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The Sopranos


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As much as I love Sopranos, it's starting to remind me of Twin Peaks or something. I mean, there's so many sub-plots that you think are leading to something only to find out...nothing. Like, what about the rapper who wanted to get shot and Tony's dude shoots him in the ass? Also, Tony hangs with the rapper in the hospital, ect. That was it? It just didn't take us anywhere. I thought it was going to lead to some sub-plot about organized crime and modern day thug life.

Is this weeks episode which revolves around the restaurant owner going to be another, "what the f was that all about" in a month or so? Where does it take us? What's the point? Charactor development?

I'm beginning to get that feeling you have right before a series sputters and dies.

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Here are my Top 10 Most Unlikely Sopranos Plot Twists --

10. Carmela hires Kevin Finnerty to install the heating system in her spec home. He botches the job and Tony has him clipped.

9. Lauren Bacall finds Chrissy and bludgeons him with her false teeth.

8. Uncle June busts out of prizon with the help of a 7-foot tall mute Indian they call the Chief. They settle in Western Canada, somewhere near Vancouver.

7. Silvio becomes the lead guitarist of the Asbury Jukes.

6. Johnny Sac uses his prison gay sex "pass" to get more cigarettes.

5. Benny gets beat up by Bobby Bacala's fat kid.

4. Tony kills Phil Leotardo in a freak quayle hunting accident.

3. AJ stars in Van Helsing 2 with Ben Kingsley.

2. The bear shows up at the next big family get-together at Tony's and Carmela's, ripping everyone from limb to limb, until Artie Bucco pops a cap in the bear's ass.

1. Rusty becomes the "cleaver" and finally kills Tony.


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The Laren Bacall thing was really off the wall.

The pre- release buildup is beginning to sound empty. I agree that it seems to be meandering nowhere in particular. So many loose ends it's hard to keep count. After Tony beat up his minder he was shown vomiting copious amounts of blood in the toilet but there was no follow through.

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The Laren Bacall thing was really off the wall.

The pre- release buildup is beginning to sound empty. I agree that it seems to be meandering nowhere in particular. So many loose ends it's hard to keep count. After Tony beat up his minder he was shown vomiting copious amounts of blood in the toilet but there was no follow through.

Yeah, this was another stupid plot development. Wouldn't it have been more effective if Tony had slapped around one of his regular guys to show his Alpha Male status? Why bring in another superfluous character that means nothing to the audience? Nothing is happening with the main characters anymore....

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I dunno...

These "outside characters" are highlighting how "removed" from the rest of the world these guys are, how isolated and ludicrous they really are. Did you catch all the gaffes in the meeting w/Kingsley? Hilarious! And then Chris tells Bacall how much he dug her in "The Haves & Have Nots". Classic!

I think we're seeing the writers setting up a dynamic where this whole mob world, so self-important but totally irrelevent to the outside world except for the damage it causes, begins to cave in on itself, and Tony, always conflicted, realizes once and for all that the world he lives in and perpetuates is truly empty, meaningless, and perhaps even evil. How he processes this realization is going to be where the action is, and the possibility of an interaction with the Feds about the "potential terrorists" may or may not come to pass. Will he see that as his "redemption" and then go back about his business, or will he use it as an "out" to escape? Or will he do like so many do - finally accept himself as an evil, trivial, self-loathing creature and go about calmly living the rest of his life as if he's got one foot in hell and the other on a bananna peel?

I'm optimistic that the series is going to end with some pretty interesting shit, although probably more psychological than visceral. The again, this show has always been more of a "psychological drama" than a "mob show", at least in my mind. Let's just wait and see how this all plays out in the end.

Then again, the show might really have jumped the shark, and all we'll end up is a big bag of nothing. Could go either way. But I can't (at this point) see that happening.

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I dunno...

These "outside characters" are highlighting how "removed" from the rest of the world these guys are, how isolated and ludicrous they really are. Did you catch all the gaffes in the meeting w/Kingsley? Hilarious! And then Chris tells Bacall how much he dug her in "The Haves & Have Nots". Classic!

I think we're seeing the writers setting up a dynamic where this whole mob world, so self-important but totally irrelevent to the outside world except for the damage it causes, begins to cave in on itself, and Tony, always conflicted, realizes once and for all that the world he lives in and perpetuates is truly empty, meaningless, and perhaps even evil. How he processes this realization is going to be where the action is, and the possibility of an interaction with the Feds about the "potential terrorists" may or may not come to pass. Will he see that as his "redemption" and then go back about his business, or will he use it as an "out" to escape? Or will he do like so many do - finally accept himself as an evil, trivial, self-loathing creature and go about calmly living the rest of his life as if he's got one foot in hell and the other on a bananna peel?

I'm optimistic that the series is going to end with some pretty interesting shit, although probably more psychological than visceral. The again, this show has always been more of a "psychological drama" than a "mob show", at least in my mind. Let's just wait and see how this all plays out in the end.

Then again, the show might really have jumped the shark, and all we'll end up is a big bag of nothing. Could go either way. But I can't (at this point) see that happening.

