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Tea or Coffee?

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Coffee first thing in the morning, usually a third to half a pot. I prefer flavored beans and had a great spot in Chicago to get them, but now that I live in the middle of nowhere our selection is pretty much nil and now that we're also broke, I've been buying the cheapest ground coffee I can find. Coffee ends after those first two mugs in the morning.

All day and night long, it's tea. I used to do loose leaf, but now I buy Yogi teas through Amazon pretty cheaply. A go through a battery of Kombucha and Kava roots and Gingko and Chamomile... all herbal and mostly decaf.

If I were forced to choose which I couldn't live without, it would have to be tea. It would be a struggle to quit coffee, but I could do it.

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Coffee. We grind the beans every morning and brew up a pot. Always drink it black. Kenyan are my favorite beans.

In the summer I like iced coffee, with cream, on the dark side. Keep a jug in the fridge, and order it from local coffee shop when at work.

Never really developed a taste for tea. :shrug[1]:

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My wife is Irish and grew up drinking strong black tea with milk. Think English Breakfast tea, or as they call it there, Irish Breakfast tea. She converted me to it. Years later, she visited China and came back bearing green teas and oolongs. Now that's about all we drink. The good ones are expensive but very generous, in that you can easily get three or four pots out of the same leaves. Green tea is also a good way to make Chinese-style iced tea. You take a big bottle or jug, put in some tea leaves, fill it with cold water and put it in the refrigerator overnight. You end up with delicately flavored cold tea with a light green color, nothing like the orange-red iced Darjeeling or, even worse, the commercial varities.

I drink the odd espresso from the office coffee machine but it's not very good. I'm in the States now for a couple of weeks' vacation and have had occasion to meet people at Starbucks. I just order a tall Americano and each time am astounded at how revolting it is. Next time I'll try something else.

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Both! I enjoy variety.

If it's brewed coffee, I like it black. The lattes at Starbucks work for me, but the price doesn't. I still remember how good the coffee was in Amsterdam when I was there in '04...

I really like The Good Earth's hot tea, for those familiar with the restaurant. Green tea is tasty, but if it leans too far one way it reminds me of the flavor of football mouthpieces. I love Thai tea, too. There's this Corner Cafe Bakery joint which makes a black currant iced tea, it's off the charts. And Islands has that passion iced tea I love.

I never add sugar to coffee or tea.

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I grind beans every morning and brew in a French press. I drink black.

I like all kinds of tea. Sometimes I brew in a clay pot. Sometimes I steep in the glass.

Iced tea is great. Usually half unsweetened mixed with half sweet tea does the job.

A jar of sun tea takes me back to childhood in a sip.

I'm not brand or roast or region loyal. Like noj, I enjoy variety.

Neither tea nor coffee, and I'm not a soft drink fan at all, but has anyone had MaIne Root Ginger Ale? Fantastic.

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Wait....was that wesbed? Making a rare appearance? Hi Wes!

After years of trying every coffee machine known to man and continually being disappointed with the results I've finally found the means to make a good cup of coffee.

I use the ceramic version of one of these


on a thermal carafe. Works great, stays hot. I also use a French press sometimes.

I get my beans from Costco- my favorite is a brand called Don Julio- two pounds for ten bucks. Freshly ground beans & Brita filtered water. A little more effort but totally worth it. I like a little half & half in mine.

The only tea I drink is unsweetened ice tea, with lemon. People down here love sweet tea, I can't stand it.

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Wait....was that wesbed? Making a rare appearance? Hi Wes!

After years of trying every coffee machine known to man and continually being disappointed with the results I've finally found the means to make a good cup of coffee.

I use the ceramic version of one of these


on a thermal carafe. Works great, stays hot. I also use a French press sometimes.

I get my beans from Costco- my favorite is a brand called Don Julio- two pounds for ten bucks. Freshly ground beans & Brita filtered water. A little more effort but totally worth it. I like a little half & half in mine.

The only tea I drink is unsweetened ice tea, with lemon. People down here love sweet tea, I can't stand it.

I use the same method to make coffee myself, a #2 cone. Fantastic flavor, great caffeine kick. The way to go, wastes nothing. Doesn't smell up a joint either.

Oh boy. . . makes me want to have a cup, but I just drank a few glasses of hibiscus mint iced tea at lunch. .. I'm full.

Edited by jazzbo
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