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Everything posted by Templejazz

  1. so answer me this..... between running from terrorists and encountering aaron, head secret service agent, how did wayne palmer get the huge rifle..???
  2. OH...my ......GOD!!! HERE...TO...STAY....! TROMPETA T...T...TO..TOCATTA!!! CITY...LIGHTS...!!!!! More BYRD, SILVER...... This batch is "Filthy McNASTY"!!!!!!!!!!! Sweet.....
  3. Not much chatter about this since the beginning so I'll continue by saying this show is like CRACK! Ok my questions...... Why is Logan such a weak, wishy washy scumbag?! Will he stop the motorcade? David Palmer would never have stood for any of the things that Logan has sputtered and putzed on. Are CTU and Agent Curtis gonna revolt against Lynn McGill and throw his ass in holding? Is McGill gonna stop being such a wuss bag and make some smart decisions today? I heard a rumor that Tony will wake up before the end of the day and kick some ass.....I'm not sure I can see that, given his state. When will Kim come back? This week is gonna go SSOOOOOO slow
  4. Just a quick inquiry. Where can a list of currently obtainable TOCJs and JRVGs be found, and where might they be acquired? Thanks in advance!
  5. Ok, finally having a chance to chime in about Philly. Now I have spent the better half of the past 9 years living hear and I spent this past summer as a trolley tour guide w/ Philadelphia Trolley Works (NOT the F*#$ing Ducks, mind you ) I had to study a historical binder about an inch thick. I knew Philly was historic but SHOOT!!! Philly may have it's problems like any other major city but don't get put off by those things. Come to Philly knowing that you are in a city of firsts! The first college in US! (University of PA), the first zoo in the nation! (Phila Zoo), the first hospital in the Western Hemisphere(PA Hospital) The LARGEST collection of original colonial dwellings in the nation, in the Society Hill section. You can't forget the museums. The third largest collection of artwork in the nation at the Phila Museum of Art. How about the largest collection of Rodin sculpture outside of Paris at the Rodin museum? Are you aware that Philly was once a major beer brewing capital in the 1800's and once boasted 150 beer breweries? How about the first penitentiary system at Eastern State? A harrowing and frightening medieval castle right on Fairmount Avenue, opened up in 1829. Such a rich tradition of art and architectural, too. From boasting over 2000 beautiful and expressive murals, to being the home of the PA Academy of Fine Arts, to having the beautiful Ben Franklin parkway, modeled after the Champs U'lleses(sp?) in Paris. Music? How about McCoy Tyner, Trane, Billie Holiday, Lee Morgan, Grover Washington Jr., Patti LaBelle, Heath Brothers, Christian McBride, Jimmy Smith, Gamble & Huff. Don't even get me started with food. You can spend a week eating your way around and barely make a dent because you're constantly discovering somewhere new. Come on, go to Jim's on South Street and order 'an American With' , was it down with a Hires Root Beer(invented in Phila) You'll be happy you did. Come to Philly to experience the history, food, art, architecture, etc. But PLEASE don't compare it to NY or any other city that might have XYZ over our city. It cheapens and taints the experience, and you'd probably be better off going home. Hey Jim A, did you guys try to get in touch with Ortlieb's. Might be a great venue for the trio. I'd be there in a heartbeat.
  6. Decided to take a hiatus from school teaching. Don't really like it and have been wanting to become more involved in a career that A) keeps me close to education, B) musical instruments and hardware, and C) won't make me feel as if I wasted my parents' money spent for college. At the beginning of September I took a fulltime/manager-in-training position for Music & Arts Center, a major music store chain that does band/orchestral instrument rentals, sells sheet music, drums, guitars and other hardware. It's been awesome!! Doesn't pay much but advancement was promised pretty quickly..... Now, I was thinking in a year, maybe two, I'll be manager of my own store..HAH....In about a week I'll be manager of a Music & Arts Center store in NJ. I'm excited, anxious, a bit overwhelmed, but I can't wait cuz opportunity's knocking pretty loud right now. Can anybody here who's ever been a manager give me any pointers about manager/associate relations, organization, training people, telling them what to do running a retail store, how to fit in a life aside from work..etc. etc. etc.? Very excited, Bill
  7. just found this topic but I gotta leave for work. I'll chime in about my love/hate relationship with Philly later today. In the meantime howsabout some of the Philly Board members hit Ortlieb's or Zanzibar for a rowdy night sometime. Just a thought
  8. Ok, I'll bite......Woody Shaw's solo on 'Softly as a Morning Sunrise' from Larry Young's 'Unity' melts my mind...... I like Wynton Kelly's solo on Freddie Freeloader...... Donald Byrd's playing on 'Cristo Redentor' from 'A New Perspective' is powerful. that's a few........ok one more......Lee Morgan's solo from 'C.T.A.' offa 'Candy. NIIIIICE Templejazz OUT!!!!!!!!!
