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Ebay Sniper site?

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I used to pay to snipe since "free" ebay snipers were so slow and always seemed to lose the auction. The pay sniper really worked, but I'm tired of paying. Been trying to buy things on Ebay without sniping lately and it's next to impossible to win anything unless you want to pay a ridiculous bloated amount.

Anybody use a site they like?

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...although auctionstealer is what I used to use...

I use auctionstealer too. They give you about 5 free snipes per month -- just checked, and it's now 3 free snipes per week -- which is more than enough for me these days (I'm not bidding on much). I've never needed them for more than that, though they used to offer more free snipes at one time (like 5 per week).

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  • 2 years later...

I use auctionstealer too. They give you about 5 free snipes per month -- just checked, and it's now 3 free snipes per week -- which is more than enough for me these days (I'm not bidding on much). I've never needed them for more than that, though they used to offer more free snipes at one time (like 5 per week).

Bumping this up - I just noticed there's an infinity symbol on auction stealer, where it used to show me that I had 3 free snipes per week. Does anyone else use the free version of Auctionstealer? Do they now offer unlimited sniping for free?

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Bumping this up - I just noticed there's an infinity symbol on auction stealer, where it used to show me that I had 3 free snipes per week. Does anyone else use the free version of Auctionstealer? Do they now offer unlimited sniping for free?

Y'know, ten years ago this would have seemed like 100% gibberish to me.

Of course, times have changed. Now it's only like 80%. :)

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Auctionstealer is a sniping site that gives (gave?) you three "free" snipes per week on Ebay. You also have the option to donate money to them and you can get the amount of sniping it does for you increased.

I'm definitely not a high volume buyer at all, so 3 per week has been more than enough for me.

But logging on today to set up a snipe, I noticed in the field where it tells you how many free snipes you have left, instead of 3/2/1 it now shows an infinity symbol. The layout has been tweaked a tiny bit too.

I just want to make sure it still snipes for free, and didn't change to a fee-per-snipe setup.

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I use auctionstealer too. They give you about 5 free snipes per month -- just checked, and it's now 3 free snipes per week -- which is more than enough for me these days (I'm not bidding on much). I've never needed them for more than that, though they used to offer more free snipes at one time (like 5 per week).

Bumping this up - I just noticed there's an infinity symbol on auction stealer, where it used to show me that I had 3 free snipes per week. Does anyone else use the free version of Auctionstealer? Do they now offer unlimited sniping for free?

I used it last night, and afaik it hasn't charged me anything. The site was down last week, and when I tried to use it earlier this week it did not recognize me as a registered user. So I re-registered, and now I too have an infinity symbol where the count of free snipes used to be. Go figure.

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The site was down last week, and when I tried to use it earlier this week it did not recognize me as a registered user.

This does not sound too promising. How reliable is this service?

With the amount of sniping going on these days I wonder if it will really help to use a sniping assistant, as it will depend on the sniper with the highest bid anyway. I suppose the typical sniper does not follow the auction to the last second, so maybe a manual bid towards the end would work just as well. If not - the others were simply prepared to pay more...

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The site was down last week, and when I tried to use it earlier this week it did not recognize me as a registered user.

This does not sound too promising. How reliable is this service?

With the amount of sniping going on these days I wonder if it will really help to use a sniping assistant, as it will depend on the sniper with the highest bid anyway. I suppose the typical sniper does not follow the auction to the last second, so maybe a manual bid towards the end would work just as well. If not - the others were simply prepared to pay more...

Their service is normally very reliable--I've been using it three years. To use a sniper site successfully one must know exactly how high one is willing to bid on any particular item. It's true that one may be outbid by another sniper. But it's also true that sniping works against are those who are not sure how high they are willing to bid.

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