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Everything posted by medjuck

  1. And my wife got tired of me taking up all the space on the bookshelves.
  2. I saw it last night too. Afterwards I was arguing that I liked it but didn't love it. (Too long, didn't need as many out of focus shots etc) but I was discussing it today with my wife and I have to admit it sticks to your ribs. Certainly worth seeing.
  3. I believe Bill Evans shared your opinion The opening chords/vamp are the same ones that Evans used for Leonard Bernstein's "Some Other Time" which developed into Peace Piece. I think Blue in Green is the one he claims authorship of. I actually like the Gold CD version better than either of the SACD versions. (Good thing Greg isn't on this board.)
  4. It may just be a sign of my age but I think of this one as being quite common. I remember seeing it around a lot-- even in remainder bins. (And was this music once released in Europe one one side of an Lp with Miles's Elevator to the Gallows music on the other side? Or was that another European jazz score paired with the Miles?)
  5. Not really. They're both mastered by Jack Towers. (Who did the original recording.) I got the new one when it came out and a/b'd them just in case it wasn't as good. The new one seemed very lttle improved to me. (But then my ears have been burned out by too many nights at rock concerts and too many days at sound mixes for films.)
  6. medjuck

    Joachim Kühn

    There's a cover story on Kuhn in the latest issue of CODA.
  7. At 55 minutes it should (I think) have all of "Black &Tan" and "Symphony". If these are good quality prints this is a great package. And believe me you don't want to see anything except the EKE part of "Check and Double Check".
  8. medjuck

    Jim Hall

    Is this OOP!!!??? I've always thought that the reason I could never find this on cd was that I didn't know under who's name to look. Or under what title (Is it called "Grand Encounter" or "2 Degrees East/ 3 Degrees West"?). I guess the true reason I can't find it is that I'm an idiot. And what's "the BFT disc"?
  9. In an earlier thread on "Jack Johnson" I had 2 queastions: 1) How was the music used in the film. I found the answer to that on Peter Losin's excellent Miles site. But I've never found an answer to my 2nd question: When did those involved know that this particular music was going to be used in the film? Or to put it another way: Does anyone know if Miles recorded this music specifically for the film? Or was he making music for a record that just happened to be used in the film?
  10. medjuck

    Jim Hall

    Hell I WISH this was available still! That track on the BFT disc is great! Is this OOP!!!??? I've always thought that the reason I could never find this on cd was that I didn't know under who's name to look. Or under what title (Is it called "Grand Encounter" or "2 Degrees East/ 3 Degrees West"?). I guess the true reason I can't find it is that I'm an idiot. And what's "the BFT disc"?
  11. I was just talking to a friend of mine who was at the game. (I'm in Vancouver right now.) One thing I haven't read in the press: he says the crowd cheered when the Vancouver player made the hit.
  12. Is any or all of this music available on any Bechet compilation? I recently saw a 4 cd box set (I hate to say I think it was from JSP) that I would get if it had this material.
  13. I have no discographical information but he lives near me and I've bumped into him a couple of times. I could probably get hold of him if there was any vital information you needed.
  14. Unfortunately I don't think there's any way to get TiVo cheap. you might be better off getting a new VCR and waiting till your cable company offers it as an add on. The dish companies all offer it now I think but I'm not sure of the cost.
  15. I've seen signed copies of the standard edition for $100. (I got one at a photo gallery.) In fact I've never seen one unsigned. You've done very well finding them reduced or used. The first one I bought was Claxton's "Jazz". I kept telling my friends and family I wanted it for Xmas or my birthday but to no avail. Finally bought it for myself but by then it was 2nd edition. However, much to my surprise and delight, someone for whom I'd done a favour repaid me by giving me Herman Leonard's "In Memoriam" portfolio. Later I bought a print of his famous portrait of Dexter. The print I regret not buying was the Wolff photo of Coltrane that was in the first batch that Mosaic sold. It's cropped on the cover of Blue Trane. Finally I found a poster of it on E-bay.
  16. I saw them at the Palace in LA. All I remember is their haircuts.
  17. Just saw O'Reilly talking about it on tv. Seemed to be implying that the Jews were out to get Mel. Actually that may be unfair. Perhaps I should say that I inferred from what he said that the Jews were out to get Mel. Kept comparing the criticism of the film to what he considered the lack of criticism of Scorscese over Last Temptation. He conveniently ignored that that was because the Jews at MCA took all the heat: pickets, threats and a bullet through their window.
  18. Hey my son got me that one for Xmas because I liked their hit so much. Good cd.
  19. I hope that this means that Storyville will carry on even though its founder has died. And Berigan, all their releases I have (mainly EKE) have pretty good sound.
  20. You may have a point. The only films except Kill Bill that I remember everybody pointing out the violence in them have been Gibson films: especially Payback and Braveheart. Though Gibson seems to get tortured in most of his films.
  21. Jeffries shows up at LA Duke Ellington Society meetings every so often. Though I'm not sure how recently. (To misquote Douglas Adams-- anything that happened since the Beatles broke up is recent to me.) He has a very girl friend.
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