  9. Soothe all your troubles away with Ike Quebec's 'It Might as Well be Spring', also with Mr. Roach.
  10. That's cuz it needs a bit more that a quick listen...this one will grow on you. I love this album Hey Brad what rarer issues do you have in mind? I for one can't wait for August. Never heard Think, Time for Tyner and Oblique. I will definitely pick up a legit copy of Judgement anyday and will probably get the Smith.....Hell, my name's on all of them........and they come out on my birthday too!!
  11. I'm actually saving money for NEXT month.. That's the motherload right there. In the meantime, those who have not heard Fuego.....RUN...don't walk...and pick it up....NOW. Donald Byrd had a sweet tone on the trp and this album does a great job of showcasing it. Plus how can you miss w/ Jackie McLean Duke Pearson or Lex Humphries? I'll pass on the Green...already have the Conn and LOVE IT! The Cherry is first on my priority list.
  12. Terell's a freaking monster on the horn. I believe Seneca Black once held the lead trp chair w/ LCJO. Is he still with them?
  13. Thanks for the words and advice guys. It does help and I know I'll get that feel back. I need to break it up into small goals like I used to but first focus on playing MUSIC! Then I can nit pick and iron out the wrinkles (attacks, flow, etc.) Joe, I printed out that essay to read when I get home later, thanks. Michael, you're spot on. I studied with Terell for 3 yrs at Temple. The last year I studied with him was when all the "flow" stuff had begun to come together to the point where I didn't have to think about what my tongue/teeth/lips/etc. were doing.. all that mattered was that my corners were firm and the wind was there. I just couldn't keep that going for the long term sadly... Time to do some Clarke.........
  14. Hey folks, Bill here. I'd like to get some input from any longtime instrumentalists on the board, esp. brass and other wind players. I've always loved playing the trumpet. When I reached 10th Grade I discovered Miles, Lee Morgan and Freddie Hubbard and I wanted to play more than anything. I majored in Music Ed/Jazz Studies (music ed. on insistence from my band director) when I got to college. I was never the best player in the school of music, probably in the last tier of trumpeters. I always made progress but never had the confidence to step on a bandstand on open-mic night. Plus, I consistently struggled and allowed the trials and tribulations of everyday life interupt my development as a player (summer work schedule, girlfriend, classwork, etc.) Because of this there were many gaps in my playing and practicing schedule. So many to the point where I was never consistently growing as a player and constantly "catching up" to where I used to be. Fast forward a few years to my fourth year in college (about 5 yrs ago) I began taking lessons with a fantastic player and teacher who really helped me get my act together. He helped me think about brass playing in a different way and I really started to make progress and for the first time really enjoy playing. By the time I got to my Improvisation II class I was ecstatic over my playing. I was transcribing and playing Lee Morgan and Blue Mitchell solos( a LOT of work still but WOW!!), playing fluently over Rhythm changes and nailing all kinds of etudes.....I aced my jury....but..... history of course repeated and I was faced with lack of self confidence and a 40 hour work week. I also bought some new equipment and had to break it in...NOT fun. As I posted a few times before, I went through a bout of depression, drug addiction and struggle to find teaching employment. All of this did a number on my embouchure and it kills me inside that I used to be good. I long to play that way again, but I can barely make it through three or four Flow Studies without getting pissed off and saddened it sucks so bad. Plus I've acquired some self-defeating thoughts regarding certain physical facial characteristics and that maybe I will never be the player that I want to be because of them (slight crowding of lower teeth, moderate overbite) Ok, 3 yrs out of college, 27 years old, I'm finally out of the shitty job I was complaining about last year, reasonably comfortable moneywise. I currently give narrated tours in Philly and I'm applying for other music and performing arts related jobs. Most importantly, I'm trying to make a new beginning on the horn, BUT ..it's fucking hell!!! ... and old habits die hard. I don't really have the time or money to get a teacher so for now I'm on my own. Any actively performing board members have any input to make this long road a little bit easier to swallow? It's gonna be hard, I know, but perhaps somebody here has gone through something similar and could offer a bit of advice as to how to take it day by day. Sorry for the long ass post but thank you in advance to anybody that has suggestions. Bill
  15. Not a box set really but....YOWZA! Look at the shipping too! Woody Shaw
  16. Snagged an extra copy yesterday with promo sticker and label but plays nicely. I'll keep that and will offer my other Conn copy. Very good condition w/ OBI strip included. $16 postage paid to US if anybody wants it. Paypal preferred but not a must.. Peace! Bill
  17. So, are you now going to sue him? ← Nope....Big Wheel might be right when he said that some of this stuff might come out in the next couple of years as single reissues. I can wait I suppose. Plus I have a TOCJ of Royal Flush to keep me happy. .....But now I gotta hurry up and buy something else to make me feel better!
