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Everything posted by Edward

  1. Both teams played on the road the night before, and both teams were playing their eighth game in twelve days. Hey, I am not gloating - it was the Lakers' first win against the Pistons in the last seven tries. I think that we are looking at another Spurs-Pistons NBA Finals. I do not believe that any other team in the Western Conference can beat the Spurs in the playoffs, and I give the Heat only a slight chance of unseating the Pistons.
  2. I choose the Seahawks for a good number of reasons. Hopefully, not all of them are bad.
  3. For tomorrow's conference championship games, I choose Seattle and Pittsburgh - I REALLY hate the Broncos.
  4. I also choose Denver, Carolina, Indy, and Seattle, although I am rooting against Denver and Indy. By the way, how annoyed are the rest of you with those really lame Pepsi machine commercials? Someone in marketing at Pepsi Co. should be sent packing.
  5. Happy Birthday, Jeff! I hope that all is well with you and your family.
  6. I'll take: Tampa Bay New England N.Y. Giants Pittsburgh
  7. Argggh!!! I just received my monthly YourMusic shipment consisting of Cannonball Adderley's Domination and discovered that the music contained on the disc is really Jeff Golub's Temptation. The face of the CD erroneously indicates that it is the Cannonball Adderley session, and the barcode is one for BMG Direct. This is not all that uncommon a problem, although it has never happened to me before. I thought that I should pass this on for those of you (like myself) who are backlogged and may have this sitting around somewhere still sealed.
  8. Soulstation1, I am confident that my tallies through week #13 (on page 14 of this thread) are accurate. My picks for the final week are: San Diego N.Y. Giants Indianapolis Cleveland N.Y. Jets Carolina Minnesota Cincinnati Pittsburgh New England Tampa Bay San Francisco Jacksonville Green Bay Washington Dallas (45 points) Happy New Year to you all!!!
  9. My picks for the week are: Tampa Bay Cincinnati Carolina New Orleans Jacksonville Washington Pittsburgh San Diego St. Louis Miami Arizona Seattle Denver Chicago Minnesota New England (38 points)
  10. Here's an outstanding buy: Mosaic Commodores as well as a horrible one: Davis/Coltrane Mosaic
  11. My picks for week #15: Tampa Bay N.Y. Giants Denver Arizona Carolina Dallas Miami Minnesota San Diego Seattle Jacksonville Cincinnati Oakland St. Louis Chicago Green Bay (38 points MNF)
  12. Hey, Soulstation1, I am sorry about not correcting my pick for MNF total points. Fortunately, it did not make any difference. My picks for the week are: Pittsburgh Cincinnati Tennessee Indianapolis New England Oakland Minnesota Carolina N.Y. Giants Seattle Washington Denver Kansas City San Diego Green Bay Atlanta (45 points total MNF) On a related note, I am very thankful to SoulStation1 for organizing and managing this pool, but I would like to note some corrections to the season-to-date scores. First, the results for Week 12 were inadvertently omitted and the results for Week 13 are shown as the results for Week 12. The results for Week 12 are: Ed: 11-4 (wins on points) SS1: 11-4 NOJ: 10-5 Conn: 9-6 Second, in Week 7, you (SS1) were either 8-6 or 7-7; you could not have been 8-7. For Week 13, I (Ed) was 12-4, not 15-4. Finally, my tally (based on the posted results) for those of us who have participated in this pool from the start is: Conn: 127-65 NOJ: 124-68 Ed: 121-71 SS1: 116-76 OR 115-77 depending upon the results for Week 7 At any rate, I hope that I am not coming across as an annoying, anal attorney/accountant type.
  13. This should be coming in the mail any day now - I can't wait. I am partial to Mel Torme's version of "The Christmas Song" on the Decca In Hollywood disc.
  14. My picks for week #13: Carolina Miami Pittsburgh N.Y. Giants Green Bay Baltimore Cleveland Minnesota Tampa Bay Indy Arizona St. Louis Kansas City New England San Diego Seattle (42 total points MNF)
  15. My picks for week 12 are: Atlanta Dallas Cincinnati Carolina Tampa Bay Minnesota Kansas City San Diego Tennessee St. Louis Jacksonville Oakland Green Bay Seattle New Orleans Indianapolis (MNF 38 points)
  16. My picks for week #11: St. Louis Carolina Dallas Indianapolis Jacksonville Cleveland New England Washington N.Y. Giants Tampa Bay Seattle San Diego Denver Pittsburgh Kansas City Green Bay (45 total points MNF)
  17. Thanks! If Dallas covers the spread (3.5 pt underdogs) tonight, I will win my pool at work. Of course, Bledsoe has just thrown a really, stupid pick.
  18. My picks for the week: Arizona Jacksonville Indianapolis Buffalo N.Y. Giants New England Chicago Tampa Bay Denver Carolina Green Bay Seattle Pittsburgh Dallas
  19. Happy Birthday, Paul! I hope that you had a great day.
  20. My picks for week 9 are: Atlanta Carolina Baltimore Minnesota Jacksonville Kansas City San Diego Tennessee N.Y. Giants Seattle Green Bay Philadelphia Chicago Indianapolis (49 Total Points - MNF)
  21. Thanks! My picks for week 8 are: Dallas Chicago Cleveland Green Bay Jacksonville New Orleans Carolina Tennessee N.Y. Giants San Diego Philadelphia Tampa Bay New England Pittsburgh (36 points MNF)
  22. Happy Birthday to my favorite transplant from the Southwest. I hope that you have a great day and that all is going well for you.
  23. I am sorry that I am so late, mate. I hope that you had a great birthday.
  24. Happy Birthday, Maren! I hope that you have had a wonderful day.
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