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Chuck Nessa

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Everything posted by Chuck Nessa

  1. I heard an interesting radio debate about why it was ok to play the Chicks song about driving around with Earl (dead) in the trunk, and "Gangsta' Rap" was bad.
  2. I think a first purchase should be of something like the Golden Quartet recordings where he plays his own compositions. Yo Miles can be your third purchase.
  3. Leo is an amazing musician and person. I think starting with a solo recording might be the wrong way to go. I'd check out the instrumentation/personnel listings on AMG and pick a combination that sounds interesting. "Red Sulphur Sky" can be your 2nd purchase.
  4. Not 'til late in the year. My daughter (art director) is working on the graphics so I put it up. As Chaney said in another thread, "a tease".
  5. The Legge is not owned by BN. It was licensed from Vogue.
  6. I forgot to mention the Mobley quartet record.
  7. Starting with the 1501 & 2 (Miles), 1503/4 (Bud), 1506/7 (JJ), 1509 (Bags), 1510/11 (Monk), 1518+20 (Silver), 1521/22 (Blakey), 1526 (Brownie), 1531/32 (Fats), 1535 (KD) and 1537 (LD) - these are all compilations of singles and 10" material into the 12" form. The Blakey I mentioned earlier were sides from '47 originally issued on 78.
  8. BN owns the Green date, the Mecca date, the Hipp and the two Best of the West lps. No Parlan 10" material, but previous issues include the 2 Hopes, and the Moody/Blakey material.
  9. OH! You are such a tease! Yup, but about once a year I "put out"!
  10. The extra $12 plus shipping is worth it........just save the Soul Jazz disc and sell it on ebay in a couple of years.
  11. I'm looking forward to....to.......Damn, it was on the tip of my tongue.
  12. A very white program. What is going on.
  13. Can't be any good. Bunch of white guys nobody's ever heard of. That must be why I'm "pushing" it. AND pay no attention to the next recording I did with them. The addition of Charles Tyler was a crass commercial step by a desperate record producer. I'm sure it is just a coincidence ECM picked 'em up after me. Let me see... ECM records Bowie, AEC, Leo, Roscoe, Hal after I do - might there be a pattern here? Seriously, Hal's subsequent death was a big blow for lots of fans and friends.
  14. It is my understanding most of the Revenant is from the Ayler tree cds.
  15. I think it comes from Byas.
  16. Nils Winther, owner/producer of SteepleChase is a VERY canny marketer. I would not put it past him to list the wrong takes on purpose, to screw up the cd burners. On the other hand, he's a sloppy producer, and they may be "real" errors.
  17. Strata East was basically a "vanity label". If you had the bucks to pay for a session, they would issue it. A bunch of friends of Tolliver and Cowell bit. The label "style" was dictated by the sessions issued, but it was really the same as a public access channel.
  18. Black Lion issued a dandy lp called It Don't Mean a Thing (etc) with Gonzalves, Earl Hines, Al Hall and Jo Jones. You should hear them negotiate Over the Rainbow.
  19. A quick check of Rust indicates the Boswells are on the last two titles only.
  20. Do writer's searches on the web sites of ASCAP, BMI and SESAC. If you don't find what you want, contact me.
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