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Everything posted by nmorin

  1. Couldn't agree more. I'm all for that. Nevertheless, I would be a bit nervous about defining the borderline cases; for comments on the margin, which way sentiment breaks could depend on who said it...
  2. I am just about to start "Deus Irae" by Dick and Zelazny, a PKD novel I'd never gotten to, so I am looking forward to it. Last January, I started reading PKD’s novels chronologically, and, including this one, I have only five to go. I am stoked to get to “Radio Free Albemuth” and the "VALIS" trilogy—good grief, talk about going on top of your game!
  3. I have all but one of the Chronogical Classics (DAMN YOU 1938 VOLUME I !!!!) and Neatworks Ellington CDs, and--like Miles, Mingus, Monk, Pops, and Coltrane--I find immersing myself in these Ellington CDs for a couple weeks, almost to the exclusion of other music, is an incredible experience. My post-1952 Ellington collection is scant, but I am sure I'll fill that in over time. So my question is: What essential Ellington from the period covered by the Classics/Neatworks CDs am I missing? Treasury shows? V-Disc compilations? Live shows?
  4. Man, Lon sure hit it on the head with his list from DADOES--the Penfield mood organ, Mercersim, alternate cop station, artificial animals. PKD tossed off sweeeet ideas left and right, any one of which other authors would use as the basis for a whole novel. And I loved how he had ordinary folks--tire regroovers, electronic repairman, etc--dealing with and obsessing about their own shit at the same time the world is crumbling around them. Time Out of Joint would make a great film, even after films like The Truman Show, er, borrowed the twist. Has anyone seen the French version of Confessions of a Crap Artist--called Barjo, or something like that? It was a more faithful rendering than the other PKD-based movies.
  5. I have PKD's UBIK sceeenplay, which is awesome. As time regressed in the movie, he wanted to have it filmed on progressively older film stock. So the part in Des Moines would be that old black&white and slightly speeded-up style.
  6. Yeah--you see these running for over $100 nowadays.
  7. What's the story in which a guy realizes he's an android and decides to punch a hole in the tape that provides his reality--"The Electric Ant"? "Frozen Journey/I Hope I Shall Arrive Soon" would be cool, too.
  8. I'd love to see Martian Time-Slip or A Scanner Darkly (I don't have much hope about the upcoming one).
  9. I found both A Scanner Darkly and VALIS to be gut wrenching, but hilarious at the same time. If I had known it was hameless I would have killed it myself...
  10. I absolutely love "European Concert", which was reissued for about 10 minutes by the M label a few years back. I think I listen to that one almost as much as all my other MJQ combined.
  11. I've been able to, over the years, find all the Chronogical Classics for Duke Ellington, and am now down to missing only 1938 (#700). The darned thing appears to be out of print (e.g., Venerable Music calls it "deleted"). I didn't know these CDs went out of print. I reaaally want a copy. Anybody either have one to sell or know where one may be had?
  12. nmorin

    March 1st RVG

    Hmmm. I was going to pick up the Silver and Shorter discs on the way home tonight. I think I'll pause for a bit to see what sort of responses you get. I thought the McMasters of both discs sounded like typical McMasters of that vintage--I hope there's a decent improvement with the RVGs.
  13. "organ fascination" seems to have been the "thing" during that period.....that and midgets! I would have guessed Aric would have posted by now: IF THAT WAS MY ORGAN SHE WOULD BE LOOKING UP INSTED OF DOWN! GET IT? HAHA!
  14. I managed to copy the disc to a computer, the tunes as .WAV files, and record it to a CD-R. Close enough, I guess.
  15. Mmmmm, I think it was "The Other One with the Mighty Fine Legs"
  16. OK, I just bought a bajillion Ellington Classics Jazz CDs. I can't play the last four tracks from my Ellington Classics Jazz 1933-1935: Moon Glow, Sump'n Bout Rhythm, Admiration, and Farewell Blues-- the first two from 9/12/34 and the last two from 1/9/35. Does anyone have a nondefecetive copy whose final four songs they'd be willing to burn? Or, if you'd rather sell me the whole disc that's fine. Help! and Thanks!
  17. I'm originally from the western part of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan on the Lake Superior Coast, where, as a result of lake effect snow, the average annual snowfall is about 230 inches, and the record is 355 inches. The tough part isn't really the total snowfall, it's that we'll get snow just about every damned day, and that the sky will be grey for 5 or 6 days a week for months. On the plus side, Lake Superior acts like a hot water bottle, so we don't get the bone crushing cold that Minnesota and the Dakotas get. Still, I'll take 8 inches of snow over the freezing rain crap we get here in DC and in the Carolinas.
  18. I've been trying to track down these two discs for some time. Does anyone have any suggestions for online sellers that might have these titles--besides the usual suspects like tower, half, cduniverse, cdquest, cdconnection, amazon, deepdiscount, venerablemusic?
  19. I've ordered several times from casacaiman on half.com or on the Amazon Marketplace and never had problems--they've been great--until a few days ago, when I ordered a Chonological Classics disc from them and was subsequently notified they did not have it in stock. Still--the same thing's happened to me at Tower.com in the past.
  20. Not that I want to set a world record for being anal, but...does anyone know the actual performance order of the tunes on the five Manne "At the Blackhawk" volumes? Bonus question: and the two "At the Manne-Hole" volumes?
  21. nmorin

    Feb 15 RVGs

    With all the problems on the Korean Peninsula, should Prestige remane "Soultrane" something else? I mean it's only an "e" away from Seoultrane. Miles' estate should call for the renaming of Pangaea and Gondwona -- some Creationists don't accept the theory of plate tectonics, after all. By the same token, Grachan Moncur should retitle "Evolution" as "Evolution Is Just a Theory", or perhaps "Intelligent Design".
  22. So, I have the 40 CD Ellington box put out by the Histroy label. I LOVE the music and find the box indispensible. However, the sound--although not terrible--seems a bit odd. The sound is not super muddy, so it's not that I can't distinguish the various instruments or can't hear any drums, but it seems like it's WAY too huge in the midrange or something like that. But simply pulling down the EQ between 500 to 2K doesn't seem quite to do the trick. Does anyone have this box that sorta knows what I mean--if so, any ideas what sort of EQ-ing to do to bring out the sound a bit better?
  23. After Inventions and Dimensions, what Herbie Blue Notes will not have been RVG'd--or will that have been all of them?
  24. I collect science fiction novels, though that's tapered off in the last few years. The part of the collection that I am proudest of is a complete set of first paperback editions of Philip K. Dick's SF novels and first hardcovers of his mainstream novels.
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