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Everything posted by T.D.

  1. ESPN claims the Pats are likely to sign Adalius Thomas later today (Sat). Conn should be psyched...
  2. Muddy Waters Gary Muhrcke Soupy Sales
  3. Brutus Beefcake Cassius Clay Marc Anthony
  4. Leonid Kubbel Beverly "Bubbles" Sills King Carl Hubbell, The Meal Ticket
  5. Matthew Barney Bjork Gudmundsdottir (Benny Goodman's daughter) Rachel Goodman
  6. The Brother from Another Planet Venus Williams Mercury Morris
  7. PM sent on Ran Blake Quartet Short Life of Barbara Monk Soul Note
  8. Wow....I wonder how/if this will affect his current status. He could have possibly been one of the highest paid free agents out there, but this could change things for him. I dunno, it probably wouldn't faze the Bengals, to name just one club...
  9. Alexander Mosolov The Duke of Wellington Otto von Bismarck
  10. Philip Glass Charles Dodgson Jerry Dodgion
  11. Include me in the "uninspired choice" camp. Not only has Norv never worked out in the past, he hasn't shown any particular leadership. Best suited for a coordinator/asst coach position IMO. That said, I haven't kept in touch enough to suggest a specific alternative. The Chargers probably should have axed Marty earlier, and promoted one of his (since departed) coordinators.
  12. Johann Baptist Metz Jean Metzinger Charles Proteus Steinmetz
  13. What Larry said. I haven't been reading r.m.c.r. for quite some time (oddly, I thought the ng rapidly went downhill as soon as Deacon appeared on the scene, though the "Studer troll" and other weirdos deserve credit), but I'm sure that TD (no relation, I assure you ) has been hoisted by innumerable of his own petards.
  14. Here's a curious thing: I like the IPO Recordings label, which has put out lots of good jazz CDs, eg. Roland Hanna, Tom McIntosh, Roger Kellaway, Thad Jones tributes, etc. They have a "classical" page, which currently offers only one disc (by the "underrated" Dubravka Tomsic), but promises that We will soon be starting up the much anticipated US releases of the recordings of the great English pianist Joyce Hatto that will eventually cover virtually the entire core classical piano repertoire. Did IPO fall for the hoax? Will these recordings (as "Hatto" releases, that is... ) ever see the light of day?
  15. My favorite Distler review: Sorabji
  16. Oh baby, this is funny stuff! The gaseous windbags on rec.music.classical.recordings have been yapping about Hatto for years. The whole discussion seemed rather fishy, and I never bothered to investigate any recordings. I'll laugh my ass off if it turns out to be a hoax...but the April date for Gramophone's disclosure is a bit suspicious.
  17. I don't know anything about his father but his brother, Miles Copeland, was the founder of IRS Records, "IRS" being the acronym for "International Record Syndicate". Miles also named his booking agency FBI - "Frontier Booking International". His father had a very interesting bio: Wikipedia. Never graduated college, played with major big bands, one of the founding members of the OSS, remained with the CIA, and "...he was instrumental in arranging Operation Ajax, the 1953 technical coup d'état against the democratic Prime Minister of Iran, Mohammed Mossadegh." (We're still paying for that one...)
  18. Yusef Lateef Youssou N'Dour Lefty O'Doul
  19. Got something around 2 feet of snow today (Catskill region upstate NY). Hard to tell because of drifting. Hasn't stopped yet, but has slowed considerably. The heaviest precipitation bands seemed to be composed of weird ice pellet snow, which kept depth down some but isn't any easier to shovel. Counties to the West and North are reporting greater snow totals. All county roads in the area are officially closed. It'll probably be Friday before things return to quasi-normal speed. I damn near got frostbitten fingers (ouch!) while raking snow off the roof this afternoon. Have to clear the deck one more time (wearing mittens instead of gloves this time), but will defer any shoveling beyond that until tomorrow AM.
  20. Stock down around 15% "Deteriorating North American music industry" blamed. I guess all those Blue Notes I've been buying from yourmusic.com haven't had much effect, considering that Blue Note doesn't merit a mention in the article...
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