Good post, Jim

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Jim has more hope than I. I'm not a big fan of the mind drama, a little goes a long way. It's a modern day mob story, whacking Chris' girlfriend is more exciting to me than the restaurant owner going under. For a show that's notorious for not delivering very many episodes, seems to me each episode should deliver on it's own...not just set us up for something in the future. I see a lot of set up, and knowing The Sopranos doesn't always finish up a storyline (hey, never anymore). I still like the show, but it feels like the last season of Moonlighting right now.

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Yeah, this was another stupid plot development. Wouldn't it have been more effective if Tony had slapped around one of his regular guys to show his Alpha Male status? Why bring in another superfluous character that means nothing to the audience? Nothing is happening with the main characters anymore....

Yeah, when are they going to do more with Paulie Walnuts? ;)

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As much as I love Sopranos, it's starting to remind me of Twin Peaks or something. I mean, there's so many sub-plots that you think are leading to something only to find out...nothing. Like, what about the rapper who wanted to get shot and Tony's dude shoots him in the ass? Also, Tony hangs with the rapper in the hospital, ect. That was it? It just didn't take us anywhere. I thought it was going to lead to some sub-plot about organized crime and modern day thug life.

Is this weeks episode which revolves around the restaurant owner going to be another, "what the f was that all about" in a month or so? Where does it take us? What's the point? Charactor development?

I'm beginning to get that feeling you have right before a series sputters and dies.

It usually takes them along time to go back to it. Well, think about it, that's how real life works. Look how long it took them to finally go back to the fact that Vito was gay except for about two or three minor references during the first episodes of the season.

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As much as I love Sopranos, it's starting to remind me of Twin Peaks or something. I mean, there's so many sub-plots that you think are leading to something only to find out...nothing. Like, what about the rapper who wanted to get shot and Tony's dude shoots him in the ass? Also, Tony hangs with the rapper in the hospital, ect. That was it? It just didn't take us anywhere. I thought it was going to lead to some sub-plot about organized crime and modern day thug life.

Is this weeks episode which revolves around the restaurant owner going to be another, "what the f was that all about" in a month or so? Where does it take us? What's the point? Charactor development?

I'm beginning to get that feeling you have right before a series sputters and dies.

It usually takes them along time to go back to it. Well, think about it, that's how real life works. Look how long it took them to finally go back to the fact that Vito was gay except for about two or three minor references during the first episodes of the season.

That shit with Vito being gay last season. It only took a long time to get back to it because they had almost two years off between seasons.

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Here are my Top 10 Most Unlikely Sopranos Plot Twists --

10. Carmela hires Kevin Finnerty to install the heating system in her spec home. He botches the job and Tony has him clipped.

9. Lauren Bacall finds Chrissy and bludgeons him with her false teeth.

8. Uncle June busts out of prizon with the help of a 7-foot tall mute Indian they call the Chief. They settle in Western Canada, somewhere near Vancouver.

7. Silvio becomes the lead guitarist of the Asbury Jukes.

6. Johnny Sac uses his prison gay sex "pass" to get more cigarettes.

5. Benny gets beat up by Bobby Bacala's fat kid.

4. Tony kills Phil Leotardo in a freak quayle hunting accident.

3. AJ stars in Van Helsing 2 with Ben Kingsley.

2. The bear shows up at the next big family get-together at Tony's and Carmela's, ripping everyone from limb to limb, until Artie Bucco pops a cap in the bear's ass.

1. Rusty becomes the "cleaver" and finally kills Tony.



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Here are my Top 10 Most Unlikely Sopranos Plot Twists --

10. Carmela hires Kevin Finnerty to install the heating system in her spec home. He botches the job and Tony has him clipped.

9. Lauren Bacall finds Chrissy and bludgeons him with her false teeth.

8. Uncle June busts out of prizon with the help of a 7-foot tall mute Indian they call the Chief. They settle in Western Canada, somewhere near Vancouver.

7. Silvio becomes the lead guitarist of the Asbury Jukes.

6. Johnny Sac uses his prison gay sex "pass" to get more cigarettes.

5. Benny gets beat up by Bobby Bacala's fat kid.

4. Tony kills Phil Leotardo in a freak quayle hunting accident.

3. AJ stars in Van Helsing 2 with Ben Kingsley.

2. The bear shows up at the next big family get-together at Tony's and Carmela's, ripping everyone from limb to limb, until Artie Bucco pops a cap in the bear's ass.

1. Rusty becomes the "cleaver" and finally kills Tony.



If I may add one, #11- Tony realizes he's been living a lie all these years and goes to NH and finds Vito and they live happily ever after.

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As much as I love Sopranos, it's starting to remind me of Twin Peaks or something. I mean, there's so many sub-plots that you think are leading to something only to find out...nothing. Like, what about the rapper who wanted to get shot and Tony's dude shoots him in the ass? Also, Tony hangs with the rapper in the hospital, ect. That was it? It just didn't take us anywhere. I thought it was going to lead to some sub-plot about organized crime and modern day thug life.

Is this weeks episode which revolves around the restaurant owner going to be another, "what the f was that all about" in a month or so? Where does it take us? What's the point? Charactor development?

