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Another Lonehill Release

Dan Gould

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I know this will make Chuck abhor me even more, but here's the way I've tried to look at those Spanish labels with the dubious ethics:

If they're ripping off new reissues, avoid them like the plague.

If they put out obscurities that would otherwise never be seen or are hard to find on ebay, I'll consider them.

Case in point:

The recent reissue of Rusty Bryant Dot recordings. I had one of these on a noisy LP and was shocked to find Rusty blowing very nicely (and rather Pres-like) on a group of standards with a band of west coast mainstays like Gerry Wiggins. So, shoot me, but I'm happy to have the complete west coast Dot sessions in decent sound.

So that brings me to one item in their latest batch:

Complete Frank Rosolino Quartet featuring Sonny Clark.

One date therein is with Sonny, the other is with Lou Levy. It looks like the Levy set is from a Mode album last put out by VSOP. My question is, does anyone know what the Clark date is? If its another VSOP reissue, then I'll surely try to hunt it down (AMG isn't helping).

But if its something more obscure and less easily attainable ... :unsure:

Edited by Dan Gould
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