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Everything posted by AllenLowe

  1. I'll give him $900 for the whole batch -
  2. If you haven't heard it already, Stormy Weather by Eric Dolphy with Mingus is the not just the greatest performance of an Arlen tune, but THE GREATEST JAZ PERFORMANCE EVER. I really mean this, as emotionally disturbed as I seem when I put everything in caps. WHAT's IT TO YA? Listen to Stormy Weather, a perfect performance, from Mingus's incredible intro to Dolphy's yearning screams -
  3. I met Ray in New Haven Connecticut in the 1990s and began working with him, eventually recording 5 CDs - At the Moment of Impact, New Tango, Woyzek's Death, American Song Project, and Mental Strain at Dawn - we worked together a lot, got to be friends, and a few years later Ray married a German woman, moved to Berlin and than Ulm. Well, recently I was listening to some of that old music and realized (once again) that Ray is not just a good drummer but a brilliant and original drummer, able to play in all styles, incredibly inventive and creative; Roswell Rudd, with whom we recorded several times, told me he had worked with everyone, and Ray was the equal of any drummer he had ever performed with. It kills me that I can so rarely work with Ray, as he comes to the States only on occasion - but I wanted to mention his name here as I truly believe he is one the the world's great drummers - he does tour a bit of Europe, so keep your eyes out for him -
  4. one bizarre negative on the Columbia Louis set - there is audible CEDAR distortion at the beginning of Weatherbird - unforgiveable -
  5. you know the old saying - looks like dog shit, smells like dog shit, TASTES like dog shit - good thing I didn't step in it -
  6. well, if Russell was going to do for Chandler what he did for Bird, we're better off without that bio -
  7. well, not quite - atonal means lacking a a tonal or key cetner - dissonance refers to tones that clash - some have described atonality as bi-tonality - read Schuller on Cecil Taylor -
  8. I have heard of money orders being stopped, with the money taken back from the bank account of the person who has cashed it -
  9. "I have no idea of what you guys are talking about: torrents and vines" well, you know what they say about jazz, if you gotta ask... actually I don't know what the fuc* anybody is talking about here -
  10. they look good naked but are a little peppy for me -
  11. actually, LP, Dizzy said that to ME. And he CALLED Davey at home, personally, to ask Davey to record with him, on several occasions (Davey turned him down, but that's another story) - so white and/or Jewish does not eliminate people from having jazz talent or even from being best in class - so whaddaya think? Dizzy was just Uncle Tommin with me? Also, interesting quote from Bird, about Schildkraut, passed to me via Bill Triglia: "We were sitting in the car one night and Bird said something to me, indicated that Dave was going to have some problems, great as he was, beause he was a white guy and he would catch all kinds of trouble for being the best sax player around." Now we all know what an Uncle Tommin' white pleaser that Charlie Parker was -
  12. Actually, we might say that LP is "a huge ugly blotch" on the organissimo forum -
  13. hey Lp - I think we met a few years ago - you were the guy in the wheel chair trying to prevent his arm from shooting up into that Nazi salute - damn, I knew you looked familiar -
  14. I actually think it's very possible that the Beach Boys were looking somewhat to Zappa when they made those records - the ironic, distanced lyrics are related to the whole new abstract rock thing, and Zappa was certainly seen as one of the leading rock non-conformists -
  15. well, as Lenny Bruce said, we all have to get get together - Jewis, gentiles, whites, blacks, Scandanavians, Italians, French, Germans - we all have to get together - and beat up the Greeks - or mayble, in this case, LP -
  16. this whole thing of reviewers and technical knowledge could start a whole other thread - I've never believed reviewers HAVE to be especially technically knowledgeable to write well on music, as a matter of fact, most of the best ones I've read have little tech knowledge. But they get themselves in trouble sometimes trying to sound authoritative. This has happened to Giddins on several occasions, even Martin Williams. I have a fair amount of technical knlwledge but am entirely self taught, so I find myslef treading carefully, or calling a friend like Randy Sandke to make sure I'm on firm ground (Randy being one of the most technically knowledgeable musicians I know) -
  17. hey, LP, here's Dizzy Gillespie on a white JEWISH saxohonist, Dave Schildkraut: "Dave was the only alto player to capture the rhythmic essence of Bird." Dizzy also mentioned that he called Dave on several occasions for recording sessions. no great Jewish players? (well, what did Dizzy know?)
  18. Hey, l p - many African Americans ripped off people in the record business - VeeJay Records or Don Robey - does that indicate some kind of genetic condition? Don't forget the Irish, the Roman Catholics, the Poles, the Russians, the Latinos - there's been plenty of ripoff to go around, funny that you only notice the Jews - how many Jews are in the Bush adminstration, the biggest rippoff going now? What's your background? Racist, anti-semitic, genocidal, white, yelloe, brown? C'mon, give us the truth oh member of the Aryan nation and dedicated anti-communist -
  19. I'll give you $900 today, $900 next week -
  20. wait - are you referring to my post or the review?
  21. well, if you are talking about chromaticism you are probably referring to the tonal ambiguity that can be created with chromatic playing - in other words there is no such thing as a wrong note, every note has some relationship to the key center. Jazz musicians have always used chromaticism to create a sense, really, of bi-tonality -
  22. "Give me a President who can spell." GOD DOES NOT HAVE SPELL CHECK
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