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Kill Bill


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Tomorrow I plan to see this with a few friends, a "guy thing" afternoon showing at a theater that serves drinks and food. . . .

I'm expecting it to be a real style fest and quite a movie. The trailers have me very interested. I know it's going to be full of violence and gore. . . . Normally movies full of violence and gore don't get me into the theaters. . . . But after a long time between films, I'm interested to see this Tarrantino one. I really have liked Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown (not a fan of ---don't have the stomach for--- Resevoir Dogs) for the art of his filming more than anything; he does something that no one else quite does.

Anyone seen it yet? Anyone plan to? Anyone vehemently opposed to seeing it?


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I liked "Pulp Fiction" quite a bit, and loved "Jackie Brown"!!! I too will probably go see this, perhaps with the same mindset that I went to "Natural Born Killers" with. (I mention "NBK" because I've heard "Kill Bill" is incredibly violent, as was "NBK".)

"NBK" gave me a huge headache when I saw it (in a theater), but I kind of thought that was part of it's aim, so I didn't hold that against the film. On many levels, I thought "NBK" was an incredible film, and although I haven't seen it again since - I do hold the film in fairly high reguard.

Not entirely sure if I'll go see "Kill Bill", but I suspect I will, if my wife shows any interest (which she might, surprisingly). Or maybe not - hard to tell.

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since i'm fan on Kung-Fu flicks, i'm told i'll like this one as well. my back is acting up, and i havn't left the house for the last week. as soon as i can sit for more than an hour without pain, i'm going to see 'Kill Bill', and the new Bill Murray flick. :tup

PM sent, Lon.

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Hmm. Maybe I've aged or something, but I have no desire to see this one. I've got Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs on my shelf, and like them, but have no interest in this one. The trailers I've seen make it sound pretty lame. Part of the charm of Tarrantino's films to me has been the dialog, and it sounds like this one basically has none, other than stupid catch phrases that belong in Dirty Harry or Arnie movies. Yawn.

RT, I can see the comparison to NBK, but I really liked that movie. I'm sure this one will be as over-the-top as NBK, but for some bizarre reason, NBK had some sort of charm to me. Don't ask me to explain; it probably reveals some deapseated sickness on my part! :g

Jazzbo, as far as "vehemently opposed" to the movie goes, talk to my wife... ;)

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My gut tells me that this is going to end up being a self-parody of sorts, and that I can live without. I'd like to see Tarretino use his massive gifts for something beyond in-jokes and hip pop-culture references. Not that I mind that, I don't. And I've liked all of his work so far. But I just got a hunch the guy's gotten into bing "Quentin Tarrentino", if you know what I mean. Style will only get you so far, then it's time to deliver substance. Without taking that next step...

But yeah. I'll be seeing it, and I'm hoping I'm wrong.

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I'm hoping you are wrong too Jim.

I think the dialog will be adequate to good; I've read that it makes good use of Samurai film style banter, and what I've heard seems intriguing.

From what I have seen of various trailers, the FILMING looks fantastic. I've become more and more aware of cinematography and this will be fun to watch in that regards.


Saw "Intolerable Cruelty" today which was a really nice hoot of a movie.

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Yeah, I'm seeing Intolerable Cruelty, Mystic River, and School of Rock before I see the new Tarantino flick (if I ever do). I'm in the same boat as JSangry and Jazzmoonse on this----my instincts are giving me thumbs down on spending $10 on Kill Bill, even though I saw Pulp Fiction three times back in '94. And what's with this "Vol.1" shit? It's only the first half of a long movie, the second half of which will be released next year?? The Hell with THAT. :tdown

Edited by BruceH
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Cool. One less person standing in line ahead of me! ^_^ I'm going to pay half of ten, matinee prices is almost all I ever pay the last five years or more!

And Mystic River and School of Rock had nothing I could see to recommend themselves to me. . .


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Just got the message Jac, and replied.

Yes, kung fu films. . . I've never really been a fan.  BUT recently thanks to Shawn I have become a Jackie Chan fan. . . not necessarily the same thing!

The Austin Film Society -- you ARE a member, right? -- is hosting a great kung-fu retrospective right now. I'm most excited about the 36 Chambers films, which show this Tuesday and the following Tuesday. Check the Chronicle or the official AFS site

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No, I'm not a member. I'm not a "joiner" type. :huh: And I'm not a Chronicle reader so I happily miss a lot of things like this! -_- My film watching is mainly of new movies that are "dates" with my wife. Not having a car we carefully choose what we can and will see by how easily we can get to where they are showing. I don't rent many at all; I buy a few though most are music related.

