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LF: Marzette Watts on Savoy

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...complete session, in whatever format you choose to send me.

Yeah, it's foolish to post this'n, but I'm tired of looking for it. Any help in obtaining even a listening-only, non-archival copy would be much appreciated.

If in non-vinyl format, would be happy to trade.

Edited by clifford_thornton
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  • 1 year later...

Did you ever find a copy, C?

In certain circles, there seems to be an enormous amount of buzz regarding this album — a holy grail buzz of sorts. I've never heard the music, but of course would like to. Is it much different than the ESP session?

Who here has heard it?

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Did you ever find a copy, C?

In certain circles, there seems to be an enormous amount of buzz regarding this album — a holy grail buzz of sorts. I've never heard the music, but of course would like to. Is it much different than the ESP session?

Who here has heard it?

It's very different from the ESP - much more organized and better playing by Marzette. It's always expensive, though seems to show up a fair amount on eBay. Still don't own one, but have heard it a couple of times.

There are certainly more affecting LPs out there - not to poo-poo it, just sayin'.

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  • 2 years later...

Bought it when issued. Sold it in my vinyl purge about 15 years ago. Two tracks, totaling about 10 minutes, were contained in a Savoy double lp set called "New Music: Second Wave".

Just dusted "New Music Second Wave" off and given the Watts tracks a spin. Interesting but I can't say that I'd go very far out of my way to hear more.

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It's a great record and the tracks on that comp don't do it justice, save the Patty Waters "Lonely Woman," which is just heartbreaking.

Glad to say I bought a copy about two years ago.

You're right, CT,Lonely Woman works well but instrumentally it's trombonist Cook who catches my ear. The quartet track sounds a bit of a mess, Watts seems very ill at ease.

This Savoy double has some nice things.

Edited by JohnS
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Wow - never knew about that particular Savoy compilation. Must have been one of those later 'US-only' issues I guess. Will keep an eye open for it.

The bulk of the disc is made up of the Bill Dixon/NYC Five lp. Other tracks are by Cleve Pozar, and Paul Bley.

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Thanks ! By some fluke I've got a Savoy original of that Bill Dixon/NYC 5 - so looks like I'm not missing too much.

Wow - never knew about that particular Savoy compilation. Must have been one of those later 'US-only' issues I guess. Will keep an eye open for it.

The bulk of the disc is made up of the Bill Dixon/NYC Five lp. Other tracks are by Cleve Pozar, and Paul Bley.

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The Pozar is a nice one. Also the Ed Curran and Marc Levin (all those New Music Savoys that Dixon helmed are rad).

I like Watts's tone on the tenor, even if he's not really assembling things that cohesively. One of those things that I find hard to put a finger on why I enjoy it so much, but maybe it has to do with the interesting ratio between the date's obvious faults and its sheer beauty.

The Savoy comp can be had for about $5, but (IMO) you're better off sourcing the full sessions and biting the cash/patience bullet.

Edited by clifford_thornton
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