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Status Updates posted by Aggie87

  1. has re-set their status to this now!

  2. Interesting avatar there, Matthew!

    Best wishes for 2010.

  3. Miss you around here, John.

  4. hey skiD - i can honestly say I agree with your Comment . this feature rocKs!

  5. skiD - i belIeve you need more Comments, you slacKer!

  6. Do you both really thInk you Can sneaK that paSt me??

  7. Do you both really thInk you Can sneaK that paSt me??

  8. Skidddddddickddddddd!!!

  9. Freeeeeeeeeeeeedickeeeeeee!!!

  10. Buzzzzzzzdickzzzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

  11. Connnnnnnndicknnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!

  12. I just noticed it a while back. Not sure what it's really good for, but it's yet another way to harrass each other!

  13. Wassup Connnnnnnnnnnn!!!!

  14. Wassup Buzzzzzzzzzzz!!!

  15. Wassup Skiddddddd!!!

  16. Wassup Freeeeeeee!!!

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