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Well, I saw this today. . . . It's quite a movie! Not for the faint-hearted in more ways than one. But some exciting filming, some excellent use of music, some very good acting. Over the top, way over the top, as is the whole sort of genre that it is wallowing in. I'm very glad I saw it! I'll definitely see Volume Two.

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I'd beg to differ, strongly. It's style, but it's also something else. It is about people (especially Pulp Fiction and Jackie Brown) if you ask me. Odd people. Broken people, perhaps. People though.

This one is about. . . revenge. Motivation. Fantastic (in the sense of fantasy as well) drive and strength. And there is great narrative skill in the style. Just the way I see it.

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I keep thinking about this movie, it has an odd fascination for me, analyzing my personal reaction to it is amusing!

I notice it is playing at an independent theater here that I like and wouldn't imagine it playing in. . . . I know I'll be tempted to see it again there.

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I'm surprised - the reviewers for the three main Melbourne papers (The Age, Herald Sun, Sunday Herald Sun) have all given Kill Bill 4 or 4 1/2 stars. Amazing - usually they're a contrast in styles and tastes and judgments.

I'll see it sometime but I'm not feverishly keen.

I'm with an earlier poster - my fave QT is Jackie Brown.

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I never got around to Jackie Brown either.

Give Jackie a chance sometime, if you can catch it on cable, or rent it. It really is a very good film, on a whole number of levels. I liked "Pulp Fiction", but I've never had any great urge to see it again. But I loved "Jackie Brown", and could watch it probably once every year for several years. Very likable characters - but complex characters too, that aren't always likable - and a story that really works.


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I liked "Pulp Fiction", but I've never had any great urge to see it again.

Interesting. I've seen it several times, and for me it's one of those movies that gets better each time. I won't say it's on the level of Citizen Kane; it's not. But it is fascinating to see how Tarrantino constructs the film, so I enjoy it in much the same way I enjoy Citizen Kane (though admittedly on a lesser level).

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Well, maybe I should say that I'd be glad to see "Pulp Fiction" again, but I've yet to go to any effort to actually see it again. Whereas I've seen Jackie Brown about 3 times now, maybe closer to 4 times (you know, when you catch something partway through on cable).

I missed Reservoir Dogs way back when (in the theatres), and I don't really rent stuff all that often (nor do I watch movies on TV all that much). Should I go back and see Reservoir Dogs sometime??? I like Harvey Keitel quite a bit - so I should probably check it out sometime. Yes?? No??

My wife and I got to the movies quite a bit (more often 'art house' films and such), but if we miss it in the theater - we rarely go back and catch it on video.

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I rented Reservior Dogs and enjoyed it a lot. I bought a copy when the "special edition" came out, but to be honest I haven't watched it since, so I'm not sure how high I'd place it on my list of favorites. I couldn't put it as high as Pulp Fiction. To me, it's a much more straightforward movie, although I like the dialogue better than PFs. But of course, as you say, it has Keitel!

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*Kill Bill!* is a terrible, terrible film on every level--I can't express how disappointed I was. And, it's not a matter of being unsympahthetic to Tarrantino's style. I've really enjoyed the other films for one simple reason: the writing was clever. *Kill Bill!* is not clever. So maybe it isn't trying to be clever--that's fine, but here is a list of other things it DOES try to do:

1) Aestheticize violence. Can it be done? Yes, see *Raging Bull,* for example. But does *Kill Bill!* do so successfully? I don't think it does, because the film is so unrelenting. It becomes a cartoon (and I'm sure that's his intention), but I'd rather watch the castle siege sequence of *Monty Python and the Holy Grail,* which was cartoon violence for satirical ends. *Kill Bill!* is cartoon violence for the sake of itself. Or, as an homage to an uninteresting genre. Either way, consider me skeptical.

2) Completely dispense with characterization and causality: a couple of necessities for most narrative films (IMHO). Yes, I know that the film was not originally intended to be divided in two, but does that mean that we have to wait more than two hours to find out the reason our heroine was attacked in the first place. Or what her relationship was with Bill in the first place? Or why Darryl Hannah wears an eye patch? Or why I spent six bucks to watch this crap in the first place...

There, I feel better. Feel free to flame away.

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