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Lewis vs. Klitschko

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Dmitry if their was that type of damage they would have taken him to the hospital and not just done a stitch up.

I believe the fact that they where able to do a basic stitch up on it in his locker room shows it just looked uglier than it really was.

Who stiched him up in the locker-room, his cut man?

Oy vey!

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Guest Mnytime


The LA Times reported it was done in his locker room. As I said before I would be interested to know if it was the Dr that stopped the fight?

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My real name is Spiros Papandopoulos and I run a mean hot dog stand on Wall Street.

:lol: What's up, Dmitry?!!

Read your post about coming to L.A. Looks like I'll be in Cuba while you're here. Hate to miss seeing you. Check out "L.A. JAZZ" newspaper and "ALL ABOUT JAZZ" newspaper when you get to town. They're available at Tower Records and they're free. They'll give you a rundown of where the music is. There's a lot of good free stuff happening in the summer. Go online and look up MOCA (Museum Of Contemporary Art), California Plaza, Skirball Center (museum) and the Los Angeles County Museum. All of them have some stellar line-ups in the summer on thursdays and fridays, from 5-8 pm. These are free, outside in the courtyards and wine and beer are sold. Also, check out the Calendar section of The L.A. Times on friday, saturday or sunday. Enjoy!

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Guest Mnytime


The LA Times reported it

Here we go again, LA Times...

I will accept nothing less than an article in a peer reviewed journal.

What not Pravda? :g

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Dmitry, I'll get back to you on that. Hey, Al does a gig on the first weekend of the month! I can't remember the name of the club, right now (it's late), but I'll call him tomorrow to get the particulars and let you know. He has a good quartet.

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First of all, I believe Klitschko had three or four inches on Lewis, something like 6'9" to 6'5". *Not* one inch as Mny said.

Secondly, is it just me or does anyone else see a major disconnect between Mny's endless insistence that the doctor had no business stopping the fight with a cut like that, and yet the cut is bad enough that he needs up to a year to heal before he can even spar again?

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Klitschko is 6' 8" from what I've read.

There are indeed some contradictions in Mnys comments on the cuts, but hey, I contradict myself too. It's a tough call on that cut; I'll leave it up to the experts like the doctor who called the fight. He's the one whose got the potential liability if something serious had happened; and he's the one whose got to face all the betmakers and fight people who felt the bout should have continued. He, in short, gentlemen, has to take the heat, so we have to respect his decision.

Having said that, however, we know boxing's history for chicanery and venality and crookedness. Anything can happen with boxing.

Edited by connoisseur series500
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Guest Mnytime

There are no contradictions. It needs the time to heal properly so that it does not become a recurring problem for him. He could come back sooner and many fighters do come back sooner than they should after getting cuts. They than end up being easily cut the rest of their career.

But the Dr should not have stopped the fight. At least not without actually bothering to get into the ring to get a good luck at the injury. Than giving him a proper exam.

The Drs reason for stopping it was because Klitschko had to turn his head to see him. Well since he was standing outside the ring Klitschko would have had to turn his head to see him even without a cut. If he was inside the ring and giving a proper exam and Klitschko could not see what he was doing than yes it should have been stopped. But from what I saw on the camera and in stills there was nothing blocking his vision.

The fact that they where able to fix it in his locker room without him needing to go to a hospital tells you that it was not a threat to his health. Believe me if he had serious damage he would have been at the hospital and not showing up at any news conference.

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Guest Mnytime

Anyone into table tennis?

Bring it on dude.


My money is on Dmitry. :party:

Let me get healthy again and I got next against the winner. ;)

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Guest Mnytime

Beside the Quarry cut already mentioned and the Arguello cuts I can also think of the Henry Cooper cut against Ali, which was even worse than Quarry’s cut. IMHO

Those cuts led to the people involved having to stay in the hospital for a bit of time. And getting more treatment than a basic stitch job in a locker room.

I don't even think Klitschko's was as bloody as many others. Most of the blood if you look at the still that was posted in this thread is coming from the cut on his cheek.

Even during his time in the corner the only time it would start to really bleed was when his Cut Man was butchering it.

The fights over and this is getting nowhere. I think it should not have been stopped others think it should have been. Fine let's agree to disagree.

It's not like any of us had money on this I hope. :P

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Guest Mnytime

The Dr. that did the actual stitching says he recommended that Klitschko needs to wait 6 months to heal properly. This means it's less serious than it looked on TV.

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They repeated the punch on Sky Sports & it seemed a very good punch & looked above board.

Its unfortunate for Klitschko that he lost as he was ahead at the time of the stoppage but his camp are just going to have to accept the defeat & look for a rematch , im think Lewis will give him one as he seems qiute a proud fighter & he certainly looked terrible himself & will also have a point to prove .

I have seen all of Lewis's fights and this was his worst performance by quit a margin (even his 1st fight against Rachmann). Maybe he is now too old or he was too overweight & took Klitschko too lightly .

1 things for sure they are both going to make a huge amount of money for a rematch.

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I been hering talk that the cut was caused by the laces (or whatever the laces go in/around) on Lewis' glove(s). Is this true, and if so, and it was intentional, is that not grounds for disqualification?

it's a red "hering" Jim! :rhappy: actually, that's an interesting point you make, I wonder if one could rough the laces up a bit, or embed something very small but sharp...wonder if the gloves are long since into a trash can....it would be a shame if true, cuz Lewis has always seemed a cut above the average fighter...Pun was unintended at first, but now it is intended. :wacko:

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