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Listen to your whole collection straight through.

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Has anyone here every tried to listen to his or her collection from A-Z? I mean listen though your whole collection without repeating any recordings. I plan on trying this. I will start with Cannonball Adderley and go all the way to the Z's.

There are some recordings I might have listened to only once since I've bought them. This came about after hearing a recording on the radio. I wrote down the title and said, I have to get this. When I went home I realized I already had it. I can only remember listening to it the day I bought it, and never after that.

By doing this I hope to discover some other gems I’ve forgoten about.

Edited by Hardbopjazz
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Yeah, I tried this a few times, but I never get too far. One CD always triggers the desire to hear another much farther down the line or something, so it never works. I end up listening to whatever I want to listen to instead of the next one on the shelf, which, when you think about it, makes more sense anyway...

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Funny you should mention this, Tom. For quite a while now, I have been shuffling CDs to and from work, and in fact I am now at the very end of my second time through the alphabet. Both times, I went through my discs alphabetically, but I picked what I wanted to hear, tried to pick things I hadn't listened to in a while, but now I've decided that its time to simply go one-by-one.

2500 discs, ten discs per day, five days a week-it should only take about 50 weeks, so let's compare notes in a year. ;)

I've already found one advantage: Its not the gems you've forgotten, its the dogs you finally decide to get rid of!

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Its not the gems you've forgotten, its the dogs you finally decide to get rid of!

Absolutely. On a related note, about once a year (or at least every other year) I try to go through my CD's and pick out a couple hundred that I think I might wanna trade off, sell, whatever... Then I try to listen to all of them, and invariably I'll find about 25% to 35% that I'll end up keeping, that I had forgotten how good they were in the first place.

Interesting experience, listening to all those discs within a short period of time (say a couple of weeks). Interesting to hear where my ears were at (at one time), but sure aren't any more. :P

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Yeah, I tried this a few times, but I never get too far.  One CD always triggers the desire to hear another much farther down the line or something, so it never works.  I end up listening to whatever I want to listen to instead of the next one on the shelf, which, when you think about it, makes more sense anyway...

You’re probably right. I know what will happen, I’ll get through let’s say the letter K and I’ll buy some Miles Davis and then what, I’ll have to start again from the beginning.

Edited by Hardbopjazz
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There was a thread about this on the old BNBB, and I decided to jump the bandwagon and go for it myself. I got to the 2nd Miles Davis Quintet after about 3 months, and then just couldn't keep up with it. Had too many new things coming out that I wanted to hear, and I was missing the M's (Monk and Mingus).

I always toy with the idea of trying again, or maybe just starting fresh from Davis onward.

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Maybe you should try it again with my approach: Do it during certain dedicated hours, like the work day, or if you can't listen at home, commit to it for automobile listening time. Of course, the listening isn't as close, but I never had a problem wanting to hear something else-that's what the car, home, and weekend were for! (PLus, if I only took the next alphabetical CDs, it wasn't like I could satisfy a craving easily).

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I’ll get through let’s say the letter K and I’ll but some Miles Davis and then what I’ll have to start again.

You lost me with that that sentence. I was with you up to then. B)

Let's try this again.

I’ll get through let’s say the letter K and I’ll buy some new Miles Davis and then what, I’ll have to start again from the beginning.

Edited by Hardbopjazz
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By the way, you need some Pepper Adams!  :g

I do have some Adams. I'll have to start with him.

WHAT!! You have nothing by the AARDVARK JAZZ QUARTET from Lesotho!! Tsk! Tsk!

(Couw .. time for one of your record covers here..)

okay 3/4s of an hour later...

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Maybe you should try it again with my approach: Do it during certain dedicated hours, like the work day, or if you can't listen at home, commit to it for automobile listening time. Of course, the listening isn't as close, but I never had a problem wanting to hear something else-that's what the car, home, and weekend were for! (PLus, if I only took the next alphabetical CDs, it wasn't like I could satisfy a craving easily).

I can listen at work. I usually go through about 5 or 6 CD's a day. This woul dbe the best way for me.

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By the way, you need some Pepper Adams!  :g

I do have some Adams. I'll have to start with him.

WHAT!! You have nothing by the AARDVARK JAZZ QUARTET from Lesotho!! Tsk! Tsk!

(Couw .. time for one of your record covers here..)

okay 3/4s of an hour later...

YEAH! That's the one! Great album!

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By the way, you need some Pepper Adams!  :g

I do have some Adams. I'll have to start with him.

WHAT!! You have nothing by the AARDVARK JAZZ QUARTET from Lesotho!! Tsk! Tsk!

(Couw .. time for one of your record covers here..)

okay 3/4s of an hour later...

YEAH! That's the one! Great album!

yeahhhh I know this... thats the Bremer Stadtmusikanten playing Jazz now

The Bremer Town musician fairy tale by the Grimm Brothers


Cheers, Tjobbe

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