  18. I spoke with someone from Mosaic a few days ago he said I'd be safe for about a week and a half to two weeks. I was gonna place the order today. Motherfu**er!
  19. Make mine lime......I marinate chicken breasts in lime, adore a real good gin and tonic and lime wedge, and squeeze lime juice in my Pho. love it.
  20. Can't go wrong with these guys. I've only heard the Conns, don't have The Worm, I'd be interested in trading for it. Good Donald Byrd. A handful of the tunes on the Byrd are from Halfnote Byrd/Adams double. Good stuff!
  21. I'm doing my best to enjoy everything that good. Working out is something I've gotten back into over the past couple weeks and I am behind on a little reading. Sex? Hmm...Let's just say that itch hasn't been scratched in ...ahem...several years (whole other can of worms ENTIRELY!) I don't honestly think I can offer any woman anything right now with all these other problems on my back burner. Well my pops offered to pay the traffic ticket, which takes a bit of pressure off, and the school loan garbage is "in the process" of being worked out. I guess everything just builds up and builds up and I've never been good at handling stress of any kind. Every corner I turn I'm expecting to see the proverbial light at the end of tunnel but it's another blasted part of the maze. One good thing is I don't have any credit cards. I was venting a couple nights ago to an ex who lives in NY. She said she doesn't honestly know how I've survived WITHOUT any credit cards. Heh...She's got expensive taste though. Thank you for the words and advice folks. I'll keep my chin up. Best regards, Bill
  22. Not exactly who to discuss this with cuz I feel all alone and don't know what the frick to do. I'm experiencing severe economic distress right now and can't build a "cushion" for shit right now. Any tips from resident misers and/or penny pinchers? On top of $264 car insurance bill, $470 apt rent, $150 consolidated college loan payment, I just defaulted on another school loan and had a traffic stop last week which slammed me with a $140 ticket. All this needs to be payed within a week and a half. I barely have enough to pay the rent and the car insurance and I don't expect another paycheck for another two weeks. I'm currently rubbing the rabbit's foot hoping I get my income tax check next week but right now I'm carting some CD's down to the local used shop just so I can buy food. Anybody else in my boat? I know there are folks that are worse off than I (unemployed, etc.) but this shit sucks. I could move out of my apt. and back home with the folks but I'm a 27 year old man for chrisssakes! My folks never really passed on saving tips and such in my sister or I. They have always enjoyed 'playing' themselves. My dad has a boat and we have a summer place at the seashore so my parents just about get by themselves. I'm a second year music teacher, not happy at all in my district and would like to possibly get into another field, something else in music, or something using my voice. Sorry for the length but I'm just venting frustration and don't know what to do. Best regards, Bill
  23. this looks real good......any thoughts?
  24. So any verdict on these? I picked up the Blakey and the Shorter. I've heard some of the latter but held off on buying it back when the RVGs first came around. Thought it would get the overhaul sooner but oh well. Haven't listened to it yet but..... 'Like Someone in Love' was an OOP gem that remained out of my grasp for the longest time. So far so good. The fire is quieter and the feel a bit different than 'A Night in Tunisia' but it's pretty tasty. Personally I can't wait till summertime. Bill
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