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U.S. Issues Recall for Segway Scooters


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U.S. Issues Recall for Segway Scooters


Associated Press Writer

Giles says a low-running battery on Segway scooters has caused some riders to fall, but the company is offering a fix. (Audio)

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Segway scooters, touted as almost untippable when unveiled two years ago, are being recalled. It turns out they don't work so well when the batteries get low - riders have fallen off and been injured.

The Consumer Product Safety Commission announced the recall Friday of all 6,000 scooters that have been sold, saying three people had been hurt. One suffered a head wound and needed stitches.

Commission spokesman Ken Giles said Segway told the agency about the problem.

Segway is offering to install for free new software that will warn when battery power is running down and then will automatically shut down the scooters. Newly built scooters contain the upgraded software.

"We have very high confidence in the safety of the Segway HT and this software upgrade further enhances the safety margins of the machine," Segway said in a statement.

The single-rider, two-wheeled Segway Human Transporters can travel up to 12 mph. Costing $4,950 each, they use gyroscopes to keep upright, making them less likely to fall or be knocked over.

But scooters being operated with low battery power may not have enough juice to remain upright when the rider suddenly speeds up or tries to drive over a bump or up an incline.

The Segway was unveiled in December 2001 to much fanfare by Dean Kamen, an inventor who holds some 100 patents, including a wheelchair that climbs stairs and the first portable kidney dialysis machine.

The U.S. Postal Service has bought 40 of the scooters to test.

For weeks after the Segways were introduced, TV personalities were showing them off on nearly every channel and network.

They got another splash of publicity last summer when President Bush tried one and went flying off at his dad's oceanside compound in Kennebunkport, Maine.

The Segway went down on the president's first attempt, but he stayed on his feet with a leap over the machine. Undeterred, he got on again. His father climbed on a second Segway and they cruised around the driveway at the estate.

The Manchester, N.H.-based company has lobbied states to allow the electric-powered scooters on sidewalks, promoting them as a way to relieve congestion; more than half the states have gone along.

But Jonathan Adkins, spokesman for the Governors Highway Safety Association, which represents state highway safety programs, said there still are safety questions.

Segway "completely rushed these products into cities without adequate consideration as to the impact on public safety," he said. Adkins said there have been no studies on how to safely operate the scooters when they have to share sidewalks with pedestrians and streets with other vehicles.

Commercial and consumer models on the recall list include the Segway HT i167 (i series), the e167 (e series) and p133 (p series).

While Segway plans to contact owners, consumers also may call the company toll free at 1-877-889-9020 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. weekdays to obtain the free upgrade. Details also will be posted on the company's Web site at http://www.segway.com .


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Has Threatened to Produce Transportation Device of Mass Distribution

Kandahar, Afghanistan (SatireWire.com) — U.S. forces searching an abandoned Al Qaeda hideout today said they found diagrams of skateboards, gyroscopic technology, and Osama bin Laden riding what appears to be a Razor scooter, further proof that the terrorist leader may have been planning to intensify his revolution by producing personal transportation devices of mass distribution.

One of the diagrams found in an Al Qaeda hideout

According to U.S. sources, the Segway Human Transporter, known as "Ginger" or "IT" before it was unveiled Monday, is one of the most important inventions of the last 100 years and has the potential to be more significant than the Internet or the automobile. If bin Laden or his operatives were able to reproduce the Segway, it could lead to an escalation of the war no one has imagined.

"Picture Al Qaeda terrorists able to zip around cities on their dastardly errands at 12 miles an hour for only 5 cents a day. What a tremendous costs savings and convenience that would be for them," said Army Gen. Tommy Franks.

Until now, Bush administration officials had downplayed bin Laden's recent claims of "We have the scooter and we will use it," saying that gyroscopic and tilt sensor technology were likely beyond their abilities. But with today's discovery, experts say it is at least possible bin Laden could produce a "Dirty Scooter" capable of traveling up to six miles on a five-hour charge.

"Not only could they equip their own people with this, but depending on their price points, they could seriously undermine U.S. retail sales," said Neville Obstinate, of Oxford Research Group, a private think tank in Oxford, England.

Gen. Franks said the Al Qaeda site was still being tested for evidence that any scooter of mass distribution had actually been produced. If any materials are found that could be used to make a personal transportation device, they will not be left behind, he said. "It's one thing for this murderer to go after our people, but we will not allow him to violate our patents, and we will not leave any patented products in that country," he said. "That is nonnegotiable."


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The thing I loved about Bush falling of the Segway was this: Bush loves doing his whole "Joe Lunchpail" bit. "Ah'm one-a y'all!" Of course, his blood is as blue as they come, for all of his "common man" appeal. So what does Bush fall off of? A $5000 scooter that his "average" constituents couldn't afford if they wanted one. Better still, his dad has TWO of them. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

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