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Posts posted by Clunky

  1. On 3/27/2021 at 1:01 PM, Pim said:

    Thanks Clunky, that was exactly what I wanted to achieve with writing the blog so that is a huge compliment! 

    Small teaser for the Utopia discs with Jim Pepper, for I have the feeling these Tutu discs are still pretty unknown.


    Yesterday I received Volume 1 of "...at Utopia", i  can see why you rate it so highly...Because of mix up by the seller i was earlier sent The Git Go in error but allowed to keep. So two very nice Waldron discs for the price of one.


  2. this last couple of weeks I've been playing Mal pretty much non stop. Along the way picking up a few items the most outstanding of which is the Super Quartet at Sweet Basil. Quite rightly you give it 5 stars. This is a great service you're doing. A book surely beckons...


  3. I'd ignored Redd's Blues because of poor reviews around the time the CD was released. I've been giving the session a listen and whilst it's clearly not a top drawer BN it still has plenty of interest. Jackie and Tina and what must have been a rare BN appearance by Benny Bailey. So its a bit like Lee Morgan's The Rajah , easy to see why it wasn't released at the time but well worth its belated release. It lacks the urgency of The Connection which is a favourite of mine but I'm happy i picked it up (cheaply!)

  4. 1 hour ago, mjazzg said:

    I agree Pim. Happy to wait as it will sound the same whenever it arrives.

    It's not as if I don't have anything else to listen to...

    On 3/11/2021 at 7:00 AM, Pim said:

    It’s delayed again....

    Likewise, I paid up in November with Soundohm. They have been very reassuring that all pre-ordered copies will get delivered- eventually !


  5. 1 hour ago, felser said:

    RIP.  This was one of those legendary, long OOP albums when I first got into the music in the early 70's.  By the time I finally heard/owned it 20 years later, it couldn't possibly meet my hyped-up expectations.

    Gripsweat - Freddie Redd - The Music From "The Connection" - Blue Note -  BLP4027

    I've had this music in my car for the past eight years or so - it's on an SD card with a random bunch of jazz. It's such a great album that I never tire of hearing. Sad loss of another great RIP

  6. That's interesting about the 22 euro tax free threshold. I was hearing on BBC radio the other day that the tax free £15 allowance here has been  (or will be?) removed for imports to the UK  from all countries , not just the EU. Either overseas sellers register and collect UK VAT (for items less than £135) or UK customs collect at point of entry into the UK. The latter no doubt with a £12 handling charge added. Given the chaos I've little doubt that some consumers will be charged VAT at point of sale abroad and also at the UK border. Brilliant

  7. Recent landing from Poland 


    Cecil Taylor ----- Lifting the bandstand----(Fundacja)


    Live quintet recording from Tampere 1998 with Paul Lovens, Tristan Honsinger a.o.  I have a hard time evaluating CT discs and where they fit into his output but this is very well recorded and isn't short of excitement - but then when does he ever come up short. 

  8. This set will cause me a dilemma. I have everything (bar a few likely alternates) scattered across various CD series (McMaster, RvG, BNWorks etc) , LPs ( NY monos, Liberty, Music Matter etc) but and it's a big BUT I love this music a great deal.

    I was in a similar position with the Mobley set (although I didn't have one session) and I have no regrets getting all the music in one place mastered to a similar standard. First world problems....

  9. Plenty perhaps too many David Murray's on DIW. I know he's someone that divides opinion more than most but his DIW from the late 80s early 90s are pretty strong. Shakill's Warrior , Ballads and Ballads for bass clarinet are favourites. Sun Ra's Live at the Pit Inn (DIW) was a very early Ra purchase and in turn that lead me to Herbie Nichols because of a review comparing Ra's piano style to Nichols.

  10. On 3/7/2008 at 10:05 PM, Clunky said:




    I've really struggled to enjoy the Galaxy box. I got it ultra cheap from 2001 and perhaps as a result have never warmed to it as whole. Perhaps too much of good thing. Late Pepper's wretched intensity can be hard to endure over each of the set's long CDs. Love 50s Contemporary /Omega Tape Pepper, particularly the session with Carl Perkins.

    How tastes change over time. The Galaxy set has had very frequent spins in recent years and sits close to the hifi system. I really appreciate late Art Pepper and possibly prefer it to his earlier material. Apples and pears really but it's funny coming across my opinion of 13 years ago and reflecting on how different it is now.


  11. 16 hours ago, Pim said:

    Looks like I am going to save a lot of money. Already have most titles and the ones I have not are not really ones I am interested in. Hoped for a nice reissue of Bobby Hutcherson’s Patterns which is pretty hard to find in any format these days. 

    for Curtis Amy I probably grab the mosaic select instead. Only one I’ll add to my wishlist is the Joe Pass LP

    I have the Joe Pass on a 60's UK edition. It's ok but doesn't set the heather on fire.


  12. 1 hour ago, Brad said:

    It’s a nice list but I can’t see myself purchasing more than a few as I have them on cd and just don’t see the need to purchase them on vinyl. 

    i'd agree as I'm in a similar position with a combination of CDs and LPs. Passing Ships and Tippin' the scales might be all - even then I'm not 100%. The McLean certainly isn't his best but it's pretty decent in my book. Over here these are at best £32 which must be around 40 US. 

  13. 23 hours ago, RogerF said:

    I see that the Canadian company Return To Analog has reissued on vinyl the very rare Lansdowne recording Afro-Jazz by Guy Warren which features the Rendell Carr Quintet plus Amancio D'Silva on guitar. Return To Analog



    I was rather impressed by this session. Definitely worthy of reissue and a good listen 

  14. Ok, i'm confused with the above.

    I thought I'd understood that orders from the EU under £135 would have VAT charged at source i.e. at the Jazz Messengers checkout.  I assumed naively that this would prevent the need for the items being presented to UK customs thereby eliminating the handling fees that were the bain of imports from outside the EU. The Brexiteers weren't obviously jazz fans or photographers. The latter is frustrating for me as I buy my darkroom supplies from places in Dublin and Berlin. 

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