - flipback laminated sleeve  as well.:tup to them !

    Thanks for this, ordered....although it'll take over a fortnight to reach Scotland.....border quarantine perhaps?

  4. 6 hours ago, sidewinder said:

    If the Hoffman Board rumour is correct, there will be a 3LP Tone Poet issue for this one forthcoming. Presumably without alternates?

    it's been a while since I played this but recall that the balance and sound quality left a little to be desired.

  5. 9 hours ago, cliffpeterson said:

    "The hardest one for me to find was Jimmy Smith's "Cool Blues".


    The important thing there was to get the early 2000s RVG reissue that pitch corrected the McMaster 1990ish reissue

    I'm not the biggest JOS fan, with many of his recordings leaving me cold but Cool Blues is superb. Absolutely love it...

  6. 2 months after I ordered it my Miles “On the corner “ set arrived. Apparently shipped via Belgium with stated country of manufacture being China. Perhaps this geographical mix has contributed to the delivery time. Actually I’m pretty impressed given what’s been going on. Patience is definitely the name of the game. 

  7. 12 minutes ago, felser said:

    Have never ordered from NoBusiness (I do have some of their titles courtesy of another esteemed board member), but did order the Tapscott right away, and have full confidence Bertrand will do everything humanly possible to get it to me ASAP!

    Bertrand is the guy. Any delays won't be down to him..

  8. The 1992 CD reissue of Intervall adds a long and excellent quintet track featuring a different line up which includes Rolf Ericson and Bobo Stenson. 

    Additionally Caprice records have issued some other live tracks on a digital only. It’s on Spotify, possibly elsewhere too. I’m a self confessed Borje obsessive... I’ve still to stump up for the Odeon date.

  9. Dragon records reissued “Fredriksson Special” on CD in 2016. I’ve only just picked it up. It adds three tracks from 1963 to those on the LP which was issued in 1989. Being a selection of broadcasts is doesn’t appear to duplicate any other recordings. It’s not on the whole as adventurous as “Intervall” but has some excellent moments. Sound quality is more than adequate considering that these broadcasts were documented by fans rather than Swedish radio. Worth hearing 

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