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Everything posted by robviti

  1. As some of you already know, fellow board member Mark Sheldon has organized a photo shoot featuring great jazz musicians who hail from Indianapolis. He has worked very hard for months putting it all together, locating and contacting musicians, soliciting sponsors, working with different venues, etc. A Great Day in Indy has blossomed into a multimedia event that will likely include tv and newspaper coverage, all of which will culminate in a big jam session after the shoot. If that weren't enough, profits from the event will go toward funding jazz education in local schools. It all takes place on Sunday the 1st. I'm very proud to call Mark my friend, and I think he deserves our support and praise for taking on such an awesome task. don't forget to check out the event website: A Great Day in Indy
  2. oh yeah? tell that to your countryman Bev. colonists rule!
  3. come to think of it, you may be right.
  4. not to be mean, but i've always wondered about...
  5. i stand corrected. actually, it's late and i'm sitting down, but you get the idea. and yes, you're all correct about the utter absurdity of the whole issue. it's just proves how little grey matter one needs to breathe, circulate blood, and act like a moron. come to think of it, this is even an insult to morons.
  6. actually, it's not paisley, but it is a very common pattern. i'm willing to bet that millions of these scarves have been sold in this country over the past few decades. i owned one over 20 years ago. once while wearing it on a winter night in nyc, i was approached by a middle eastern woman who said something to me in a language i didn't understand. seeing my confusion, she explained that she was expressing her gratitude for my show of support for the people of palestine. unbeknownst to me, i was wearing the same scarf that members of the plo wore. i'm no longer surprised when things like this dunkin donuts retraction happen now, just deeply saddened by it. this truly is a nation frightened by its own rights and freedoms. score another one for the terrorists.
  7. obviously, the government is filled with "dopes" who were used to buying shitty pot, i.e., no buds. i bet they'd pay attention is the brew was called "twigs and seeds."
  8. and for those times between sessions when you need a little shrinkage, try:
  9. c'mon dan, you and i have gone over this in many of our sessions toegther. stop repressing and tell him how you really feel.
  10. i have to disagree with my friend kevin. there's no reason to suspect that this thread had a direct effect on the ebay auction. by using the word "derailed," i was referring to the fact that thread was simply created to inform us of a member's auction. no inflated claims were made and no coercion was involved. your actions turned this thread into something very different, hence my use of the term. why did you do it? i can't be sure, and frankly i don't really care because you're not lying on my couch. however, your reactions thus far to people's objections are telling. you talk about this being a community, "not some impersonal sellers emporium with faceless customers." and yet you disrespect a fellow member and try to defend your actions by splitting us up into buyers and sellers. you say "I want sellers to get the highest price they can, and buyers to get the lowest price they can." how did this thread become about what you want? parkertown wanted to let us know about his auction, that's why he created the thread. again I ask you, what gives you, me, or anyone besides him the right to turn this discussion into something different? i remember on one occasion i answered a seller who asked why no one wanted his items by saying they were readily available at lower prices. also, some members have offered public corrections to erroneous statements, i.e., a title advertised as "oop" is actually still in print. the majority of such communications are made through private messages, giving a member the chance to review the information and edit if necessary. i might be wrong, but my perception of the tone of your posts suggests something less altruistic than what you claim. if you really believe you belong to a community, then listen to what several members are trying to tell you. you don't have to agree, but realize that if you continue to do what you did here, you may receive the same kind of peer pressure to stop.
  11. just think, if you lived closer to us, you could have seen the show and asked me yourself.
  12. old news. long ago i indulged in a herb that made everything i ate taste delicious.
  13. exactly what do you see as your role here on the board? is it your responsibility to protect the rest of us from making a bad decision by paying [what you think is] too much for an item, thereby justifying your "outing" the creator of this thread? personally, i don't care about the issue of downloading as it pertains to the situation we have here. and as far as I know, there's no rule to prevent you from competing with another seller by offering the same item on your own thread. what i object to is your decision to derail another member's thread, and even more so, your assertion that you have the right to do so in the interest of people like me who buy cds from other board members. i don't know of anyone here who holds you responsible for protecting the interests of us buyers, and i for one would appreciate your refraining from doing what you did again.
  14. tell you what, bm. you post something for sale or auction here, and i'll provide links to sites where people can get it for less or for free. sound fair to you?
  15. i own a number of mcneil's recordings and have enjoyed them all, so i'll definately be looking for this one. i noticed that amazon marketplace has used copies of these fine discs, all for $6 or less:
  16. that settles it, allen. you're moving down closer to boston. it's obvious you need an on-call therapist. i'm only a phone call away.
  17. robviti

    CIMP sound

    perhaps you should before offering criticism. i think you'll find that cimp is not an "audiophile label," but one that takes a hands-off approach that a lot of musicians appreciate.
  18. robviti

    CIMP sound

    CIMP 345 Ins And Outs - Burton Greene CIMP 339 Signs Of The Times - Burton Greene CIMP 338 The Music - David Haney CIMP 337 Tuba Project - Lucian Ban CIMP 333 Sanctuary - Bobby Few CIMP 316 Isms Out - Burton Greene CIMP 314 Inside Out - Mary Anne Driscoll CIMP 298 Celebration of the Spirit - Soo-Jung Kae CIMP 290 Birds of Baghdad - Charles Eubanks CIMP 277 Premonition - Lucian Ban CIMP 274 Somethin' Holy - Lucian Ban CIMP 272 Poets of the Now - Ursel Schlicht CIMP 251 Peace Beyond Conflict - Burton Greene CIMP 250 New Beginnings - Charles Eubanks CIMP 248 Tools of the Trade - Denman Maroney CIMP 230 Recital - Dave Burrell CIMP 229 Re-entry - Yuko Fujiyama CIMP 202 Open Music - John Bickerton CIMP 191 Changes & Chances - Dave Burrell CIMP 182 Throptics - Burton Greene CIMP 177 Gallery - Marc Sabatella CIMP 175 Tag - Yuko Fujiyama CIMP 162 Moon Flower -Joseph Scianni CIMP 155 3 Plus 4 Equals 5 - Joseph Scianni CIMP 140 Expatriate - Bobby Few CIMP 125 Essence - Lee Shaw CIMP 122 Big Onion - Joseph Scianni CIMP 103 Human Flowers - Marilyn Crispell
  19. robviti

    CIMP sound

    what i want to say is in no way directed at bill. i totally appreciate his conumdrum of trying to broadcast uncompressed recordings. that being said, i own quite a few cimp recordings, and i'm glad they've chosen to present improvised music in this particular manner. it seems like some people place more importance on sound reproduction than on the music itself. for me, the "cimp sound" comes closer to capturing the experience of a live performance, a setting in which people are more likely to focus on the the art and communication unfolding before them, and less on minute technical details. i used to love doing a/b and a/b/c comparisons of different reissues with my friend kevin. but things changed for me a few years ago. i don't own a single sacd, and i no longer buy remastered reissues of titles i already own. this change of attitude doesn't make me better than other people. that's already taken care of by my superior intellect and my devilishly good looks. what it has done is to free me and my wallet to explore different forms of improvised music, rather than revisit the same material again and again. i understand that new reissues may attract new listeners, and that's a good thing. but this buying and rebuying is something different, i think. of course, people have the right to search for the holy grail of the "perfect recording." they just shouldn't don't bother themselves with cimp or other similar labels that have a different goal in life.
  20. it would be great to have you move south, closer to boston.
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