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Anyone watching Idol?


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Well, Cemille got the heave ho this time.

What I can not understand at all is the presence of any male singer outside of George (who I think is terrific and I hope he wins). I mean, the Conan look-alike, what is he even doing in the competition to begin with? This isn't American Idol 1956! But the other guy who has somehow survived another week-PEEE YEEEWWW! He is, as Simon ought to say, "Atrocious with a capital A". He barely qualifies as a mediocre karaoke night contestant.

And can someone tell me what Randy's claim to fame is? I cannot stand his "yo yo yo" and "dawg" crap. He supposed to give them street cred? And the fact that one of the weakest pop singers in history, Paula Abdul, is a judge-that's just a cosmic joke, right?

Simon is surely the only reason to watch.

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Fuller was the producer or one of them of Britain's "Pop Idol" which this show sprang from, and Cowell was one of the judges of that show. . . . I personally am very tired of Simon and Randy, I don't mind Paula, who is more tactaful with these people on spectacle. Randy has done pop production, he does indeed have credentials, and probably more of an idea of what AMERICAN pop is about than Simon in my estimation.

I'll miss Camille actually . . . I think she could develop into a good singer. She's so much better than John Stevens who I've hated from audition one. . . .I can't believe he's still there!

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I can totally understand getting sucked into American Idol if my girlfriend/wife was into it but I'm not in that situation. Have been before, though, so I know how it works. My last gf was into Sabrina the Teenage Witch and, as a result, I ended up watching is as well. Cute show, actually. And completely different than watching Buffy for ironic enjoyment. I can't do that shit. For whatever reason, I have competely lost the ability to enjoy something based on the fact that it sucks. In fact, it's amazing that I even have to defend that belief; as though enjoying something because it sucks is an entirely rational situation. :wacko:

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Well, I have to admit, I had to look up anabolic in this context. I'm still confused. :P

If you have to know, click HERE, but only if you're over 21, not in the presence of any women, children, co-workers, or anybody with delicate sensibilities. Don't say you weren't warned.

Don't ask me how I know about this stuff. Some things you get exposed to without trying.

Edited by JSngry
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I can totally understand getting sucked into American Idol if my girlfriend/wife was into it but I'm not in that situation. Have been before, though, so I know how it works. My last gf was into Sabrina the Teenage Witch and, as a result, I ended up watching is as well. Cute show, actually. And completely different than watching Buffy for ironic enjoyment. I can't do that shit. For whatever reason, I have competely lost the ability to enjoy something based on the fact that it sucks. In fact, it's amazing that I even have to defend that belief; as though enjoying something because it sucks is an entirely rational situation. :wacko:

Why do you assume that Idol "sucks?" Do you simply mean that you don't like such reality shows or are you presupposing that the show is something more than it attests to being? Don't mean to single you out, but a lot of people (mostly those who don't watch the show) knock it for "sucking" but the "fact" is that a few of the singers are really quite talented.

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I can totally understand getting sucked into American Idol if my girlfriend/wife was into it but I'm not in that situation.  Have been before, though, so I know how it works.  My last gf was into Sabrina the Teenage Witch and, as a result, I ended up watching is as well.  Cute show, actually.  And completely different than watching Buffy for ironic enjoyment.  I can't do that shit.  For whatever reason, I have competely lost the ability to enjoy something based on the fact that it sucks.  In fact, it's amazing that I even have to defend that belief; as though enjoying something because it sucks is an entirely rational situation. :wacko:

Why do you assume that Idol "sucks?" Do you simply mean that you don't like such reality shows or are you presupposing that the show is something more than it attests to being? Don't mean to single you out, but a lot of people (mostly those who don't watch the show) knock it for "sucking" but the "fact" is that a few of the singers are really quite talented.

Actually, I was talking about Buffy but I see what you mean. I will, however, say that there's a stong argument that the vast majority of the people who watch American Idol are probably in it for the camp factor over the potential of seeing some great musical performances. I mean if it were such a legit talent search would Simon have to be such an ass? That's why most people watch it. These are the same types of people who watch all of the other "reality" shows. In fact, an interesting user study would be checking out how many American Idol viewers also enjoy things like The Bachleor, Survivor or.....(gulp).....COPS. I mean, let's be honest here. I think you'll find that most American Idol viewers don't tune in with the sole purpose of get wowed by a moving rendition of "Up Where We Belong". You know what I'm saying?

Edited by Brandon Burke
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Well, to be fair, Joe Cocker is hardly a "pop" singer. ;)

I've always wondered what the judges would say to such singers as Bob Dylan, Tom Waits, Cocker, Jagger, etc.

Oh yeah, and that gravely-voiced cat we call "Pops." :D

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