I'm beginning to get that feeling you have right before a series sputters and dies.

It usually takes them along time to go back to it. Well, think about it, that's how real life works. Look how long it took them to finally go back to the fact that Vito was gay except for about two or three minor references during the first episodes of the season.

That shit with Vito being gay last season. It only took a long time to get back to it because they had almost two years off between seasons.

But take the time after Vin saw Vito at the construction site, and the first five or so episodes, they didn't get back to it right away.

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What the hell happened to my show ??? :rmad:

Good question.

They keep hooking me with the previews and then disappoint me with the actual show.

What could be worse than another episode wasted on Vito and punk ass A.J.? We get it, Vito is gay, and A.J. gets panic attacks. :rolleyes:

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I think Vito's Brokeback Mountain moment with Mr. "Johnny Cakes" was very poorly handled--it was a strenuous attempt at bringing to fruition (as it were) a predictable development. I didn't like the way they crammed this episode with scenes that were as boring as they were superfluous. Did we really need that add-on session with Bodanovich?

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From Today's NY Post, more evidence that Artie is hurting

He plays a chef on "The Sopranos," but John Ventimiglia cooked himself a recipe for disaster when he was busted for drunken driving and cocaine possession yesterday about a block away from his Brooklyn home.

The actor, who stars as New Jersey restaurant owner Artie Bucco on the hit HBO series, admitted to cops he drank four glasses of wine at a Manhattan eatery before getting behind the wheel of his 2004 Volkswagen Jetta and driving home.

Cops spotted him with his headlights off and weaving in and out of the oncoming traffic lane on Seventh Avenue in Park Slope at around 1 a.m., authorities said.

When officers pulled him over, Ventimiglia was unsteady on his feet, his eyes were bloodshot and he reeked of alcohol, according to the criminal complaint.

Prosecutors said the star had a blood-alcohol content of .12. The legal limit is .08.

The boozed-up actor also had a zip-lock bag with cocaine residue in his back pocket, cops said.

Ventimiglia, 42, was arraigned at Brooklyn Criminal Court yesterday on charges of DWI, reckless driving, operating outside the lane, operating without headlights and criminal possession of a controlled substance.

He was released on his own recognizance.

Sources said Ventimiglia later maintained he had a couple of glasses of wine at a Long Island City art gallery opening. The actor claimed he had found a parking spot near his Park Slope apartment and had turned off his lights as he tried to pull in.

He said he couldn't park the car properly, so he drove around the block to look for another spot with his headlights turned off. That's when, he claimed, police picked him up.

Ventimiglia's character has been on a downward spiral from mild-mannered restaurateur who is best buddies with mob boss Tony Soprano to resentful loser.

After his restaurant was blown up at the end of the first season, Bucco appeared to be stuck in an ongoing mid-life crisis, prompted by a crush on the sexy Adriana La Cerva, one-time fiancée of mob captain Christopher Moltisanti, before she was rubbed out last season.

But last week, Ventimiglia really got a chance to flex his acting muscles in a critically acclaimed episode where Bucco beats up the Soprano wiseguy responsible for a credit-card scam at his flagging restaurant.

The episode ended with Bucco returning to his kitchen to cook up a rabbit he had shot in a rage in his back yard.

Yesterday, the "Sopranos" co-star arrived at his Park Slope home after a night in the slammer, looking unshaven and with two unidentified acquaintances.

The actor, wearing blue jeans and a black jacket, declined to comment to The Post as he quickly rushed to get inside his apartment.

His lawyer, Benjamin Petrofsky, did not return a phone call seeking comment.

Ventimiglia, who has appeared on Broadway, as well on numerous television shows during his nearly 20-year career, became the face of a range of cookbooks, pasta sauces and other Italian food delights aggressively marketed by HBO after "The Sopranos" launch.

Ventimiglia is the latest of a slew of the mobster serial's stars to find himself on the wrong side of the law.

Lillo Brancato Jr., who played Matt Bevilaqua, was charged with murder after he and an accomplice gunned down a cop after he interrupted them robbing a home for drugs.

Tony Sirico, who plays Paulie Walnuts, was arrested 28 times before becoming an actor.

Robert Iler, who plays Anthony Soprano Jr., pleaded guilty to misdemeanor larceny in April 2002 after cops arrested him and three other teens for stealing $40 from two victims on a Manhattan street.

Vincent Pastore, who played Sal "Big Pussy" Bompensiero in the show, pleaded guilty to punching his former girlfriend last April and was sentenced to 70 hours of community service.

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This week's episode was interesting, but I wonder more and more how they will bring it all to a natural close.

Thought Tony's Bush quote, "Heck of a job, Brownie," was a nice touch. Chris' quickie marriage to an entirely new character was surprising, but I guess it is made plausible by the pregnancy. Looks like Vito comes back into the picture next week, but they are not likely to spend another episode on him.

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I also wonder how they are going to tie everything together this season.

They had originally said this was to be the last season, then they said there would be 10 episodes this season and 6 next season. I do not know what they are doing now because this season will run for 12 episodes.

I assume this will not be the last season because the hype would have to be even bigger.

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