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Posts posted by Clunky

  1. Dolphy Underlined arrived today in what's pretty quick from Poland and sounds very promising on first spin. Rome February 2020 was clearly a very productive time with both this and the Ottaviano discs mentioned above being recorded then. Anymore from your Italian sojourn ? 

  2. 5 hours ago, mjazzg said:

    The seller I pre-ordered from told me it had been delayed at the pressing plant, it was due before Xmas.  His best guess was "sometime in the new year" :excited:

    I'm adopting the "it'll be a lovely surprise if and when it arrives" approach...

    I was expecting this from Soundohm prior to Christmas but they're still waiting .....

  3. I've played "Togetherness" through about five times this afternoon. An amazing piece of work which in terms of mood if nothing else reminds me of "Live in Oxford". It has an edge to it that I can't quite describe but can feel. 

  4. Doing a bit of catching up with our man from Oxford.

    Arrived today Roberto Ottaviano- Resonances and Rhapsodies (Dodicilune), first spin very promising and quite different from the previously issued Sideralis and Eternal Love.

    Hopefully the Dolphy tribute will make it across the channel and the new Intakt is meant to be here tomorrow. So plenty of high quality listening ahead.

  5. 5 hours ago, jlhoots said:

    Not to derail, but I like your Dolphy Underlined CD.

    thanks for the reminder, i was just about to order this in December but all the impending Brexit chaos had me fearful it'd get lost. Trigger now pulled though.

  6. These young lions entered the scene around the time I started immersing myself in jazz. I was aware at the time that their output was being criticised for lacking originality. I did pick up a few bits and pieces at the time but very little has stayed with me. I've off-loaded a fair few but kept a smattering , I still like Kenny Garrett's Warner discs, the Art Taylor Vanguard disc referred to above and a Ralph Moore Criss Cross date.  Looking back I think the criticisms were accurate these musicians didn't bring enough originality to much of what was recorded in this period. 

  7. 22 minutes ago, mjazzg said:

    I once ordered an LP box set from an Italian vendor and received two copies within a couple of days of each other.  The box set had been discussed on this board and another UK member had mentioned they'd ordered it too.  It was little surprise that I ended up shipping him his copy that had come to me by mistake (with the cost of the extra shipping covered by the vendor).

    That second box came my way as I recall. 

  8. I played through almost  all ( bar On this Night)  Impulse Shepp's in one sitting the other day . A friend was borrowing the discs and I wanted to remind myself of their qualities  so that  I could give an informed opinion.

    The Way Ahead was a real surprise perhaps because I'd not heard it too often, i loved it . Fire Music and Magic of Juju were reconfirmed as my favourites with the 2fer Kwanza/For Losers as the most uneven and ultimately only  disappointing entry . Mama Too Tight came across as raw and untidy but will need to be revisited again soon.

  9. 19 hours ago, jazzbo said:

    I had one previous version of this on cd that I gave away some years ago because it sounded dull and I had so much Ra. I had thinned out my Ra collection and now have built it back with the new legit reissues. This Corbett Vs Dempsey sounds fantastic imo--I'll be very surprised if you don't prefer it in comparison to other issues.

    that's good to know. I have the CvD version on order as I always found the sound wanting on the Charly edition

  10. 1 hour ago, JSngry said:

    It still gets a nod here, but it's neither the top choice nor the only choice.

    The first Blue Notes are foundational, both as a group and as individual records. But...they imprint, strongly imprint. So they are not necessarily where I go first to relax and enjoy an Andrew Hill record, although yes, any "list" of "essential" Andrew Hill records begins with those, especially Black Fire and Judgement!.OTOH, fuck lists.

    So....my "go to" Andrew Hill records, the ones I go to when I'm not wanting to study or binge are these:



    and then two that are not really "definitive", but ones that I like for their unique personalities



    Eternal Spirit was my first exposure to Hill or Hutcherson as I recall. That led to my buying "Our Thing" which introduced Kenny D and Joe Henderson which the led to etc... etc.....I still rate Eternal Spirit

  11. Terumasa Hino--------Journey to air---------(Love/Ultra Vybe)


    Pretty wild workout. I'll need to give this a few more listens to establish if the star studded band actually make it airborne. I know nothing about this reissue program other than it being part of RSD2020. For anyone interested pressing seems very good but then again I've got nothing to compare it to. Printing quality of the sleeve is adequate , about the same standard of the Blue Note 80 LP series. 

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