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Need more essential Zappa


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I've enjoyed my copies of "Freak Out", "Absolutely Free" and "We're only in it for the Money" for years now. Having recently acquired "Hot Rats", "The Grand Wazoo" and "Waka Jawaka" and being astounded at the genius of this man, I am realizing that my lack of Zappa material could be a major hole in my musical life.

What other essentials am I missing?

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Get Burnt Weenie Sandwich, maybe Weasels Ripped My Flesh + the two Filmore albums w/Flo & Eddie, the video of 200 Motels + the documentary of the making of it, and then quit while you're ahead.

I realize that mine will not be a popular opinion. :g:g:g

Edited by JSngry
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All three of the '88 live band releases are VERY much worth picking up. Many consider that band to be one of his very best (count me in that camp). The first has already been mentioned (Jazz Noise), but I'll mention all three...

Broadway The Hard Way

The Best Band You Never Heard

Make A Jazz Noise Here

In truth, it might be simpler to pick 10 or 15 Zappa albums to avoid, rather than trying to pick his top 10 to own.

By that I mean that there are wonderful things on most every release in his catalog. There is a bunch that is "less than wonderful" too (but still usually interesting, at worst). I own probably 50 or maybe 60 discs of Zappa material, and there are two or three tracks on every one of them that are favorites. That said, there plenty of tracks I skip too, if I can reach for the remote easily. I could probably say that about half his catalog.

Edited by Rooster_Ties
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And don't overlook his "classical" material. THE YELLOW SHARK is probably the place to start there, although CIVILIZATION PHASE III is probably his magnum opus.

There is a one-disc overview of his more serious "classical" material, but I've not ever heard it (though I have all of it spread across the original releases). Looking over the track listing, it looks pretty decent. Might well be worth picking it if you can find one cheap...

Strictly Genteel: A Classical Introduction to Frank Zappa

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I've enjoyed my copies of "Freak Out", "Absolutely Free" and "We're only in it for the Money" for years now. Having recently acquired "Hot Rats", "The Grand Wazoo" and "Waka Jawaka" and being astounded at the genius of this man, I am realizing that my lack of Zappa material could be a major hole in my musical life.

What other essentials am I missing?

"Lumpy Gravy" perhaps.

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